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No doubt the boy in the bubble thinks heâs done a heckuva job. From here:

Toronto Star: âBush was an unmitigated disaster, failing on the big issues from the invasion of Iraq to global warming, Hurricane Katrina and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.â

Daily Mail: âHe leaves the world facing its biggest crisis since the Depression, the Middle East in flames and U.S. standing at an all-time low.â

Daily Record: âAmerica is now hated in many parts of the world. Bush leaves a legacy of wars and the world economy in meltdown. He has been dismissed as a buffoon and a war-monger, a man who made the world a more dangerous place while sending it to the brink of economic collapse.â

The Economist: âBush has presided over the most catastrophic collapse in America's reputation since World War Two.â

Stern: âBush led the world's most powerful nation to ruin. He lied to the world, tortured in the name of freedom and caused lasting damage to America's standing.â

Sueddeutsche Zeitung: âA weak leader, Bush was just overwhelmed in the job. He confused stubbornness with principles. America has become intolerant and it will take a long time to repair that damage.â

Wiener Zeitung: âThe United States was once the symbol of justice in the world but that has been damaged by Bush. A web of manipulation has cost America $900 billion and the lives of 4,000 soldiers -- along with at least 500,000 Iraqis.â


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