That vile woman just doesn't know when to quit. A lot of mudslinging is tolerated in political banter, but you really have to have some god-awful dirty mud when even your own party denounces you as the bigoted banshee you are. For those of you who aren't familiar with her most recent foray into stupidity, here's what she said about Democratic candidate John Edwards during a speech at last week's Conservative Political Action Conference.
"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards," Coulter said, "but it turns out you have to go into rehab…
2008 Presidental Election
Oh, yes, we all know that Senator John McCain gave a talk today at a luncheon in Seattle hosted by the Discovery Institute. What is said institute (I won't link them, so you can google if you like)?
"Despite its self-proclaimed position as an unbiased think tank, the Discovery Institute has played a central role in the religious right's national campaign to undermine science education," Campaign to Defend the Constitution co-director Clark Stevens wrote to McCain Thursday. "Under the guise of 'teaching the controversy' the Institute has strived to discredit the theory of evolution -- a theory…
Save. Us. All.
Westin Hotel in Seattle on Friday, February 23 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
You've been warned.
Hillary Clinton is a smart, capable politician. Yet, she also is the cause for quite a bit of division. There's not a lot of people who are lukewarm on Mrs. Clinton, most people either love her or hate her. She's got the positive connotations from her husband's presidency on her side, yet that comes with baggage as well. She's says she's in it to win, but America might not be ready for Hillary. Either way, Hillary Clinton will have made history, as this is the closest any woman will have gotten to being President. I give her much kudos for her guts and determination.
So how's she doing next…
You never see graphs this clean in science. But I think most 65-plussers are just angry at and afraid of everything, so this poll might be moot.
Democrats 60%, Republicans 40%. Hmmmmm. I guess we should all just go work at Hooters and let the menfolk do the figgerin'. (Kidding, mostly.)
From PollingPoint.