I guess I'm not Republican

Over at Corpus Callosum, Joseph highlights a "Pick Your Candidate" webpage. You enter your stand on various issues, and the page ranks the candidates based on their similarity to your views. Here’s the Top Five it spat back at me:

  1. Kucinich
  2. Gravel
  3. Obama
  4. Clinton
  5. Edwards

Somewhat satisfyingly, the least compatible choices are all Republicans and all negative scores: Thompson, Brownback, McCain, Cox, Giuliani, Huckabee, Tancredo, Romney, and Hunter. The only Republican to get a positive score (10) was Ron Paul.

Give it a try.


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My negatives were McCain, Brownback, Thompson, Cox, Huckabee, Giuliani, Tancredo, Hunter, and Romney. Are they good people to despise?

By Rose Colored Glasses (not verified) on 07 Aug 2007 #permalink

Kucinich; Gravel; Clinton; Edwards; Obama; Dodd; Richardson; Biden

Ron Paul and McCain were marginally positive (less than 5) and the rest of them were seriously negative.

Incredible, it gave me Kucinch and Gravel, and I'm voting for Edwards and he was 5th.

Guess it doesn't have the intelligence that I have.

Yeah, I was amazed to see that I had all 43 responses identical to Kucinich! We had no disagreements!?

I'm Canadian so I guess its moot...

Funny. I was raised Mormon, and the candidate I disagree with most is Mitt Romney. What life will teach ...

Maybe this is the way voting should be done...

My top 4 were Paul (41), Gravel(40), Kucinich (35), and Richardson (11) - more or less who I expected, although I though Richardson would be higher. I guess I like crazy people. I'm guessing that Gravel and Kucinich (particularly Kucinich) would be lower compared to Richardson if they included more economic questions - they didn't ask about raising taxes or balancing the budget. Romney came in far last for me too - further down than I expected. There would be no way I'd vote for him in any case, but even Giuliani and Huckabee came out way better than him, and they stand no chance of getting my vote either.