Baby Animals

Just in time for Christmas. The problem with cute baby animals born in the zoo is that they grow up. The upside of this process is that you need a NEW Zoo Born every so often, and the new one is out. ZooBorns The Next Generation: Newer, Cuter, More Exotic Animals from the World's Zoos and Aquariums is ... f"The new generation of zoo babies will reset the standard for devastating cuteness. From the creators of the smash hit ZooBorns series of books, ZooBorns The Next Generation features full-color photos and fascinating facts on exotic baby animals from every corner of the world. Filled with…
Zoe, a domestic house cat, has gotten three new kittens to take care of this week. But they're not just any orphaned kittens - they're baby bobcats. Sure, they're small and cute now - about half the size of her other, older babies. But when these little tykes become adults, they'll be twice Zoe's size! The three bobcat kittens were found this week during the demolition of an abandoned home in Newberry County, South Carolina. The trio were quickly transported to Carolina Wildlife Care in Columbia, S.C., where they were taken in by Zoe, a recent mother cat with plenty of milk to spare.…
I know, I know - it's not meese. Moose is singular and plural. But it should be meese, so that's what I'm sticking with. Here is a truly cute video of a couple young meese enjoying a sprinkler: H/T Lilian
These little guys are my Stepmom's baby chickens. Aren't they adorable? Photo by Sue Wilcox Happy Easter Everyone!
Sure, when he gets big, this little guy will be one of the world's largest lizards, weighing in at 150 lbs and growing to length of up to 10 feet long. He'll be feared as a man eater, possessing a venomous bite that can be fatal. But right now he's just a little guy, and boy, is he cute! Komodo Dragons are the largest lizards on the planet, giving us just the tiniest taste of what the world must have been like in the age of dinosaurs. What they have in size, however, they lack in distribution: the range of the Komodo is the smallest of any of the world's large carnivores, consisting of only…
A little proof that the mini version of just about anything is cute: Photo credit: Julie Larsen Maher/WCS via Zooborns These little tykes are the Bronx Zoo's newest arrivals: baby Kihansi Spray Toads (Nectophrynoides asperginis). While they might just look like any other toad, this species is unique. Females give birth to fully-formed babies, not eggs like most amphibians. There are no tadpoles here - baby toads come right out of mom looking like mini versions of their parents. Unfortunately, you can't observe this amazing phenomena in the Kihansi Gorge of Tanzania, where these toads are from…
I just realized I haven't done a weekly dose of cute baby tiger before! I'm actually a little shocked. Well, here's a real cute one for ya - so ferocious! :) Photo credit to Associated PressThe little tyke is a white tiger born at the Chilean National Zoo. There are more pictures, too - to see the rest of the cuteness, pop over to
c/o Reindeer Owners and Breeders AssociationWhat could be cuter than a little baby reindeer around the holidays? Not much! Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus, or Caribou) have become a holiday staple for their sleigh pulling behavior. The large beasts are a kind of deer, native to North America, that travel great distances every year in search of food. Babies can run faster than a wolf only minutes after they're born! But what you might not know is that Santa's reindeer, even ole Rouldolph himself, have to be girls - at least if the classic pictures are correct. That's because, according to the…
No, not the small little drums. I'm talking about Bongos, the vibrant antelopes: c/o the Houston Zoo and ZooBorns Bongos are a kind of large antelope native to the lowlands and some mountains of Africa. They're at least two different subspecies: Tragelaphus eurycerus eurycerus (the lowland bongo) and Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci (the eastern or mountain bongo). Both subspecies are facing constant threats; the lowland bongo is listed as near-threatened by the IUCN and the mountain bongo is endangered, with more specimens in captivity than in the wild (~400 in Zoos in North America). The…
What's cuter than bunnies? Pygmy bunnies! What's cuter than pygmy bunnies? Baby pygmy bunnies! While they're unbelievably cute, these little guys are more than just adorable - they're the last remaining hope for their local population. Pygmy rabbits were once found throughout the Northwestern United States in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, California, and Nevada. In 1990, declining populations due to habitat loss led to the rabbits being listed as threatened, and further decline placed them on the federal endangered species list in 2003. Recently, searches for wild…
Ok, I really tried not to post about this. But come on - they're just so cute. I want ten of them. And to really make you squeal, some video: (it's all your fault, Rick. Ever since you posted this on your facebook I couldn't stop thinking about them!)
Puppies are cute. Kittens are cute. Puppies DRESSED AS KITTENS: cute overload! Conan O'Brien, you are the cute master. (H/T @KSuzJ via twitter)
Sure adult fish are rarely considered cute. But c'mon - their babies are downright adorable! A little Convict Tang in Hanauma Bay (photo by moi)Baby puffer c/o AndreaHarner.comLittle Guppies c/o Maddie's Home
I find it harder and harder to top the amazing cuteness provided by ZooBorns (a must-follow if you come here for cuteness!). They had these two youngsters there this week: On the left may look like a common duckling, but this little Meller's Duck is highly endangered. You won't find it flapping around the ponds and lakes around home - that is, unless your home is Madagascar, where the ducks are endemic to. At first conservation for the species was hindered because, outwardly, it looks very similar to the extremely common Mallard. Thinking the ducks in the area were nothing unique, people didn…
When I saw this little girl over at Zooborns, I couldn't help but fall completely in love! Isn't she just the cutest little doll?! Best yet, the Belfast Zoo, where this little angel was born, is currently having a naming contest for the little girl.In case you didn't know, this beautiful baby girl is a Malayan Tapir, the largest of the four species of these strange-looking creatures. As an adult, she'll gail the distinctive "saddle" marking of her kind (see Right). The lucky momma carried this baby girl for just over a year before giving birth on June 22nd. Unfortunately, like so many of the…
OK, everyone. I'm back. I swear. I know, I know - It's been awhile. But we've finally settled in here in Hawaii and are having a blast enjoying the gorgeous weather and new surroundings. Sorry I've neglected you all for so long - I know, I'm a jackass. No wait, that's these little guys: OK, to be fair, they're only 1/2 jackasses - they're 1/2 donkey, 1/2 zebra. They're Zonkeys - or zebrasses, zebronkeys, zeasses, zeedonks, zebadonks, zenkeys, donbras, donbris, or deebras... not one of which is a technically correct term for them. The better terms, to those who claim to know such things, are…
Yeah, yeah, I've done these little guys before. But come on - just watch the video. I dare you to claim that you are not overwhelmed by the Cute. HT Zooborns, again. Those guys kick some serious ass when it comes to finding the world's cutest animals
I wasn't exactly a normal kid. I loved animals, and after much convincing, I somehow got my mother to agree to let me have hedgehogs. Two of them, actually. One was a regular colored one named Spickle (because, she was "spickly" - spiky and prickly) and an albino one named Popcorn (because he was not only popcorn-colored but he liked to make popping noises and jump 4" in the air in a ball when he was upset). Anyhow, these photo reminded me of my favorite childhood pets:C'mon, ain't they CUTE?! And just look at the pig-like nose - you can see why they're called "hogs".
... then you have no heart. check out more pics of this guy at ZooBornsClouded leopard cubs are simply too cute for words.
I was going to try and do something non-furry to continue to explore cuteness on other branches of the tree of life, but this little guy just made my heart melt and I couldn't, in good conscience, post anything else. HT ZoobornsThis adorable little cub is a Black Jaguar, born on April 14th in Peru. Jaguars, Panthera onca, are the third largest cat species and the only Panthera species found in the Americas. The black color is due to a dominant but rare allele, and black moms can have black or spotted babies. They live in Mexico and much of Central America, extending as far south as Argentina…