Fourteen year old internet sensation Rebecca Black just released a follow up video "My Moment" after her debut of "Friday" that went viral with more than 167 million views. Attention at this scale landed her a spot on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and a music video with Katy Perry, "Last Friday Night".
Such opportunities for seemingly instant fame can affect these teens, and pre-teens, in a profound way: IRL (In Real Life)...
Rebecca Black has had to endure the backlash of cyberbullying after her first video.
And Black, 13, certainly never anticipated the social media uproar, mainstream…
It's Friday, I'm still working on stuff that I was supposed to be done with by now, and the temperatures in the vicinity of Casa Free-Ride have climbed into the uncomfortable range that is more compatible with having a cold beer (or lying motionless) than with slogging through the stuff I'm working on.
This calls for some videotainment!
This video is making me think that classic Star Trek might be the medium through which the young kids nowadays can help their aging parents to appreciate the popular music.
Also, it makes me suspect that there was a lot more drinking and dancing in three…
I know Darren posted about this last year, but it is just too cool not to share again:
For more on the fruit-eating habits of crocodylians, see Darren's post on the subject here.
tags: cat, pets, animals, stalking kitty, YouTube, parody, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video
This amusing little video shows a kitty stalking the photographer as she peeks around a corner in the room with her camera. In nearly every shot we see, the cat is not moving, but is magically closer to the photographer than in the previous shot. The last few seconds are especially amusing.
I couldn't resist this wonderfully explosive video on YouTube showing the unfortunate end of a red gummy bear when mixed with potassium perchlorate.
I do love to watch a good hissing, sparking chemical reaction. Especially when it's not me doing the sparking (see earlier blog on the art of setting one's hair on fire in a Bunsen burner.)
Anyway, potassium perchlorate is made of potassium (no surprise there), chlorine and oxygen. Its chemical formula is KCLO4, short-hand for saying it contains one atom of potassium, one of chlorine and four of oxygen. Yes, you already figured that out, I…
Snowball, the sulphur-crested cockatoo, is an internet superstar. He's known for his penchant for grooving to music, notably Everybody by the Backstreet Boys. As the music plays, Snowball bobs his head and taps his feet in perfect time with it. If it speeds up or slows down, his rhythm does too. He is one of two parrots that are leading a dance dance revolution, by showing that the human behaviour of moving in time to music (even really, really bad music) is one that's shared by other animals.
People who've attended parties at scientific events may question the ability of humans to move to a…
When considering the virality of internet memes—that is, the likelihood that a given item of web goodness will be passed from one person to another as fast as you can press Control+C, Control+V and send—there are many theories as to what causes these explosions of web transference. But examining pieces of Internet phenomena from the early days of the dancing baby to the more modern use of Rick-rolling, it's clear the logic of virality has yet to be uncovered through the scientific method.
Here at Seed, we couldn't help but notice the abundance of cute-themed videos showing up on the…
Dangerous concept; successful execution: From the mediea team at Small Mammal, a cute video story that deconstructs a cute YouTube video to look at the science of cuteness.
Somebody run tell Liz Spikol!
I'm sure any cat owner will get a laugh out of this (I have 3 at the moment, so it's even a little worse than in the video...);
[Hat-tip to GrrlScientist]