The Comment Policy

I knew the time would eventually come that I'd have to institute a comment policy.

Here it is. A copy can also be found on the CONTACT page.

The Comment Policy:

I don't like to moderate my comments so don't make me. I have better things to do.
This blog is not a democracy; it's a benevolent dictatorship. If I want to delete
a comment, I shall do so, and may do so without explanation. If I edit a comment, I will
always make this abundantly clear.

Use common sense and common courtesy. Unless specified as an "open comment thread," I prefer that comments are kept focused and on-topic. Please keep the language clean. If they can say it on primetime TV, you can say it here. If not, please find a different word. Children often use this blog when doing internet research.

Act like a jerk and I'll just ban you.

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