God Hates Figs


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But god obviously loves fig leaves. . . . It's another paradox. Damn metaphysical realm is full of 'em.

By Terry Hummer (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

This was just a joke. I signed up to the mailing list of the website a while back and then I got an email saying it was all a publicity stunt to attract attention to the author who wanted to sell his book about a choir boy who undergoes a sex change to keep his high pitched voice or something like that. Needless to say, I was not amused.

By Shadow Caster (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Stranger fruit indeed...

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

The figs want to shove their fruity lifestyle down your throat!