tags: Frankfurter Sonnenaufgang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat Life, Frankfurt through my eye, photography, image of the day
Frankfurter Sonnenaufgang (Frankfurt sunrise).
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 18 December 2009 [larger view].
Are you getting bored of looking at photographs of Frankfurt yet? Well, if so, you would have appreciated this morning's image because the snowclouds were so thick that the city had completely disappeared. I tried to get a picture of that for you, but realized that you would not be able to distinguish that photograph from one taken of…
Frankfurt am Main
tags: Frankfurter Kirche, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat Life, Frankfurt through my eye, photography, image of the day
Frankfurter Kirche (Frankfurt church).
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 16 December 2009 [larger view].
Last night, on my way home from my first ever Christmas party in Germany, I happened upon this church in the darkness.
tags: Frankfurter Schneesturm, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat Life, Frankfurt through my eye, photography, image of the day
Frankfurter Schneesturm (Frankfurt snowstorm).
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 16 December 2009 [larger view].
When I awoke today, it was snowing. By late morning, the snow was falling fairly heavily, as you see in this image, where Frankfurt's distinct "Asparagus" (communications) Tower is barely visible.
tags: Frankfurt Sonnenstrahlen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat Life, Frankfurt through my eye, photography, image of the day
Frankfurt Sonnenstrahlen (Frankfurt sunbeams).
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 15 December 2009 [larger view].
Whilst coming home from IKEA, where my spouse and I finally made a decision on how to design our kitchen, I photographed this lovely scene. In the distance is the smokestack tower that is located near to, and east of, my flat.
tags: Nebeliges Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat Life, Frankfurt through my eye, photography, image of the day
Neblig Frankfurt Nebeliges Frankfurt, 2 (Foggy Frankfurt).
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 7 December 2009 [larger view].
I like the gold color of the mist that the buildings are poking through.
tags: Nebeliges Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat Life, Frankfurt through my eye, photography, image of the day
Neblig Frankfurt Nebeliges Frankfurt (Foggy Frankfurt).
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 30 November 2009 [larger view].
I took this picture because I wanted to capture the unusual cloud formations over Frankfurt.
tags: MyZeil Einkaufszentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat Life, Frankfurt through my eye, photography, image of the day
Weihnachten in MyZeil Einkaufszentrum.
MyZeil Einkaufszentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 24 November 2009 [larger view].
tags: MyZeil Einkaufszentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat Life, Frankfurt through my eye, photography, image of the day
Weihnachten in MyZeil Einkaufszentrum.
MyZeil Einkaufszentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 24 November 2009 [larger view].
tags: MyZeil Einkaufszentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat Life, Frankfurt through my eye, photography, image of the day
Weihnachten in MyZeil Einkaufszentrum.
MyZeil Einkaufszentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 24 November 2009 [larger view].
tags: MyZeil Einkaufszentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat Life, Frankfurt through my eye, photography, image of the day
Weihnachten in MyZeil Einkaufszentrum.
MyZeil Einkaufszentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 24 November 2009 [larger view].
As you can see in this image, Frankfurt am Main is giving NYC some competition in the "does Christmas extremely well" category. I think I am being spoiled by living in these two cites at Christmas since they both are class acts in my opinion.
tags: Frankfurt am Main U-Bahn-Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat+Life, Frankfurt Subway Art, photography
Frankfurt am Main U-Bahn-Kunst.
NordWestZentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 24 November 2009 [larger view].
Overall, I have been disappointed with the subway art in Frankfurt -- something that makes me appreciate NYC subway art even more than I had before. That said, this one man is the exception to my disappointment. Here he is, making chalk art on the floor of one of the subway stations. I was told that he does this every weekday and then the artwork is…
tags: MyZeil Einkaufszentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Expat+Life, Frankfurt through my eye, photography, image of the day
Weihnachten in My Zeil Einkaufszentrum.
My Zeil Einkaufszentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: GrrlScientist, 24 November 2009 [larger view].
As you can see in this image, Frankfurt am Main is giving NYC some competition in the "does Christmas extremely well" category. I think I am being spoiled by living in these two cites at Christmas since they both are class acts in my opinion.