The yellow goat I ate!

Over at, there’s a thread on viral videos. Someone posted this classic

which the original YouTube poster described as "The Crazy Indian Video with SUBTITLES THAT SAY WHAT I THINK THE VIDEO SOUNDS LIKE IN ENGLISH!!!" and is probably the most hyperkinetic thing I have ever seen in my life. It’s also probably best not to watch it while drinking.

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The long winter evenings in Morris will never be the same, eh?

By John Lynch (not verified) on 22 Dec 2007 #permalink

Every time I watch one of these Bollywood videos on YouTube I'm expecting it to be all LOLHindus or at least hipster irony, and then I find myself actually digging the music and dance on its own intrinsic merits. I really do prefer the slick professionalism of Indian pop to the pseudo-authenticity of the western variety.

I also note that many of the positive comments on the video are from native Tamil speakers.

Thank you for warning about not drinking. Hillarious!

Thanks for the video!! *****

By reindeer386sx (not verified) on 23 Dec 2007 #permalink

I need to learn how to dance. I shall study this video.

Something new for those in the "Big Tent"? If so it will be strong competition for the usual hand waving we become accustomed to seeing from the Big Tent. I think some fancy footwork would go well to spice up the arguments. I also think the discussion could use some good show tunes. It gets a little dry rehashing the same old arguments over and over.

By Bruce Thompson (not verified) on 23 Dec 2007 #permalink