
tags: Atheists Can't Think For Themselves!, humor, funny, satire, religion, christianity, islam, Edward Current, streaming video This astonishing video sets out to prove that being a Christian requires constant thinking, while being an atheist sheep does not. This explains why atheists are the dumbest people God ever created!
tags: religion, fundamentalism, christianity, SPAM, MysteryBox, streaming video A hardcore atheist finds God when he wasn't even looking for God. It's a touching story with a happy ending. Although the star is having a bit of fun in this video, the point that the video star making is serious. The world is full of people making exactly the sort of logical mistake he's making in the video. As a result the world is filled with people thinking they have had a personal experience of their version of god yet all these people believe conflicting notions and have no real evidence for their beliefs.
tags: religion, christianity, fundamentalism, wingnuttery, comedy, humor, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video The Bible states clearly in Genesis 3:16 that the man rules over the woman. Did anyone follow this guy's "logic"? If so, please do explain to the rest of us who are still mortally confused. A flowchart might be helpful.
tags: religion, fundamentalism, christianity, Islam, Islam Not A Religion, Pat Robinson, streaming video A Muslim takes on Pat Robertson and his form of fundamentalist wingnuttery known as "evangelical religion". Pat Robinson demonstrates nicely that even religious people of different denominations do not respect each other even though they supposedly are on the same side. They are so busy pointing fingers and making judgments about each others' faith that it's beyond silly for them to try to convert atheists .. because they can't agree as to which religion is "the one true faith" nor can…
tags: religion, fundamentalism, christianity, humor, satire, funny, evolution shmevolution, Edward Current, streaming video Edward Current comments about all of the ignorant evilutionists (including me) who are contaminating the world with our crazy ideas. Nevermind that we have proof and the religious wingnuts do not.
tags: religion, fundamentalism, christianity, Why Do Atheists Care About Religion?, imrational, streaming video How does religion impinge upon each American's rights? This video should open your eyes to the ridiculous, backwards and utterly nonsensical laws that control our lives because of someone's religious beliefs.
tags: religion, evangelism, fundamentalism, belief systems, ray comfort, streaming video Ray Comfort's ministry hits a snag. It's all going so well, when suddenly.... Way of the Master - but who's the master?
tags: religion, fundamentalism, christianity, hate mail, Richard Dawkins, streaming video Richard Dawkins responds to some hate mail sent by those architects of brotherly love, god's own followers, christians.
tags: religion, fundamentalism, christianity, atheist meets god, Edward Current, streaming video It's the moment of judgment for one fool who says there is no God. Christians, get ready to laugh as he learns his eternal fate!
This is really off-topic for GM/BM, but I just can't resist mocking the astonishing stupidity of the Conservapedia folks. I'm sure you've heard by now that Andy Schafly and his pals are working on a "new translation" of the bible. They say that they need to do this in order to remove liberal bias, which is "the single biggest distortion in modern Bible translations". You see, "translation bias in converting the original language to the modern one" is the largest source of what they call translation errors, and it "requires conservative principles to reduce and eliminate". Plenty of people…
tags: religion, fundamentalism, amputees, god, atheism, streaming video Theists who try to respond to the question, Why doesn't God heal amputees? end up avoiding the question altogether and lecturing the questioner about a bunch of unasked questions. Could it be that they have no good answer for why their god refuses to heal amputees every single time, so they try to explain why they're god allows bad things to happen instead and hope we don't notice? This video discusses this observation and the reason why the question itself is important.
tags: Why Do People Laugh at Creationists? , atheism, religion, water, streaming video The only people who are so stupid as to not understand the answer to that question are the creationists themselves.
I normally try to ignore things like this, but this is just too funny. In general, I find arguments like this to be extremely silly. This is, basically, like playing with gematria - only instead of doing real gematria (which can be quite silly enough), it's like our friend "Gotcha" - mixing systems and screwing things up until you get the results you want. Lots of the particularly crazy strain of Christians really, desperately want to believe that Barack Obama is the antichrist. They want an explanation for how this black man with a muslim name could possible have actually been elected -…
tags: science, geology, Grand Canyon, religion, creationism, humor, funny, streaming video The Grand Canyon is such an icon of the Earth's geological history, of slow and steady uplift, erosion, submergence and deposition, that the creationist crowd thought it essential to tackle it head on. So they have come up with an explanation as to how it might have got there in a world created only 6,000 years ago. Their attempts to squeeze this majestic testament to natural processes into bronze age mythology are not just clumsy, they're the stuff good comedy is made of [10:03]
tags: politics, religion, fundamentalism, physical violence, Bill Maher, streaming video "'This is what I believe.' 'Yeah, you believe it, and I'm going to say why it's dumb.'" ~ Bill Maher [2:17]
tags: Creationism-vs-evolution, fundamentalism, religion, culture wars A friend, Dave, sent me an interesting article that was published several months ago in Science. This insightful and well-written article by Jennifer Couzin is important because it focuses on one scientist's trauma and ensuing lifelong journey with rejecting his evangelical creationist upbringing to accept evolution as scientific fact. Below the fold is a summary of this article for you to read. Paleontologist Stephen Godfrey, curator of the Calvert Marine Museum in Solomons, Maryland, started out his life incongruously as…
Another piece of junk that I received: "The Invisible Link Between Mathematics and Theology", by a guy named "Ladislav Kvasz", published in a rag called "Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith". (I'm not going to quote much from this, because the way that the PDF is formatted, it requires a huge amount of manually editing.) This is a virtual masterwork of goofy clueless Christian arrogance - everything truly good must be Christian, so the author had to find some way of saying that mathematics is intrinsically tied to Christianity. This article actually reminds me rather a lot of…
Fellow [SBer Tara from Aetiology][tara] pointed me at [this bit of inanity][loonytune], which I can't resist mocking: [tara]: [loonytune]: >The mystery of the human genome has come into clearer focus as scientists have discovered that each >individual person is at least ten times more different than another person than scientists >previously thought, discounting even further the theory of evolution so widely taught around the >world. A group of scientists from 13 different research centers in the…
So, as promised, it's time for part two of "The Creationists and the Shrinking Sun". The second main tack of the creationists and the shrinking sun is to *not* use the bare measurements of an allegedly shrinking sun as their evidence. Instead, they use it as evidence for a very peculiar theory. It's an interesting approach for a couple of reasons: it actually *proposes a theory* (a bad theory, but hey, at least it's a theory!); it uses some recent theories and observations as evidence; and it casts the whole concept of how the sun works as part of an elaborate conspiracy to prop up evolution…
One of the more pathetic examples of bad math from the creationist camp is an argument based on the claim that the sun is shrinking. This argument has been [thoroughly debunked]( by other folks, so I haven't bothered to add my two cents here at GM/BM. I hadn't heard anyone mention this old canard until recently, when a reader wrote to me to ask if I could comment on it. I *hate* to disappoint my readers, and this is *such* a great example of flaming bad math, so I figured what the heck. So hang on to your hats, here it comes! There are a lot of…