Mike Dunford has linked to a CAP poll for measuring political ideology. What can I say, I'm procrastinating, so I answered the questions and scored 344 out of 400. That makes me a god-damned baby-eating liberal pinko scumbag "extremely progressive." Below is the mean score by group:

I have yet to read the CAP report on American political opinion but here's a link none-the-less.
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Not the greatest litmus test, but kinda fun and interesting. I'm more conservative than I thought. I was sure I'd get "Raving Atheist Baby-Eating Level Liberal"........
Your Political Profile:
Overall: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
I scored a 349/400. But then I know that they also had a conservative test and I scored something like 27 on that one.
I recieved a score of 357.
That makes me Extremely Progressive a Gotdam commie pinko baby killin' fagboy... as per some of my neighbors.
Interesting. I scored a 282, making me "very progressive". Can't say I'm surprised.
Why weren't there more questions on science and society, and more important - why is science considered partisan?
333, and I used to be Republican. Now I'm unaffiliated, unrepresented, and disenfranchised.
366! but then again I'm a European!
I think my score would have been higher (better!) if it weren't for the hidden bias in the first question.
Government should not be ensuring that healthcare is "affordable."
Affordability should not be an issue when it comes to guaranteeing human rights, such as the right to healthcare access. (Which happens to be where Obama is really screwing up and wasting his political capital right now.)
I got a 217 (which is higher than I expected) Probably because I lean libertarian and support a free market economic model but am also radically pro individual freedom and anti militarism (beyond what is directly required for defense of the US)
Hmm, we tied. I find these one-dimensional political sorters a little obnoxious. I really like the Political Compass, which adds a second dimension, even though it's still far from comprehensive.
341. Seems pretty consistent with me being a Canadian.
310/400 "extremely progressive"
304/400. Also Canadian. Coincidence? I think not. This is the first time I've taken a test and fallen off the edge of the chart.
I'm always annoyed with these online political and personality tests, because they offer mainly binary answers.
Posing a question which you may think has no political relevance and then asking for a yes/no agree/disagree reply.
375/400. Dual national living in the UK.
367. Guess I need to pack my bags for Leningrad....oh wait. Never mind.
Because we live in a world of finite resources, and the Reaganites want everyone to believe in infinite wealth.
I got a score of 170. Does this mean I am a fascist? But I am a lesbian and I watch The View (I love me some Joy Behar, hate that Hasselbeck biatch!) and I voted for Hillary âHill-dogâ Clinton in the primary! I also love The Huffington Post (or HuffPo as I like to call it). Can lesbians even be fascists?! Isnât that impossible or something?