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August 12, 2013
This post was co-authored with Eric Berger, science writer at The Houston Chronicle. It's been nearly two decades since Carl Sagan, the great science communicator, died. Since that time public trust in science has eroded, and no one has emerged as Sagan's clear successor. At the same time popular…
June 12, 2013
This post was co-authored by Ali Arab, Ph.D., an assistant professor of statistics at Georgetown University. We are living in a global society driven by innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. Success depends upon free access to information and unfettered research by scholars. Yet targeted…
April 23, 2013
It was an unexpected journey, from the George W. Bush Shake, the Barack Obama Hug to the Harlem Shake. Appreciation from the President of the United States is one of the highest honors any American can receive. No, it wasn't me, but the best part is that it was one of our students. I have been…
April 6, 2013
It is a feeling of unbelievable joy. We have all felt it, at one time or another. For me, it is at its most palpable in a concert or a sports event with tens of thousands of fans. Initially, everyone is milling about, chatting, texting, a thousand unconnected specks. Then there's a moment…
January 23, 2013
Thanks to Muhammad Saleem on OnlineColleges.net for sharing this compelling graphic.
December 2, 2012
From the moment I learned about the impending "fiscal cliff," I was skeptical. Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) recently wrote in an email blast with a subject line "An Artificial Crisis" something that should be shared widely. Washington and the talk shows are captivated by talk of the “fiscal cliff”:…
November 14, 2012
Yes, a crisis does bring out the best, and the worst, in people. I consider myself amongst the lucky in New Jersey. Millions of homes were affected by Hurricane Sandy, including damage by severe flooding and fallen trees as well as loss of power and heat. Our home was not damaged, our family was…
November 12, 2012
This article was co-authored with Felice Vazquez, Esq., Special Counsel to the President, Kean University. What, really, do our children learn in school? While standardized tests and teacher accountability are the buzzwords of the day, our schools may be missing one of the most important lessons…
October 20, 2012
This article was written with Corina Hernandez, a Public Administration major at Kean University. The "college student" is fictional. On Election Day, New Jersey voters will be asked: Do you approve the "Building Our Future Bond Act?" This bond act authorizes the state to issue bonds in the…
August 3, 2012
Every four years, I am inspired by the Olympic portrayal of the best of human strength and spirit that brings together nations unlike any other event. Thanks to Canadian sprinter Jenna Martin, I found this astounding example of an Olympic Fall. It is a race emblematic of the value of falls, and…
July 27, 2012
This post was co-authored by Natasha Bahrami, a foreign policy researcher, and Ali Arab, Ph.D., an assistant professor of statistics at Georgetown University. Last month, a young American woman was blocked from purchasing an Apple product…
July 16, 2012
Actor Jeremy Jordan signs my daughter's program, as I stand crushed amongst hundreds of Newsies fans standing on tip toe begging for his attention (author's photograph.) Don't judge me, ok? My daughter and I shared Father's day this year taking in the buoyant raucous joy of Newsies on Broadway.…
July 2, 2012
Ko Olina Beach (author's photograph) Could Donald Trump and the Obama "birther" conspiracists be right? Some claim that President Obama is not an American because he was born outside of the U.S. Some begrudgingly acknowledge that he was born in Hawaii less than two years after becoming our 50th…
June 19, 2012
Kean University Graduates 2012 At my Commencement Speech to the Class of 2012 at Carteret High School this Thursday, I will deliver something like this: Class of 2012: You need to fail more …. take chances …. Reach. Let me explain. After hearing my bio, some of you might think of that person…
May 30, 2012
Robots are now commonplace for cleaning carpets (random walk), remote sensing, even swarming. But robot boogie? Fun for some, profound for others. Thanks, MIT! At the beginning all the robots are waiting for my signal to start. While dancing, they are constantly synchronizing with each other,…
May 29, 2012
Dr. Jim Walsh     The imagination reels.  Five dinners with Iran's President Ahmadinejad.  What would you discuss?  What would be your top questions? MIT alumnus Dr. Jim Walsh did just that, and will report to us via an interview on Monday, June 4 via a live chat.  From the announcement: My…
May 18, 2012
So it's official. I now own a portion of Facebook, even if it's a very tiny fraction of the some 240 million shares now on the market today, the initial public offering. The opening price this morning was at $42 per share, but even before they went on the market, some wealthy investors were…
May 9, 2012
Hunter_de_Rat Scientists funded by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) organization are reportedly guiding Chinese officials towards their "very first non-animal test method for cosmetics ingredients." Given that PETA is an organization not known for either ethics or science, I…
May 3, 2012
With 3D videoconferencing now a reality, teleportation - "Beam me up, Scotty" may be in our future!
May 1, 2012
Monosodium. If you're one Facebook, and you're fascinated by science and nature, this is a terrific Subscribe to list. 25 Science News Organizations To Follow On Facebook Organizations To Follow On Facebook Created by Rebecca Searles ⢠1 subscriber ⢠Radiolab ⢠Space.com ⢠OurAmazingPlanet ⢅
April 10, 2012
An interesting turn of events! Now on live video feed, it appears that Obama vs. Romney may well be inevitable with the announcement of Rick Santorum leaving the Presidential race. From Sam Stein of The Huffington Post: In a surprise decision Tuesday, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn.) will…
April 4, 2012
Yes, thirty days of McDonald's meals causes weight gain, even heart palpitations. But what happens to your arteries? For the first time, a short term, six week, study (using mice) shows that a similar diet causes arteries to begin clogging, and worse, affects its structural and mechanical…
April 3, 2012
Hunger Games - World Food Programme. Hunger Games portrays a grim future in which the "bottom 99%" must ration their food to reduce the chance that their children will be sent as "tributes" to compete in a game to the death. But - What if, together, we can identify thousands of new paths out of…
March 28, 2012
How could Israelis love Iranians? This compelling video points a simple truth: how can you hate someone you don't know? Could this be a game changer? Such an approach can, and should be, applied to any culture. It's a beginning, and much is at stake. From PRI's The World: For the first time…
March 26, 2012
Fern Roof (Kathrin Marks) Imagine that you're a spore nestled on a leaf in a sleepy forest. It's a dry, sunny day. All of a sudden - within 0.00001 seconds, you are flung into the air with an acceleration of 100,000 times the force of gravity. What happened? The play by play of this…
March 25, 2012
Photo source. "There's an African saying: When the elephants fight, the grass suffers." Dartmouth College President Jim Yong Kim on the greatest challenge in global health, in a recent interview with Charlie Rose, pointing out that the "poorest of poor suffer the most." Such wisdom will serve Dr…
March 23, 2012
Netwon's Apple Gravity (SodaHead). Sir Isaac Newton punching his sister? How about pricking a friend with a pin? Yes, even giants such as Sir Newton, are subject to being strayed from time to time. An amazing resource of his personal notebooks and library is now available, maintained by the…
March 21, 2012
Chester Bennington from Linkin Park performing at Sonisphere Festival in Kirjurinluoto, Pori, Finland. {Kallerna} Ring tones that are felt, not heard, could be on their way. From The Wall Street Journal TechEurope blog: According to the patent application, Nokia is proposing "a material…
March 21, 2012
Six years ago today, Jack Dorsey sent the first Tweet. Twitter records events in real time. It can also bring history back to life, in a clever way. What a wonderful way to learn, and remember, history! Join me on the venture - Titanic begins its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912 - I mean, 2012…
March 18, 2012
Imagine spending a day with the brilliant physicist Stephen Hawking. What would you ask him? Guess who did, on St. Patrick's Day? The up and coming science journalist Cara Santa Maria. I'm looking forward to learning about their discussion. Stay tuned. Wonderful St. Patrick's Day with the…