drill baby drill
Over that last day or so, tons of BP oil have been removed from Florida beaches. The news shows people who live along the beaches crying. Sorry, Floridians, I do not cry for you. I cry for the clams, but not the people. You put that oil there.
You may or may not remember your part in stealing the election and putting the Oilman Bush in office, with the help of your governor, another Oilman Bush. You may or may not have noticed that you play a large role in determining the outcome of national elections, and thus helped re-elect Oilman Bush.
Not much is being said about it now, but I'm…
An Open Letter to Joe Barton: See Above!!!!
I saw this guy on the TV yesterday, and wondered, "How much did BP pay him to spew that crap!?!?"
I was about to look into it when Mike sent me this blog post. Go read it. Get mad.
Dolphins and sharks are showing up in surprisingly shallow water just off the Florida coast. Mullets, crabs, rays and small fish congregate by the thousands off an Alabama pier. Birds covered in oil are crawling deep into marshes, never to be seen again.
Marine scientists studying the effects of the BP disaster are seeing some strange -- and troubling -- phenomena.
Meanwhile BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg has issued an apology for referring to the human victims of his companies greed and incompetence as "small people."
Personally, I don't care that he said:
"And we care about the…
As expected.
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Just so you know .. BP, the oil company (not the dating scheme) makes an interesting appearance in The Corporation. Which we've talked about on this blog, so I just thought I'd remind us.
Oil firm BP may be "pushed out of the way" if it fails to perform in the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster clean-up, a top US official has warned.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said the British company had missed "deadline after deadline" in its efforts to seal a blown-out oil well.