Frankfurt through my eye
tags: Dom Sankt Bartholomäus, St Bartholomew's Cathedral, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, photography
Dom Sankt Bartholomäus (St Bartholomew's Cathedral), Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 14 April 2010 [larger view].
This gothic-style cathedral was constructed in the 14th and 15th centuries on the foundation of an earlier church from the Merovingian time. Some of these ruins are still visible. Dom Sankt Bartholomäus is the main church of Frankfurt and it has some historical significance. From 1356 onwards, kings of the Holy Roman Empire were elected in this church, and…
tags: Koralle, Senckenberg Naturmuseum, museums, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, cities, image of the day, photography
Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view]
Brain coral is a common name given to corals in the family Faviidae, so called due to their generally spheroid shape and grooved surface which resembles an animal brain. Each head of coral is formed by a colony of genetically identical polyps which secrete a hard skeleton of calcium carbonate; this makes them important coral reef builders like other…
tags: Koprolithen, Senckenberg Naturmuseum, museums, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, fossils, paleontology, image of the day, photography
Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view]
tags: Sonnenuntergang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, sunset, photography
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 20 April 2010 [larger view]
Sunset over Frankfurt, as photographed from the bedroom window. This sunset was influenced by the Icelandic volcano, Eyjafjallajökull. The light gold above the sun is a real cloud, but the darker haze surrounding the sun is the ash cloud. This ash cloud made the sun look fuzzy and at times, almost completely obscured it.
Today, the sky cleared for a few hours and everything seemed normal once more, but in the…
tags: Fledermaus Hologramm, Senckenberg Naturmuseum, museums, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, fossils, paleontology, image of the day, photography
Fledermaus Hologramm.
Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view]
tags: Sonnenuntergang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, sunset, photography
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 19 April 2010 [larger view]
Sunset over Frankfurt, as photographed from the bedroom window. This sunset was influenced by the Icelandic volcano, Eyjafjallajökull. The clouds that you see are fluffy and a light gold color, the ash cloud is hazy and dark and (dare I say it?) menacing.
The haze from the Icelandic volcano is much worse today than it has been ever since Eyjafjallajökull first blew. I know that the airlines want to start flying…
tags: Koralle, Senckenberg Naturmuseum, museums, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, fossils, paleontology, image of the day, photography
Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view]
This is another beautiful coral that I photographed recently at the Senckenberg Naturmuseum. If you were here today, I would unfortunately opt to show you photographs instead of venturing out into the volcanic ash. However, if you were here, you and I would recall the Mt St Helens explosion over cold beers, and we would look at the jar of…
tags: Sonnenuntergang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, sunset, photography
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 18 April 2010 [larger view]
Sunset over Frankfurt, as photographed from the bedroom window. This sunset was influenced by the Icelandic volcano, Eyjafjallajökull.
This is probably the last sunset photograph you'll see from Frankfurt that doesn't have a dozen or more (disgustingly ugly!!) contrails messing it up because the latest news is that the eruptions from the Icelandic volcano are slowing down .. and there are some EU flights…
tags: Lituites lituus, Senckenberg Naturmuseum, museums, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, fossils, paleontology, image of the day, photography
Lituites lituus.
Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view]
If you were here today, I would show you this lovely Ordovician fossil shell. The Ordovician Period began with a series of major extinction events that ended the Cambrian Period roughly 488.3 ± 1.7 million years ago, and lasted for about 44.6 million years. Despite a world filled with destruction, death and mass extinctions,…
tags: Versteinerung Muschelschale, Senckenberg Naturmuseum, museums, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, cities, image of the day, photography
Versteinerung Muschelschale.
Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view]
This is a gorgeous fossil shell photographed at the Senckenberg Naturmuseum .. how old is this? What species is this? I don't know .. but I will return and collect more detailed information to share with you (this first visit was a quick pass through the museum to see what they have on display).
tags: Wolkenkratzer, skyscraper, Zeil, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, photography, cities
Skyscraper, photographed at Zeil, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 14 April 2010 [larger view].
Yesterday, I stood underneath a skyscraper! No, I was not inside the skyscraper, I was underneath it! I took this picture because I was sure you would never believe me.
tags: Koralle, Senckenberg Naturmuseum, museums, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, cities, image of the day
Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view]
If you were here today, I would show you around the Senckenberg Natural History Museum. During your visit, this is one of the many natural wonders you would see.
tags: Egyptian Goose, Alopochen aegyptiacus, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz
[Mystery bird] Egyptian Goose, Alopochen aegyptiacus, photographed at the Main River, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. [I will identify this bird for you in 48 hours]
Image: GrrlScientist, 14 April 2010 [larger view].
Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification.
here's another look at this species, to give you an idea of the region of the bird that I was photographing (the wing, mostly).
Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Farben, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, flowers, image of the day
Nordwestzentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 7 April 2010 [larger view]
This is one of several photographs I snapped of these tulips. The colors were so intense that it made me think of a very neatly arranged stack of Easter eggs.
tags: WeiÃe Blüte in Morgensonne, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, flowers, image of the day
WeiÃe Blüte in Morgensonne.
Nordwestzentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 7 April 2010 [larger view]
This is another flower I photographed yesterday in the morning sunshine. The photograph turned out better than I expected, despite the shadows and peculiar sunlight that seemed to transform colors before my very eyes.
tags: Violett HahnenfuÃ, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, flowers, image of the day
Violett HahnenfuÃ.
Nordwestzentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 7 April 2010 [larger view]
As soon as I saw this image through the viewfinder on my camera, I knew it was magic. The camera did not capture the purple color correctly (it was much richer and brighter than you see here -- a rather washed out version of real life) but it did capture the amazing patterns that made this image so beautiful in my eye.
tags: Bockenheimer Turm bei Nacht, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, cities, photography
Bockenheimer Turm bei Nacht.
Bockenheimer Warte, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 6 April 2010 [larger view]
So why am I in Bockenheim again? I went here because I had an appointment to get a bank account. After complaining mightily about this enormous waste of time (I've never had to make an appointment to set up a bank account before), I was surprised and most pleased to meet a personable banker who visits NYC frequently (he has family there and is returning on 15 May for a…
tags: Bockenheimer Turm, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, cities, image of the day
Bockenheimer Turm.
Bockenheimer Warte, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 6 April 2010 [larger view]
This is an astonishingly gorgeous day in Frankfurt am Main; warm (but not too warm) and everything is exploding into bloom under an impossibly blue sky. I wish you were here with me because I would bring you to my favorite coffee shop in Bockenheimer Warte; Cafe Extrablatt, where they not only give me FREE wifi, but they also cheerfully provide powerpoints (that's a "plug in" or an "…
tags: Orchidee, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, flowers, image of the day
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 6 March 2010 [larger view]
I have a whole slew of orchid photographs that I might set free upon the world someday. This image captures a rather common flower, but I still like it because, even though it's not perfect, it almost seems like abstract art.
tags: Bockenheimer Warte, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Bockenheimer Turm, Bockenheim Tower, travel, cities, buildings, image of the day
Bockenheimer Turm.
Bockenheim Tower in Bockenheimer Warte, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 31 March 2010 [larger view]
The weather today was glorious, although a strong wind made for a very cold day. Even though I was wearing my spouse's suit jacket over my t-shirt, I was still very cold.
I went to Bockenheim in west Frankfurt a.M. to open a bank account (have to make an appointment days in advance, sheesh) and afterwards, I went to a…