climate opinion
Over at an ID blog (I promise I don't read it regularly folks, blame RPM for pointing it out... looking closer I see the text there is somewhat wrong, this is probably the official version but its much the same) there is the text of "The Need for Heretics: Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey Commencement Address, given at the University of Michigan, December 18, 2005". And one of FD's heresies is GW.
In the speech, FD is talking to new PhD's about how he hates the whole PhD system, so he needs some good heresies, but predictably enough he pushes his point too…
RP has his take on the hurricane statement I mentioned last post up. I agree with most of it but not the bit about attribution; see here and don't forget the comments.
But what I wanted to note was that Hans von Storch has added some comments to RP's post, which is interesting. I'm not in the habit of stalking him, but I haven't seen him in the blogosphere before (this doesn't count; his page on the CR controversy is worth a read). I think I caught that John Houghton at it too a while ago.
I don't have access to the WSJ, but via mt on sci.env I find a suggestion that they may have seen the light on Global Warming:
"I find the case for prospective greenhouse warmingto be almost beyond doubt. ...
"In the two major unspecialized scientific journals, Science and Nature, one has to go back about a decade or two to find serious doubts about the basic science, Rarely is there such scientific consensus as there is on whether the greenhouse effect is real..."
"I'd buy insurance. I'd do it prudently and without great alarm. Yet!"