Today in Science (0315)


2004 - Announcement of the discovery of 90377 Sedna, the farthest natural object in the Solar system so far observed.


1713 - Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, French astronomer

1813 - John Snow, English epidemiologist

1821 - Johann Josef Loschmidt, Austrian scientist

1854 - Emil Adolf von Behring, German physician and Nobel Prize laureate

1920 - E. Donnall Thomas, American physician and Nobel Prize laureate

1925 - Bert Bolin, Swedish meteorologist

1930 - Zhores Ivanovich Alferov, Russian physicist and Nobel Prize laureate


1898 - Henry Bessemer, English metallurgist

1951 - John S. Paraskevopoulos, Greek-born astronomer

1962 - Arthur Compton, American physicist and Nobel Prize laureate

2004 - Sir William Pickering, New Zealand-born space scientist

2004 - John Pople, English chemist and Nobel Prize laureate

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