Today in Science (1120)


1602 - Otto von Guericke, German physicist

1762 - Pierre André Latreille, French entomologist

1886 - Karl von Frisch, Austrian zoologist and Nobel Prize laureate

1889 - Edwin Hubble, American astronomer

1910 - Willem Jacob van Stockum, Dutch physicist

1926 - Andrzej W. Schally, Polish-born endocrinologist and Nobel Prize laureate


1704 - Charles Plumier, French botanist

1778 - Francesco Cetti, Italian scientist

1934 - Willem de Sitter, Dutch scientist

1945 - Francis William Aston, British chemist and Nobel Prize laureate

1976 - Trofim Lysenko, Stalinist biologist

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Interesting lineup! Von Frisch, Hubble and Lysenko....