Aquarium staff at Kinosaki Marine World in western Japan recently noticed that their dolphins were less acrobatic in their performances and more lethargic in general. Concerned about their health, the dolphins were weighed and found to be significantly heavier since only a few months prior. Apparently a fattier mackeral, their typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner, was to blame. Aquarists quickly started calling the dolphins "fatty" and "fatty-fat-fat" and telling them no one would love them in an effort to get them to throw-up their meals after eating them. When that failed, they tried…
First ever footage of dolphins trying to save one of their own. Warning: Sad ending!
Australian snubfin dolphins. They don't look so ugly to us, but then again, Andrew and I are hideous to behold ourselves.
After becoming entangled in a fishing net off the coast of Nobeoka, Miyazaki Prefrecture in Japan, a wounded and exhausted young dolphin was taken to Umitamago Aquarium, also known as Oita Marine Palace Aquarium. The dolphin did not have the energy to keep itself afloat and after a couple of days of holding the dolphin to make sure it didn't sink, the aquarium staff were also worn out. This is when aquarium vets got the clever idea of fashioning a dolphin lifejacket shown below.
This is where the story gets less cute. According to this Reuters article, the aquarium intends to keep their…
A mother and baby pygmy sperm whale in New Zealand appeared disoriented this week, repeatedly stranding themselves on a sandbar off of Mahia Beach. After multiple attempts by the locals to guide the whales back to sea failed, the human rescuers were starting to get worried. All of a sudden, a well known, local dolphin named Moko appeared and seemed to communicate with the whales. Before long, Moko was guiding the whales back to sea!
"The whales made contact with the dolphin and she basically escorted them about 200 metres parallel with the beach to the edge of the sandbar...Then she did a…
Great video of cooped up dolphins blowing underwater bubble rings to pass the time. Before we get all out of sorts that this is some sort of compulsive, depressive behavior from being locked up, note that this been observed in the wild as well.
I just can't help but look at that and wish that I still smoked cigarettes. I used to be an epic ring blower. Andrew and I actually knew a kid named Michael Northrope who could blow smoke squares. It was awesome! No joke! We were like 13 and he was 16. But I digress...
One bubble ring to bind them...
Researchers posting on Deep Ocean explain the…
Scientists studying Amazon river dolphins have discovered that males use gifts to woo potential mates. Not only that, but the male dolphins appear to give better gifts to more prized females, and the dolphins who bring the most gifts seem to sire the most offspring. The best gift? A bouquet of river weeds!
Dark green weeds signify love. Brown weeds? Friendship.
After a three-year study in the Brazilian Amazon, Dr. Tony Martin, of the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge has returned with his findings. Dr. Martin observed that...
...when a male was carrying a gift to a female, the other…
Due to popular demand, we searched long and hard (by going to Youtube and typing in "Winter, the dolphin") and finally found this video of Winter, the dolphin, swimming both with and without her prosthetic tail.
Winter is the first beneficiary of the controversial MMDA (Marine Mammals with Disabilities Act) of 1977
A two year-old bottlenose dolphin has received an artificial flipper after losing hers in a crab trap out at sea. Winter was only three months-old when she was rescued off the Florida coast by a benevolent fisherman who found her thrashing around in the trap's line. She nearly died of her injuries and exhaustion.
Rumor has it that Winter recently auditioned to be Def Leopard's replacement drummer.
She survived, luckily, but had to have her tail fin amputated, before being placed at the…
This extremely rare and beautiful "pink dolphin" was spotted and photographed by Capt. Erik Rue of Calcasieu Charter Service on June 24th, 2007 during a charter fishing trip on Calcasieu Lake south of Lake Charles, LA.
An albino dolphin, with reddish eyes and glossy pink skin, the critter was smaller than its companions suggesting that it was immature. These pictures are apparently of the albino traveling with its mother.
Apparently these photos were circulating back in June but they just made their way to us, so we decided to share.