streaming video

tags: Green Man, Blue Cat, literature, ONN, Onion News Network, comedy, humor, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video Good news for those of you who wish to purchase a new book for your friends and colleagues for Christmas: the book, Green Man, Blue Cat has finally been published to rave reviews! The intended audience is children, but apparently working adults are the biggest fans. I can hardly wait for my review copy! Adults Go Wild Over Latest In Children's Picture Book Series How many thousands of copies do you think will be sent to George Bush as a Christmas present? I'm taking your…
tags: It Hasn't Happened Yet, entertainment, comedy, satire, funny, fucking hilarious, Christmas music, William Shatner, streaming video I was hanging around on my little internet radio station last night, playing some music (of course), because none of my possessions have arrived in Germany yet -- including all of my music. This "Christmas song" is one that never fails to make me laugh, so I had to share it with you this morning. Isn't that a great band that Shatner has? And the soloist, Fleming McWilliams, who backed him up is amazing .. and that note that she hit at the end .. wow!
tags: Women: Keep Your Virtue!, entertainment, comedy, satire, funny, fucking hilarious, BBC Worldwide, Harry Enfield, streaming video More homework into the social/cultural side of things. Hrm, how did the BBC comedy chaps learned the story of my spouse and why I married him?
tags: Spam, entertainment, comedy, funny, fucking hilarious, Monty Python's Flying Circus, streaming video I've only seen this sketch a million times, but I couldn't help it: I had to share it with you all because it is just so silly. I hope it gives you a smile.
tags: Women: Know Your Limits!, entertainment, comedy, satire, funny, fucking hilarious, BBC Worldwide, Harry Enfield, streaming video This video is a clip is part of my research. Since I have been invited to some social events in Germany, I thought I'd brush up on my etiquette. This is especially important since the only social events I've attended in my adult life were watching sporting events on TV whilst drinking beer in a pub somewhere (astonishingly, I even managed to offend NYCers by making publicly known to my beer swilling colleagues my opinion about the Yankees -- an original…
tags: Learning French, entertainment, comedy, funny, fucking hilarious, transvestite, Eddie Izzard, streaming video This video is a clip of the very talented comedian Eddie Izzard. Eddie Izzard talks about the trials with using the French phrases in everyday conversations that he's learned in his French classes. Perhaps you prefer English subtitles? More information about Eddie: he ran 43 marathons in 7 weeks, has an honorary doctorate from the University of Sheffield, is one of the top 20 comics of all time... oh and he likes to wear woman's clothing too. This last personal habit provides…
tags: kitchen science, parties, entertainment, fun, science tricks, christmas parties, edutainment, Richard Wiseman, streaming video This video is a fascinating collection of the top ten science tricks that you can do at that upcoming corporate Christmas party that you are dreading -- and by performing these tricks, you can entertain others whilst enjoying yourself, and make this party into a fun event for all! This video was created by Prof Richard Wiseman.
tags: Stephen Colbert, Joseph Cirincione, Ploughshares Fund, comedy, funny, humor, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, streaming video I admire Stephen Colbert because he looks like a relatively conservative man, but inside his suit-clad body is trapped a brilliant but twisted eight-year-old, as you will notice during this video of his interview with Ploughshares Fund President Joe Cirincione. "Well .. you made it .. ugly." (screaming with laughter) Full interview: The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Better Know a Lobby - Ploughshares Fund…
tags: speech, Public School, Don't be an Individual, Paideia School, Nick Kocher, comedy, funny, humor, social commentary, streaming video This is an (obviously) amateur streaming video of a speech given at the Paideia School Senior Dinner a few days before graduation. I think many of us can empathize, and those of you who cannot, well, why are you reading my blog? Like Nick, get pimples and dry skin at the same time, too. My skin is a never-ending battle. But I should mention that a particular shade of purple really is my favorite color. Incidentally, if you wish to learn more about Nick…
tags: debate, catholics, religion, atheism, Zeinab Badawi, Stephen Fry, Christopher Hitchens, John Onaiyekan, Ann Widdecombe, BBC News, streaming video This debate centers on the statement: The Catholic Church is a force for good. Presenting this debate is Zeinab Badawi and BBC News. Arguing for this statement is Archbishop John Onaiyekan, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Abuja and the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, and Ann Widdecombe MP, a Member of Parliament for 20 years. Arguing against the statement is Christopher Hitchens, an English-American author and journalist,…
tags: religion, fundamentalism, christianity, Islam, Islam Not A Religion, Pat Robinson, streaming video A Muslim takes on Pat Robertson and his form of fundamentalist wingnuttery known as "evangelical religion". Pat Robinson demonstrates nicely that even religious people of different denominations do not respect each other even though they supposedly are on the same side. They are so busy pointing fingers and making judgments about each others' faith that it's beyond silly for them to try to convert atheists .. because they can't agree as to which religion is "the one true faith" nor can…
tags: German Cuss Words, swearing, German language, streaming video Okay, I had to do it, didn't I? As many of you know, learning swear words in different languages is one of my hobbies, which I often indulge in while drinking beers at a local pub, although I also enjoy digging up and posting videos on this topic as well. I suppose the correct question is; why did it take me so long to dig up this video and post it? As an added bonus, this German rock song has English subtitles so you can also learn the lyrics to that.
tags: Tiger Woods, Taiwanese News, Apple-1 News, Taiwan, animation, streaming video This video is an interesting news report from Apple-1 News in Taiwan regarding what really happened to cause Tiger Woods to drive into a tree after bouncing off a fire hydrant in front of his Florida home. Part 1: Part 2: Are animations such as these legal for use by news organizations in the US? I suspect not; otherwise, they'd be making use of them many years ago. Anyway; there is precedent for making allegations of Domestic Violence against Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren, since her stories that she told…
tags: politics, GOP, Rethuglicans, Presidential Candidate 2012, Ronald Reagan, Zombie Reagan, ONN, Onion News Network, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video It's been difficult, but I am so proud of the Rethuglicans for finally finding someone to be their 2012 presidential candidate who accurately reflects their values and mental capabilities so well! Zombie Reagan Raised From Grave To Lead GOP
tags: Stephen Fry, The Joys of Swearing, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video This is Stephen Fry, waxing eloquent on the joys of swearing. Since this is British swearing, I find it amusing but not terribly offensive (I think Americans are much better at swearing).
tags: FOX News, fuzzy math, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video Take a close look at the pie chart shown on this FOX Newscast and tell me if you see anything wrong with it? This man is yet another shining example of the conservative kneejerk response to the so-called "liberal bias" in today's media. Was this newscaster's brain switched to the "on" position when he read those numbers?
tags: Japan, spa prank, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video I love Japan and the Japanese, but watching videos like this tend to make me paranoid. How about you?
tags: insects, comedy, humor, bentekr, animation, streaming video This video shows honeybees at work, and suddenly discovering a pot of honey on a picnic table. What do they do? This video follows the secret life of these bees.
tags: insects, comedy, humor, bentekr, animation, streaming video I love cicadas, and this video about a cicada who learns the "wrong" song is just so sweet! The star of this video was introduced to salsa music while still in his egg, but he still manages to find true love. Can anyone tell me if there are cicadas in Frankfurt?
tags: insects, comedy, humor, bentekr, animation, streaming video About the true love of two apple worms becoming separated during harvest times, but like my love story, this one has a happy ending