Friday Blog Roundup

Gristmill has been doing an excellent job of tracking the progress of energy legislation in Congress this week; highlights include:

Also, Joe at Climate Progress praises and castigates some of the players and spectators involved with the House billâs provision on fuel economy, and Andrew Leonard at How the World Works laughs at the Chamber of Commerceâs ad against the bill. Joseph Aldy at Climate Policy looks at the Bali conference and possibilities for post-Kyoto international climate policy. 


In the wake of another horrifying shooting spree, Jake Young at Pure Pedantry looks at what the research says about risks of violence and mental illness.

Tara Smith at Aetiology brings us stories of working an Ebola outbreak.

Amanda Marcotte at RH Reality Check uses World AIDS Day as an opportunity to reflect on how far sexual health advocates have come.

Matt Madia at Reg Watch gives us a heads up on regulations that business lobbyists are rushing to get passed before the end of the Bush administration.

Merrill Goozner at GoozNews ponders whether patients would be better off if doctors had the same ethical standards as journalists.

Amanda at Enviroblog explains why when checking the label on a cosmetics product, you should read âfragranceâ as âhidden chemicals.â

Revere at Effect Measure explains a new study that found the highest levels in sewage effluent of pharmaceuticals of any yet reported.

Roy M. Poses MD at Health Care Renewal responds to a blog post by HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt on Medicare physician reimbursements.

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