Shameless Plug

Bora and Reed both put in a Herculean effort in getting the 2nd edition of The Open Laboratory ready in time for the Science Blogging Conference this weekend, but the book is finished and now up for sale at! The book will also be showing up in stores and on major online bookstores in the near future, and I'd definitely recommend picking up a copy.
Zach has got the latest edition of the Boneyard up for your viewing pleasure (and many thanks to Zach for giving me my own little subsection). The next edition will be up the Saturday after next over at The Dragon's Tales, so get those links to me or Will as they crop up! up at Aardvarchaeology.
Greg Laden has got the latest edition of Linnaeus' Legacy. Be sure to check it out!
Say hello to the newest member of the Sb family, A Good Poop! [I thought about changing the name of this blog to "A Decent Scat," but I figured that was just too close... Just kidding ;)]
I am extremely pleased to announce that one of my posts has been selected for the 2nd edition of The Open Laboratory! When I heard that the winners had been picked I started pacing the house, nervous that I wouldn't make it in, but one of the posts that helped give me the boost onto ScienceBlogs was selected for inclusion; Homo sapiens: What We Think About Who We Are (Redux). I've got some edits to make and some fat to trim, but I am extremely pleased to be included. Go and have a look at the list to see what else you can look forward to reading in this year's volume (and congratulations to…
[I know I posted this the other day, but I couldn't find a more fitting clip.]
...or not, but either way there's an interview with yours truly up on Page 3.14. [Also, if you want to stay abreast of my latest writings and those of my fellow Sciblings, add the ScienceBlogs Latest Post Widget to your own blog or website.]
It makes sense I think; anyone who's been following this blog for a while knows my affinity for big cats. If you want to see what your Daemon would look like, visit The Golden Compass website.
You know when you're out of touch when your own wife starts up a blog and you have to find out from sitemeter! I'm sure I would have heard about it soon anyway, but I sensed a disturbance in the interwebs and had to check it out. It's called The Olive Tree, and she's got her first post up here. She's a much better writer than I am, so check it out if you've got the time. [My father-in-law took a brief foray into blogging as well (it was called Political Climate Change), although it seems to have slipped by the wayside.]
Page 3.14 here on Sb has asked readers to share their language preferences so the further conquest enlightenment of the science blogosphere can continue. If you've got a second, please go over and answer the questions to help the folks who run this place out!
For those of you in Germany (or can speak German, for that matter), the beta version of is now available, featuring all-new blog content. Page 3.14 has the scoop.
The infamous "random things" meme is again making the rounds and I've been doubly tagged, first by Greg Laden and then by Mike Haubrich, so just as I've done in the past (see here and here) I'll pull double duty an try to come up with some original answers. I'll continue Greg's line first since he was the first to tag me, so here's my ancestry through that line; Father: Greg Laden Grandmother: The Ridger Great Grandmother: Grrl Scientist Great Great Grandmother: Tabor Great Great Great Grandmother: Maya's Granny Great Great Great Great Grandmother: Busha Full of Grace I don't…
I have to wonder if whoever was put in charge of the Golden Compass reviews page on has something against the film; it's listed as receiving a 44% approval rating but some of the reviews seem more positive then negative when I actually read some of them. I don't need to ask a reviewer how it was though since I just got in from seeing it, and I have to say that it was very enjoyable. I won't go on too long as I don't want to inadvertently spoil anything, but what's funny about the religious brouhaha surrounding the film is that many evangelicals are doing the very thing…
Every time I think I'm finally going to get down to writing a nice, juicy epic post there's some new dinosaur news or discovery that comes up and throws me off the rails. I'm still working on the sailbacks piece (hopefully I'll finish it this weekend; my term paper took precedence during the week, understandably), but for now here's some fun paleo stuff to check out on the web; There's a biographical piece about paleontologist Thomas Holtz in the Washington Post called "Geeking Out on Dinosaurs." And being that Christmas is quickly approaching, keep in mind that Dr. Holtz's new book…
Later this afternoon I'll be hosting the taxonomic blog carnival Linnaeus' Legacy. If you have a post you'd like to be included (or know of another post that should be included), please send it to me before 3 P.M. Eastern Time.
I'm hard at work on my sail-backs vs. buffalo-backs post (as well as another piece for later today about evolution as fact and theory), but if you're looking for some interesting reading here's a smattering of links I think you should check out; My friend Kate has written up a thoughtful reply to my post about animals "mothering" other species, and also has a great piece on surprising sexual selection in topis. Hell, just read her blog regularly; you won't regret it. Likewise, fellow zoology blogger Anne Marie has a great post on Maned Wolves (her specialty) and Aplomado Falcons. I won't…
Here's a gift idea for any Monty Python fans you might know (and another here). Now if only there were a Night of the Lepus life-sized plush...
I absolutely love this song, "Bastard" by Ben Folds,and Songs for Silverman is one of my most favorite albums of recent years; The Ben Folds Five song "Best Imitation of Myself" (although this version is actually off the solo album Ben Folds Live) will always be among my favorites as well (don't be alarmed, there's no actual video component to this one);
The newest installment of The Boneyard is up at Self-Designed Student, and it's a whopper. Amanda has done an excellent job of combing the blogosphere for the best paleo-posts of the last two weeks, and I highly suggest that you do yourself the favor of checking it out! The next edition will be up in two weeks at The Other 95%.\, and I'll be hosting Linnaeus' Legacy on December 5th, so get those links in soon!