
I have just returned from a whirlwind trip in Vietnam inspecting a Korean-owned garment factory complex of 10,000 workers that produces university logo apparel for Nike and clothes for a dozen brand-name companies like Pink and Ralph Lauren’s Polo.  Lots of problems with the working conditions and a non-existent occupational health and safety program – more to come later on all that.  We conducted our inspection on behalf of the Washington-based Workers Rights Consortium. But with wages in China becoming “too expensive,” Vietnam has become the new destination for many brands in apparel,…
On July 9, 1858 the German-American anthropologist Franz Boas was born. To honor the man widely held as the "father of American anthropology" the American Anthropological Association offered a tribute for Boas today on their blog. What conveniently went unmentioned was the fact that the AAA censured Boas in 1918 for revealing that American anthropologists were covertly working as spies for the US government. As Boas wrote to the editor of The Nation: The point against which I wish to enter a vigorous protest is that a number of men who follow science as their profession, men whom I refuse…
The World Values Survey has a question about immigration policy with four options: - Let anyone come - As long as jobs available - Strict limits - Prohibit people from coming I used WVS 2005-2008 from 57 countries first. Then I filled out the countries with the Four-wave Aggregate of the Values Studies, the combined file of the four waves carried out by both the EVS and WVS. I bring this up because there are discrepancies between the two where there are duplications. Again Vietnam is at the top of the list. Perhaps Will Wilkson should have picked another country to trade in his American…
There is a question on the World Values Survey which allows people to give a number corresponding to their position on a spectrum where 0 = "Ethnic diversity erodes a country´s unity" and 10 = "Ethnic diversity enriches my life." Below the fold I've placed the countries where this was asked as well as the mean values. In other words, the proportions in each class were used as weights. The results frankly surprised me. Below is an ordered list: Ethnic Diversity Enriches Jordan 2.9 Ghana 4.8 Egypt 5 Thailand 5.3 Georgia 5.4 Bulgaria 5.5 Moldova 5.7 Cyprus 5.7…