Friday Blog Roundup

Declan Butler, Reporter updates us on the situation of the six health workers facing death in Libya. The five Bulgarian nurses and Palestinian medic were sentenced to death on the charge of deliberately infecting Libyan children with HIV, despite scientific evidence that the infections resulted from hygiene lapses and contamination of medical material. Butler reports that Libyaâs Supreme Court will rule on the health workersâ appeal on July 11th and that the EU is working towards a settlement with the Libyan childrenâs families. He credits campaigns by scientists and others (in which Butler himself played an important role) with spurring diplomatic activity on the case, and is cautiously optimistic about a resolution. (Hat tip to Revere at Effect Measure for the link.)

Bloggers have also had their eyes on Capitol Hill this week:


Tara C. Smith at Aetiology posed a question about communication between academics and journalists and got an avalanche of responses, including several blog posts. Coturnix at A Blog Around the Clock has compiled links to the posts and described his own experience with journalists.

Ken Ward at Gristmill (not to be confused Charleston Gazette reporter Ken Ward Jr.) explores the role of protest in the passage of federal environmental legislation.

Amanda at Enviroblog comes down on the side of cancer prevention, even if it means endorsing sunscreens containing nano particles.

Angry Toxicologist investigates reports of toxic vapors (not fumes!) in airplanes.

Benjamin Cohen at The Worldâs Fair interviews Michael Egan, author of a book on Barry Commoner, about science, environmentalism, and Canadiansâ love of hockey (Part II here).

Mike at RealClimate reviews Chris Mooneyâs new book Storm World: Hurricanes, Politics, and the Battle over Global Warming.

Ben at Technology, Health & Development points out a device thatâs been reported to raise medication compliance rates dramatically.

Feel free to add more links in the comments.


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While I know this may be early to ask, but I just started a Safety Blog of my own and am in the process of getting it out to the public. I have listed my site above and was wondering if I could be added to your blogroll. Thanks.

Welcome to the blogosphere, Jason!

Jason, we always need more awareness about safety. Do, please, include a string on workplace bullying. We are a group in Washington State made up of people who were bullied out of their jobs, sometimes because they brought up a safety concern. If anybody wants to contact us please send an email to stopthebullies (at) comcast (dot) net.
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This offensive behavior consists of verbal abuse, setting up, extreme picayune negativism and even physically assaultive behavior. Of course the bully is nefarious and is sweet and deferential to his/her superiors. So it is sometimes difficult to see bullying, but it's rampant. It totally destroys self confidence.
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This is one of the most health harming, and certainly the most psychologically health harming hazard out there, and it is totally preventable and is against the business interests of the employer. So it's in everybody's best interest to address this. It could happen to anybody. It could happen to you. All it takes is a change in supervisor.