The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 1821 - 1032 - 821 - 713 - 543 out of 328 candidates registered. I am in THIRD PLACE! Worse, second place STOLE one of the points I made in my essay and used it as his own -- hardly a steller example of good sportsmanship or good writing ability.
If you've already voted, then please encourage your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to vote for the person whom you think would be best for this unique job: traveling to Antarctica for the month of February 2010 and writing about it for the public on a blog. Here is my 300-word essay;…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 1767 - 1023 - 816 - 702 - 524 out of 311 candidates registered. I am in THIRD PLACE! Worse, second place STOLE one of the points I made in my essay and used it as his own -- hardly a steller example of good sportsmanship or good writing ability.
If you've already voted, then please encourage your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to vote for the person whom you think would be best for this unique job: traveling to Antarctica for the month of February 2010 and writing about it for the public on a blog. Here is my 300-word essay;…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 1658 - 912 - 807 - 666 - 497 out of 301 candidates registered. I am in THIRD PLACE! Worse, second place STOLE one of the lines from my essay and used it as his own.
If you've already voted, then please encourage your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to vote for the person whom you think would be best for this unique job: traveling to Antarctica for the month of February 2010 and writing about it for the public on a blog. Here is my 300-word essay; hopefully, you will agree that I am a very well-qualified candidate for this job…
Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter, I wish to preserve that tradition. I am competing for the opportunity to go to Antarctica in February 2010 -- a dream adventure that I've always wanted to pursue (and almost did pursue when I was an undergraduate researching Fin Whales and Crabeater Seals at the University of Washington). To enter, all candidates must publish a picture of themselves and write an essay explaining why we think we are the best choice, and solicit votes from the public. Whomever receives the most votes wins…
tags: Quark Expeditions, antarctica, antarctic cruises, streaming video
This video shows us a little about Quark Expeditions -- the company offering the Antarctic trip that I am trying to win. You'll notice that they even employ ornithologists to lecture on their cruises -- well, why don't they hire ME?? [2:58]
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 1616 - 839 - 801 - 651 - 459 out of 292 candidates registered. I am in THIRD PLACE! Worse, second place STOLE one of the lines from my essay and used it as his own.
If you've already voted, then please encourage your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to vote for the person whom you think would be best for this unique job: traveling to Antarctica for the month of February 2010 and writing about it for the public on a blog. Here is my 300-word essay; hopefully, you will agree that I am a very well-qualified candidate for this job…
tags: Antarctica, Orcas, Killer Whales, Orcinus orca, wildlife, streaming video
In this video, we are given a look at a pod of Orcas -- "killer whales" -- Orcinus orca, that live in the Antarctic. I have spent many happy hours in Friday Harbor at the University of Washington's research station, watching Orcas and talking to the biologists who study them. These biologists were fairly certain that the Friday harbor Orcas are a different subspecies or species from those orcas that live in more open waters, such as the ones you see in this video. The reasons? At the time, they didn't have DNA…
tags: antarctica, emperor penguins, penguin rookery, official blogger, Quark Expeditions, streaming video
Here's one of several videos by Quark Expeditions, the group from whom I am trying to win the official blogger job ("Penguin Whisperer") for their February 2010 Antarctic trip .. I think that, after watching this video, you will agree with me that I'd be a superb choice for official blogger because I am familiar with penguins and other birds and would love to tell you more about them in words, pictures and video, as I experience them in real life (as well as telling you about the voyage…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 1516 - 772 - 742 - 650 - 437 out of 288 candidates registered. I am now in THIRD PLACE! Worse, second place STOLE one of the lines from my essay and used it as his own.
If you've already voted, then please encourage your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to vote for the person whom you think would be best for this unique job: traveling to Antarctica for the month of February 2010 and writing about it for the public on a blog. Here is my 300-word essay; hopefully, you will agree that I am a very well-qualified candidate for this job…
Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter, I wish to preserve that tradition. I am competing for the opportunity to go to Antarctica in February 2010 -- a dream adventure that I've always wanted to pursue (and almost did pursue when I was an undergraduate researching Fin Whales and Crabeater Seals at the University of Washington). To enter, all candidates must publish a picture of themselves and write an essay explaining why we think we are the best choice, and solicit votes from the public. Whomever receives the most votes wins…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 1369 - 724 - 693 - 636 - 409 out of 276 candidates registered. I am still in second place, and first place is, as you can see, suddenly drawing away in an unprecedented burst of voting support. Hrmm.
If you've already voted, then please encourage your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to vote for the person whom you think would be best for this unique job: traveling to Antarctica for the month of February 2010 and writing about it for the public on a blog. Here is my 300-word essay; hopefully, you will agree that I am a very well-…
Image: appears here with the kind permission of Wetjens Dimmlich [Slow Loris Fickr site].
Send GrrlScientist to Antarctica!
Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join a voyage to Antarctica. Their goals, according to an email I received from their official spokesperson, Prisca, are to have their official blogger write a daily blog entry in English about their experience on this Antarctic trip, and to help raise public awareness of the environmental and conservation issues that pertain to the Antarctic. To select their official blogger, they are asking candidates to…
How can you resist doing as the Bard of the Internetz asks?
She should be first on any list --
GrrlScientist! GrrlScientist!
Let no one's vote be lost or miss'd --
GrrlScientist! GrrlScientist!
Let one and all her cause assist --
Come join with me; I must insist!
Just move your fingers, hands, and wrist --
GrrlScientist! GrrlScientist!
Come raise your voice and clench your fist --
GrrlScientist! GrrlScientist!
Come march, or strut, or do the twist --
GrrlScientist! GrrlScientist!
Her cause is just; you can't resist;
Don't let her lose, or I'll be pissed!
(I'll stop for now -- you've got the…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 921 - 683 - 652 - 621 - 401 out of 266 candidates registered. I am still in second place, and now there's a new third place candidate who is benefiting from a renewed surge of support.
If you've already voted, then please encourage your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to vote for the person whom you think would be best for this unique job: traveling to Antarctica for the month of February 2010 and writing about it for the public on a blog. Here is my 300-word essay; hopefully, you will agree that I am a very well-qualified…
Image: Orphaned.
Reduce GrrlScientist's Antarctic Vote Threat Level from Orange to Green by voting for her today!
Details: Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join a voyage to Antarctica. Their goals, according to an email I received recently from their official spokesperson, Prisca, are to have their official blogger write a daily blog entry in English about his or her experience on this Antarctic trip, and to help raise public awareness of the environmental and conservation issues that pertain to the Antarctic. To select their official blogger, they are asking…
tags: Antarctica, South Pole, endurance training, extreme running, Ray Zahab, streaming video
In this video, extreme runner Ray Zahab shares an enthusiastic account of his record-breaking trek on foot to the South Pole -- a 33-day sprint through the snow. [5:54]
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 865 - 654 - 610 - 540 - 452 out of 255 candidates registered. I am in second place, and third place is creeping up on me rather quickly. Wow, am I that undesirable as an official blogger?
If you've already voted, then please encourage your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to vote for the person whom you think would be best for this unique job: traveling to Antarctica for the month of February 2010 and writing about it for the public on a blog. Here is my 300-word essay; hopefully, you will agree that I am a very well-qualified…
Image: appears here with the kind permission of Wetjens Dimmlich [Slow Loris Fickr site].
Send GrrlScientist instead!
Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join a voyage to Antarctica. Their goals, according to an email I received from their official spokesperson, Prisca, are to have their official blogger write a daily blog entry in English about their experience on this Antarctic trip, and to help raise public awareness of the environmental and conservation issues that pertain to the Antarctic. To select their official blogger, they are asking candidates to enter a…
tags: Antarctica, Humpback Whales, Krill, David Attenborough, Planet Earth, BBC, streaming video
This beautifully done video shows breathtaking images of how Humpback Whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, hunt Krill, Euphausia superba, in Antarctic waters. This is a video clip from BBC's natural history masterpiece, Planet Earth. [3:50]
Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join a voyage to Antarctica. Their goals, according to an email I received from their official spokesperson, Prisca, are to have their official blogger write a daily blog entry in English about their…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 833 - 628 - 564 - 493 - 416 out of 248 candidates registered. I am in second place, and third place is creeping up on me. Wow, am I that undesirable as an official blogger?
If you've already voted, then please encourage your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to vote for the person whom you think would be best for this unique job: traveling to Antarctica for the month of February 2010 and writing about it for the public on a blog. Here is my 300-word essay; hopefully, you will agree that I am a very well-qualified candidate for this…