There is egg on my face

I guess we all fell for it. It turns out that the whole Michael Egnor cafuffle was an elaborate ruse to have us Darwinists make fools of ourselves. Boy, do we feel dumb! Still, Egnor has managed to outdo his parodic self with this:

"materialism is nonsense, because if matter and energy are all that exist, then truth doesn't exist (it's neither matter nor energy). If truth doesn't exist, then materialism can't be true."


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Now that it's been admitted that the apparent Discovery Institute prank, in which Dr. Michael Egnor posed as a parody of the most ignorant creationists there are, spouting truly inane and long-debunked canards about evolution for a month and a half, all in an effort to snooker us evil Darwinists…
Two weeks ago I joined the chorus of Science Bloggers bashing Michael Egnor for his posts at the Discovery Institute's blog. I pointed out a fairly straightforward error in one of his posts. At that time I mentioned that I hadn't jumped in earlier because Egnor's arguments revolved around medical…
Over the weekend, another "Egnor" post appeared on the Discovery Institute blog. This one addresses a post I wrote two weeks ago discussing the "Framing Science" article. In his "response," "Egnor" manages to completely distort pretty much everything about my article, in a way that is so ham-…
...That all around evolution-ignorant but nonetheless eager lapdog of the Discovery Institute, SUNY Stonybrook Professor of Neurosurgery Dr. Michael Egnor, is back. Rats. I thought that the utter drubbing he took at the hands of myself and my fellow ScienceBloggers (in particular PZ Myers) might…

this was a Panda's Thumb joke

this was not a DI joke, it was a joke on the DI

By richCares (not verified) on 01 Apr 2007 #permalink

Really? Wow, I'd *never* have guessed! .... especially considering I'm part of the Panda's Thumb crew.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 01 Apr 2007 #permalink

The nice thing about this year's April 1st is that it is sunday. Thus Casey Luskin, Egnor et al. are busy with other things.

Perhaps I should have placed sarcasm tags around my comment. *ahem*

By John Lynch (not verified) on 01 Apr 2007 #permalink

Even if I hadn't been alerted to it by the URL, you'd have given yourselves away by the claims of feeling foolish

By G, Shelley (not verified) on 01 Apr 2007 #permalink