Today in Science (1022)

Good Monday morning to all my readers, especially to the 406 who read the blog via Feedburner. Did you know, that if each and everyone of you donated a mere $10 to our DonorsChoose drive, we’d have raised a total of $5,353 and will have met our challenge goals? That’s less than three cents a day spread over a year, and overall ten dollars well spent.

You know what to do ...


Thank you.

And if you donate (or have done so), please remember to forward your e-mail receipt to to take part in our prize drawing.

And now, your Today in Science.


4004 BC - The universe is created this evening, according to James Ussher.


1511 - Erasmus Reinhold, German astronomer and mathematician

1729 - Johann Reinhold Forster, German botanist

1770 - Thomas Seebeck, Baltic German physicist

1881 - Clinton Davisson, American physicist and Nobel Prize laureate

1896 - Charles Glen King, American biochemist

1903 - George Wells Beadle, American geneticist and Nobel Prize laureate


1792 - Guillaume Le Gentil, French astronomer

1891 - Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow, Austrian physiologist

1986 - Albert Szent-Györgyi, Hungarian physiologist and Nobel Prize laureate

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Thank you Dr. Lynch for helping us pin point the creation of the universe. Of course I'm kidding but I have long enjoyed the lack of wonderment that so many of our fundamentalist brothers have and any reference to Ussher is a refreshing aside. I've been reading (and collecting) your updates for about 4 months and am anxiously awaiting a tribut to Richard Demski.