Brains and Stuff
Welcome to a new weekly feature here at Of Two Minds, the Sunday Morning Funny Pages - well more like the Sunday morning single comic. Shelley or I will have an exciting new comic here every Sunday morning that should, at the very least, make you roll your eyes - and maybe even chuckle once or twice. Hey! we're working with science here - the joke is only as funny as the source material. Perhaps one day we'll find something really really funny so you better be here to check!
So without further blabbering... here's our first comic:
-via Meningioma Mommas-
Wasn't funny enough for you?…
So I hate daylight savings time. It doesn't save energy, I doubt it helps farmers like it supposedly did, and I always forget to set my clocks back. How many of you have a clock that is only correct half of the year because you don't want to set it?
Now I have something else to get pissed off at for messing with my sleep. According to a study entitled "Cues for Timing and Coordination: Latitude, Letterman, and Longitude," by Daniel S. Hamermesh, Caitlin Knowles Myers, and Mark L. Pocock published in the Journal of Labor Economics, television is impacting our circadian rhythms, especially…
I swear I'm not being paid... but it does follow the theme of our blog.
Check out their merchandise as well :)
Ok.. who is going to buy me one of these shirts?
HT: Sandra!
Ahhh... The Onion. It's so made for dorky scientists. This one is especially relevant to me.
DURHAM, NC--According to a study published Tuesday in the Journal Of Neuroscience, snapping three times in rapid succession is the most effective method for remembering the names of films and actors that have slipped one's mind. "When denied access to IMDb, subjects who were able to correctly remember semi-obscure movie trivia invariably used the tri-snapping method," head researcher Dr. Ward Connell said of the study, which consisted of asking volunteers several questions pertaining to a photograph…