It's fall 2008, and I'm starting the 3rd DonorsChoose drive in this weblog's history. In 2006 $1,941.06 was given through this weblog's challenges. In 2007 $4,354.19. First, thank you to everyone who donated! Second, the priority is obviously to give money where needed, but, it would be nice to keep the trend monotonic as long as possible, if you know what I mean! There are two types of proposals in my list this year: having to do with biology, or from schools which are in disproportionate need. More updates later in the month....
I have turned on moderation for all comments. This means that you may have to wait a considerable amount of time before I publish them on the weblog (I will not be checking and approving on an iPhone for example). If your comment is not published within about 1 day then you may assume I have deleted it. Comments which add value, address the post and are delivered courteously will be published. Those which do not meet all three criteria will not be published. So if you are courteous but do not address the post you will not be allowed through the moderation queue. If you do not add value…
Shelley Batts, Nick Anthis and Tara C. Smith have a new paper, Advancing Science through Conversations: Bridging the Gap between Blogs and the Academy, in PLoS Biology. Also, Living the Scientific Life has posted a similar article which will be published in Research Fortnight.
I'll be in San Francisco on the 26th at a Million Comment Party for ScienceBlogs. Specifically, I'll be hanging with the Bleiman Brothers, Craig, Janet and Josh.
So again, 9 PM on Friday the 26th @ Tonic
Tropic Thunder is worth watching again at a matinee price just for a closer observation of Tom Cruise's scenes.
Pineapple Express is not worth a matinee price.
Reed Elsevier caught copying my content without my permission:
Scientists provide the content for Elsevier's journals. They donate their time to review, and often edit, the articles that appear in the journals. They make up the bulk of the audience for the journals. Yet Elsevier has, time after time, demonstrated a complete lack of respect for scientists and the scientific community. It's not a surprise that they would decide to grab my post, while ignoring my rights to my own material. It's simply another example of where their focus is: intellectual property matters if and only if it's…
Georgia. John Edwards love-child. Olympics. Bernie & Isaac. A lot happens when you aren't paying attention in this big world....
In case you were curious.
Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 3%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 97%
SiteMale-Female Ratio
Dave Appell at Quark Soup has a jeremiad against blogging up. It's fine, but I have to add that I was reading Dave's original blog in early 2002 (the first science blog I ever read), and he would post his frustrations about how crappy it was being a writer and how blogging was unsatisfying. As it happens, it's 2008, and he's come back to blogging, and last I checked he's still a writer. Dave also sent Rod Dreher an angry note for having supported the Iraq War (though Rod now opposes it).
So I'm just sayin', keep the messenger in mind :-)
Melanie Mattson was one of the founding Editors of the FluWiki, its initial "public face," the official publisher, and our colleague. More importantly she was our friend. We are grieved to announce her unexpected death.
On her blog, Just a Bump in the Beltway, Melanie was among the first on the internet to understand and write about the significance of reported human cases of avian influenza as a potential harbinger of a pandemic. She joined forces with us to start the FluWiki in June 2005 where she was a dedicated and innovative practitioner of a new medium, collective information generation…
You probably know that Carl Zimmer has moved to Discover Blogs. Coke always needed Pepsi to step up its game....