I wrote earlier how it seems that you must fail a qualifying exam before you can write on a topic at Tech Central Station. Now the errors in Fumento's critique of the Lancet study.aren't errors in epidemiology---they seem to result from not having read the study. Indeed, in comments at TCS, Fumento seems to be asking for help to find out what it said:
You imply rather strongly that you've read the report. If so, please inform us of what the extrapolation was that DID NOT rely on the Falluja cluster. I'm waiting.
and then:
I asked the wrong question. I meant to say how…
Tech Central Station has published Tim Worstall's admission that his critique of the Lancet Iraq study was completely wrong:
Further to my article of Friday on this subject. I'm afraid I mangled the statistical argument. My inadequate knowledge of the subject led me to make an argument that is incorrect. I stand by my contention that there is something fishy about this study (leaving aside the politically motivated timing of its publication, something the author has been clear about himself) yet have to admit that I have not found it, leaving me with…