OK Go is always making these catchy videos, but I think playing the adorable dog card is definitely taking unfair advantage.
Wait, was that a goat?
I just saw the premier of his new show, Bad Universe, and it was lots of fun…and he's a very entertaining host. I do have a few questions, though.
Why does he hate Sydney so much?
He was blowing things up right and left, and he was just talking about little rocks. What's he going to do when he has shows about black holes or supernovae?
Hey, where was the biology? Most species don't go extinct by way of astronomical disasters, so the explosions are a bit unrepresentative of how the universe is likely to destroy us.
The premiere of Phil Plait's Bad Universe is tonight, at 9pm Central Time, on the Discovery Channel.
I think he's going to blow stuff up.
At last, word of Phil's secret media project has leaked out: he's got a Discovery Channel show about how the universe is out to get him, called Bad Universe. It's got debunkings of astronomical myths and bad movie tropes, and most importantly, it's got explosions.
I'll watch that.
(via Skepchick)
The Masala Skeptic reviews the latest Twilight movie. How dare they offend twee & morbid teenagers? This review will make them mope some more.
This one is personal, too. Our local theater booked this movie a couple of weeks ago, and it is still playing. I doubt that it's because it's popular here, but more because of the restrictive contracts some first-run movies impose on theaters. We have one single-screen movie theater, and the next nearest is a 45 minute drive away, so this decision has created a great black hole in our entertainment options around here.
A lot of people have been writing to me about this free webgame, CellCraft. In it, you control a cell and build up all these complex organelles in order to gather resources and fight off viruses; it's cute, it does throw in a lot of useful jargon, but the few minutes I spent trying it were also a bit odd — there was something off about it all.
Where do you get these organelles? A species of intelligent platypus just poofs them into existence for you when you need them. What is the goal? The cells have a lot of room in their genomes, so the platypuses are going to put platypus DNA in there, so…
BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
tags: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1, film, movie, trailer, entertainment, streaming video
Those of you who are Harry Potter fans will LOVE this! This is the second trailer from the penultimate installment of the Harry Potter films; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I, which was shown at the MTV movie awards 2010. HP7a will hit theaters on November 19th, 2010 [it's being released in Belgium on 17 November, so guess where I'll go to watch it on opening night?].
tags: Fast Lane -- Shopping Carts, SuperMarkt Shopping Carts, Einkaufszentrum, Berlin, fun, silly, your inner child, entertainment, volkswagen commercial, television, streaming video
Just a quick shopping trip? Here's a great invention: Some shopping carts -- "trolleys" for you Brits -- are pimped with a skateboard in a shopping center in Berlin, Germany. Up for some extra shopping fun?
He's tweaked the noses of those 'New Atheists', for sure! One of Gee's roles is as the editor of the Futures science fiction section in Nature, and he's proud to have published a story by Shelly Li, which actually is a well-written short dystopian fantasy, titled The End of God. Gee really detests those obnoxious atheists, though, so I think one of the reasons he picked it was that it so perfectly conformed to his idea of militant atheists as fascists.
The story is about a future in which satellites can somehow pick up on activity in the parietal lobe of the brain in individuals — amazing…
tags: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1, film, movie, trailer, entertainment, streaming video
Those of you who are Harry Potter fans will LOVE this! This is the first trailer from the penultimate installment of the Harry Potter films; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I, which will hit theaters on November 19th, 2010 [it's being released in Belgium on 17 November, so guess where I'll go to watch it on opening night?]. And it looks like the entire film will be offered in IMAX 3D and in 3D, too! Yeow!! I am exciiited and I'll bet you are too! And here's the first trailer,…
tags: Fast Lane -- The Rocket, shopping center elevator, Einkaufszentrum, Berlin, fun, silly, your inner child, entertainment, volkswagen commercial, television, streaming video
A sound system turns the ride into a rocket take-off. Welcome on-board! This is the fast lane for elevators ...
tags: Fast Lane -- The Slide, subway, Rutsche U-Bahn, Berlin, fun, silly, your inner child, entertainment, volkswagen commercial, television, streaming video
A long staircase. Next to it a slide. Which way would you go? This is an ad that was created in a subway station in Berlin. Makes me want to visit.
Jamie Kilstein is putting on a comedy show in New York on 2 July, titled No War, No God, No Nickelback. You should go if you can. He's recommended by that polite, soft-spoken gentleman AC Grayling, so you know exactly what to expect: calm, cerebral, gentle humor, quietly skewering social mores.
Yeah, right. Watch out for a GOATS ON FIRE level of outrageousness. Everyone should go and make him rich and famous, because he's the one comedian I trust will aspire to someday having a comedy tour featuring a giant inflatable vulva*. He does need to get really rich and famous first, though.
If I were…
tags: Foosball Fever, Foosball, table football, Nokia, film, filmmaking, innovation, technology, wow, television, streaming video
This video is amazing! It captures an amazing series of foosball matches, complete with all the wacky new tricks that were done. Plus, after the main video is over, you are presented with a clickable menu of embedded video links you can choose from, like slo-mo captures of how the tricks were done, behind the scenes footage, etc. All in all, this one video is a very cool innovation for foosball fans, video aficionados and technophiles!
tags: The BP Oil Spill Meets Cats, Oil Spill, BP, entertainment, humor, weird, strange, wow, streaming video
This amusing little video should catch you up on everything that's happened with the BP oil spill so far.
If teh kittehs don't give you enough information, let's listen to what Obama has to say:
Bill Donohue was looking awfully silly demanding that the Empire State Building celebrate Mother Teresa's birthday, so I guess he needed a new cause. He found one. The Catholic League is outraged by Lady Gaga's new video.
Lady Gaga is playing Madonna copy cat, squirming around half-naked with half-naked guys, abusing Catholic symbols--they're always Catholic symbols--while bleating out "Alejandro" enough times to induce vomit. Dressed occasionally as a nun in a glossy-red habit, the Madonna wannabe flashes the cross, swallows a rosary and manages to get raped by her S&M boyfriends. Hence…
It's called Agora, and it's about Hypatia, who was a kind of non-Christian martyr, murdered by a religious mob. Here's one account of her death:
And in those days there appeared in Alexandria a female philosopher, a pagan named Hypatia, and she was devoted at all times to magic, astrolabes and instruments of music, and she beguiled many people through Satanic wiles...A multitude of believers in God arose under the guidance of Peter the magistrate...and they proceeded to seek for the pagan woman who had beguiled the people of the city and the prefect through her enchantments. And when they…