For Thine Shot Glasses Are the Power and the Glory

New giftuses from Zooillogix readers and friends and, I must say, they are freakin outstanding. First and foremost, a long long overdue thank you to Liz of Surplus Cats who sent a Pittsburgh Zoo shot glass so long ago Ben hadn't even had his "operation" yet. It's an instant classic if I do say so myself, and I do.

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Secondly, reader Emma has really outdone herself, and pretty much everyone else (except Liz who is exempt from being outdone) by sending four separate Vancouver Aquarium shot glasses and, as if that was not enough, a letter with shiny bird stickers!

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Check out this sick letter

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Emma asked if I might point out the work of Greyhaven, an exotic bird sanctuary in Canada, which looks like a place Zooillogix should be bringing attention to even if there wasn't a massive shot glass bribe involved. Emma told us a bit about Greyhaven:

"I'm a big fan of their work. They are super small but work their tail-feathers off to take in abandoned and unwanted parrots. They have a permanent resident named Spook a Patagonian Conure. Poor thing was illegally brought into Canada and lost an eye in transport. It is suspected he was stolen from his nest. When he came to Greyhaven, he had plucked nearly all his feathers out. Sounds like he had a real wanker of an owner. So he has one eye, a pretty head of feathers and otherwise looks like a walking mini butterball turkey." So if you're in the market for bird adoption, check them out!

So here is the collection as it now stands:

Adventure Aquarium
Aquarium of the Bay
Baton Rouge Zoo
Birch Aquarium at Scripps
Bronx Zoo
Brookfield Zoo
Cincinnati Zoo
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Florida Aquarium
Georgia Aquarium
Knoxville Zoo
Lincoln Park Zoo
Los Angeles Zoo
Maritime Center in Norwalk, CT
Milwaukee Zoo
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Mystic Aquarium
New England Aquarium
New York Aquarium
Newport Aquarium
North Carolina Aquarium
North Carolina Zoological Society
Philadelphia Zoo
Pittsburgh Zoo
Rio Grande Zoo
Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies
San Antonio Zoo
San Diego Zoo
San Francisco Zoo
Santa Barbara Zoo
Sea World San Diego
Seattle Aquarium
Shedd Aquarium
Smithsonian National Zoo
South Carolina Aquarium
Tennessee Aquarium
Vancouver Aquarium

Send me shot glasses from your local zoo or aquarium in exchange for fame and fortune on Zooillogix!

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That's a great idea to post all this stuff. I need to look in my garage for those shot glasses. I remember that my grandpa had sooo many of them. Just need to dig in the garage and send some nice pics.