Today in Science (0930)


1977 - The Apollo program’s ALSEP experiment packages left on the Moon are terminated.

2004 - The first images of a live giant squid in its natural habitat are taken. PZ Myers is ecstatic.


1530 - Geronimo Mercuriali, Italian philologist and physician

1870 - Jean Baptiste Perrin, French physicist and Nobel Prize laureate

1882 - Hans Geiger, German physicist

1905 - Nevill Francis Mott, English physicist and Nobel Prize laureate

1939 - Jean-Marie Lehn, French chemist and Nobel Prize laureate

1943 - Johann Deisenhofer, German chemist and Nobel Prize laureate

1951 - Barry Marshall, Australian physician and Nobel Prize laureate


1985 - Charles Richter, American seismologist

1994 - Andre Michael Lwoff, French microbiologist and Nobel Prize laureate

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