science books
Jonathan Fetter-Vorm's Trinity: A Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb is a real gem of a graphic novel, yet another stunning exemplar of what is possible with the graphic novel format.
As I've often said, there are basically two kinds of science graphic novels -- those that use the format to illustrate the same content as a textbook would have on the theory that anything illustrated must be more accessible and enjoyable. And those that use the graphic novel format to its fullest, finding a new way to bring science to a mass audience. The latter, of course, if preferable. But I have to…
Every year for the last several years I've collated and extracted the science books from all the various "best books of the year" lists in different mainstream media and various other outlets. I've done the same this year for books published in 2011! I can tell it's been popular among my readers from the hit stats I see for this blog and from the number of keyword searches on "best science books" or whatnot I see in my analytics program.
Way back in 2009, I started taking all the lists I could find and tallying up all the "votes" to see which books were mentioned the most times. An…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: Top Books of 2012: History of Science, Paleontology , Zoolology.
Islam, Science, and the Challenge of History by Ahmad Dallal
Smoking Ears and Screaming Teeth: A Celebration of Scientific Eccentricity and Self-Experimentation by Trevor…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: Cryptomundo The Top Cryptozoology Books of 2012.
The Beast Of Boggy Creek by Lyle Blackburn
The Bigfoot Filmography: Fictional and Documentary Appearances in Film and Television by David Coleman
The Encyclopaedia of New and Rediscovered…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: Christmas gifts 2012: the best science books, Best science books of 2012, Christmas gifts 2012: the best wildlife books.
The Particle at the End of the Universe: How the Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads Us to the Edge of a New World by…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: ScienceGeek / Shabbeer Hassan Best Science Books of 2012.
Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells us About Morality by Patricia Churchland
The Origins of Sex: A History of the First Sexual Revolution by Faramerz Dabhoiwala
Wired for…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: Township District Library Best Science Books of 2012.
The Bluebird Effect: Uncommon Bonds with Common Birds by Zickefoose, Julie
Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Cahalan, Susannah
An Epidemic of Absence: A New Way of Understanding…
The Best Science Writing Online 2012 edited by Jennifer Ouellette and Bora Zivkovic is decended from the old Open Laboratory series of anthologies which featured the fifty best science blog posts (and a poem and a cartoon) from the year in question. The series as a whole was organized by Bora Zivkovic and each year he would chose someone to actually edit that particular year's edition. As well, each year they would select a bunch of science-bloggy types to help out with the pre-reading of the literally hundreds of blog posts that would be submitted, including my turn as a pre-reader for the…
Another bunch of lists for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following:
Quill & Quire: Books of the Year Non-Fiction, Gift Guide
Out of the Blue: A Memoir of Workplace Depression, Recovery, Redemption and, Yes, Happiness by Jan Wong
My Leaky Body: Tales from the Gurney by Julie Devaney
Another bunch of lists for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following:
Mitch Joel The best business books of 2012
Makers: The New Industrial Revolution by Chris Anderson
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain
January Magazine Best Books of 2012: Non-…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: The Hill Times' List of Top 100 Best Political, Government, Public policy and Canadian History Books in 2012
The Energy of Slavery: Oil and the New Servitude by Andrew Nikiforuk
The End of Growth: But Is That Bad? by Jeff Rubin
Save The…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: Planetizen Top 10 Books - 2013 (urban planning, design and development).
Green Washed: Why We Can't Buy Our Way to a Green Planet by Kendra Pierre-Louis
Nature Wars: The Incredible Story of How Wildlife Comebacks Turned Backyards into…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: Jack Uldrich/Jump the Curve: A Futurist’s Top Ten Books for 2012.
Note: This list includes some slightly older books and some books that are more strictly business books rather than tech or science books. I decided to include them…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: The Thought Stash: The Little Atoms 2012 Top 10 Book List.
The Geek Manifesto: Why science matters by Mark Henderson
Masters of the Planet: The Search for Our Human Origins by Ian Tattersall
Pieces of Light: The new science of memory by…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following:
The Millions: Jami Attenberg, Geoff Dyer
Brain on Fire: My Month of Madnessby Susannah Cahalan
Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me: A Graphic Memoirby Ellen Forney
The Social Conquest of Earthby Edward O. Wilson
The Making…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: Greg Laden: Top (mostly climate change related) Science Denialist Books.
Before the Lights Go Out: Conquering the Energy Crisis Before It Conquers Us by Maggie Koerth-Baker
Deep Water: As Polar Ice Melts, Scientists Debate How High Our…
Another bunch of lists for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following:
Largehearted Boy Favorite Nonfiction of 2012
Things That Are by Amy Leach
OUPBlog: Abby Gross’s top books of 2012
Homo Mysterious: Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature by David Barash
Michael Brand The 5 Best Nonfiction…
I'm including here a list of all the books I've read in 2012, as well as some commentary my year in reading. I always enjoy when people post these sorts of lists online and actually rather enjoy doing so myself.
I've been doing this for a few years now: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007.
If you've posted such a list online somewhere, please post a link in the comments. I'd love to see it!
The list of books I'm posting below includes all the books I started and finished in 2012, with the exception of books that I'm currently reading. As it happens this past year I only abandoned one or two books…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: The Birdbooker Report Best Bird Books of 2012.
Cuckoos of the World by Erritzoe, Johannes, Clive F. Mann, Frederik P. Brammer and Richard A. Fuller
Petrels, Albatrosses & Storm-Petrels of North America: A Photographic Guide by…
Another list for your reading, gift-giving and collection development pleasure.
Every year for the last bunch of years I’ve been linking to and posting about all the “year’s best sciencey books” lists that appear in various media outlets and shining a bit of light on the best of the year.
All the previous 2012 lists are here.
This post includes the following: The Natural Capital Best Nature Books of 2012.
The Forest Unseen: A Year's Watch in Nature by David George Haskell
For the Birds: The Life of Roger Tory Peterson by Peggy Thomas and illustrated by Laura Jacques
Spring Wildflowers of…