Daily Linkfests

...in our ongoing debate about government funding for scientific research is now available at his blog Freespace. I'm a bit tied up with other things today and tomorrow, so it may be Friday before I get a chance to post a response. In the meantime, since his blog doesn't allow for comments, feel free to continue the discussion here.
UAlbany off party school list -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY The school that I started my very long undergraduate career at is no longer one of the top party schools in the country. But the food still sucks. The World's Fair : Hopefully, the start of a definitive list of things to avoid at all cost when speaking publicly. David Ng's got a list of things to not do when giving a talk. It's cool. And it keeps getting longer. It's worth a read, and I bet you can come up with something to contribute, too. The Great Beyond: California clamps down on ships' sulphur I've got mixed…
BBC NEWS | Americas | US man charged for shooting mower "It's my front yard, and I'll shoot if I want to, shoot if I want to, shoot if I want to. You would shoot too, if it broke down on you." Strange Maps A pretty cool blog that Wired's Geek Dads just pointed me to. Industry Gushed Money After Reversal on Drilling - washingtonpost.com The real payoff for McCain's drilling flip-flop didn't come at the pump.
Video: Escaped chimp disarms zookeeper | Environment | guardian.co.uk Title says it all. Feministe » More On Medical Battery Yet another case of a surgeon going just a little bit beyond the procedure he had the patient's consent for. Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Idiot of the Century? To answer Ed's question, No. I'm sure that there's been someone dumber than this schmoe. I just can't think of an example.
Mingle2 - 9 Reasons Not to Date a Tyrannosaurus Rex Cute. Not very cute, but cute. Leo Hickman: Ofcom's verdict on Channel 4 will feed the conspiracy theorists | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk He's right, but that's why they're conspiracy theorists. The Beagle Project Blog: Lonesome George not so lonesome A very endangered species gets a boost, as the sole surviving male finally figures out what his job really is. Science To Life : 6 years, 3 letters-The end of graduate school Go say congrats to Scienceblogs' Karen Ventii! Greg Laden's Blog : John McCain Kicks Librarian Out Go…
The Darwin Diet | Science | guardian.co.uk I'm not sure I'd try any of those diets out, but I'm not a fan of Atkins, either. The rise of the urban shepherd | Society | The Guardian At least one municipality in the UK is turning to sheep to help with park upkeep (but watch your step in the meadows). I'd love to see this kind of thing happen in the US. New York might not be the best starting point, though. Those squirrels are pretty t KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii |California container fee could hurt Hawaii consumers A move by California to tax incoming shipping containers as part of an…
A Blog Around The Clock : The Giant's Shoulders #1 Bora brings us the inaugural edition of a new blog carnival devoted to posts that discuss classic scientific papers. If you're interested in history, there's a lot there to enjoy. Virtual humans: a quest - University of Oxford Folks at Oxford hope to eventually build a complete computer model of human physiology. They're starting with the heart. Remaining hurdles include the need to fully understand the heart, and to build a powerful enough computer. I'm not holding my breath. Warmer Temps, More Kidney Stones - TIME Three words, people…
Beavers, wolves & boar, oh my - University of Oxford Interesting article on the issues that come up when previously lost species are reintroduced to an area. Daily Kos: GOP, the Know-Nothing Party The Republicans continue to demonstrate that they're against pretty much everything. (In this case, it's learning any language besides English.
The Greenbelt: Man Sues Church After Prayer Is Granted This needs to be read to get the full effect. If you lack patience, here's the short version: Man prays for a powerful religious experience. Man receives powerful religious experience. Man sues church over injuries sustained when struck by religious exper Greg Laden's Blog : Verily, "Homosexuality is the Downfall of Society" Once again, we have a Republican winner in the "Do what I say, not what I do" category.
Gene Expression: Americans are scientific geniuses (relatively) No, Razib, we're not geniuses. We're apparently just slightly less stupid than others. An Original Confession - Olivia Judson - Evolution - Opinion - New York Times Blog Good article on Darwin as a writer. Personally, I find Darwin readable, but I prefer Wallace. Fineman on Gramm's 'Whiners' Gaffe | Newsweek Voices - Howard Fineman | Newsweek.com Just in case you were in a coma yesterday and managed to miss Gramm's slip up. (If you did and want the short version, let's just say that good ol' Phill's gonna be pooping…
Weldon Firm's Made Defective Tank Deal With Iraq | Danger Room from Wired.com What's the fun of invading someone if you can't rip them off when you're done?
Sandwalk: The Three Fatal Flaws in the Theory of Evolution Yesterday, the anti-evolutionists brought the dumb. Today, they bring the dumber. BBC NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Funding secured for observatory At least one project has been spared from the UK's science funding cuts.
Backreaction: Research and Teaching It's always awkward trying to find the bright side in an international educational crisis, but there is one here: at least this one's not just an American problem. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Nasa reveals final shuttle dates NASA has released the (tentative) schedule for the remaining shuttle flights. The last mission is slated to launch a bit less than two years from now. Evolution News & Views: Billions of Missing Links: Barnacles and Mussels I haven't been paying a lot of attention to the IDiots lately. It's good to see that they still know how…
Nothing shocks me, I'm a scientist: US Pentagon short of cash? The costs of war appear to include our compliance with totally unrelated international treaties. Nice. Hurricane BERTHA Forecast Discussion The season's second tropical storm has become the first hurricane. Fortunately, it's still a long way from land. The Intersection: Do We Need Leatherback Turtles? I think so, but it depends on what you mean by "need". Google Reader Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, the pro-ID astronomer who was rejected for tenure in Iowa after failing to bring in grants, or establish a successful lab, has…
Mike the Mad Biologist : Porn, Stimuli, and the Lawn of Unintended Consequences At least there's one sector of the economy that's been stimulated by the stimulus checks.
The Associated Press: AP IMPACT: Race profiling eyed for terror probes We have met the enemy, and he is us. Tropical Depression TWO Forecast Discussion There's a system that's being watched, and may become a tropical storm or hurricane over the next few days. Stop the Presses: Kids Like Cool Animals | Wired Science from Wired.com Time permitting, I may have more on this potential future Ig Nobel winning piece of research. Laelaps : Geese from barnacles A nice history of science piece from Brian ad Laelaps.
Evolving Thoughts: Commander in Chief Just because it's an Australian talking about our politics doesn't mean it's wrong.
Charles Darwin was not the father of atheism - Telegraph Decent article on Darwin and religion in yesterday's Telegraph. (tags: religion Darwin atheism) Science and maths exams are harder than arts subjects, say researchers | News crumb | EducationGuardian.co.uk Kicking things off, we've got an entry in the "now tell me something I didn't know" subject area. (Yes, I'm a science snob, what can I say.) (tags: education science) Coalition troop deaths in Afghanistan surpass Iraq - CNN.com This is two months in a row now. And it's not because things in Iraq have gotten that much better.…
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: AFA's Search/Replace Function Works Perfectly This has got to be one of the funniest screw-ups I've run into in a very long time. There's nothing like watching the American Family Association repeatedly call the fastest man in the world gay a homosexual - over and over and over again. (tags: oops) French soldier 'accidentally' shoots 17 spectators at military show - Telegraph This is why you never, ever, ever, point any real firearm at anything that you are not willing to destroy. Assuming, of course, that the soldier in question actually managed to…