
I've been kinda quiet the past few days as I have been part of a team hosting Bernie Lightman (a noted historian of Victorian science) here at ASU. This has involved dinners, talks, trips to Arizona sites, etc. Hopefully I can get posting again soon, despite receiving papers to grade yesterday.

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It's that time of the year again, the time to complete the end of year blog meme. Here is last year's entry. Rules are simple - post the first line of the first post for every month. I've omitted my Monday Mustelid, Today In Science and Friday Poem (semi-)regular posts, so it actually means this is…
I've been quiet the past week for a number of reasons. While course & talk preparation and more general bits & pieces have kept me busy, a huge part of my spare time (such as it is) has been given away to activities related to hiring a new lecturer here at the College. That has meant…
I've been nosing around Facebook and Myspace for a few months now, trying to understand how these kinds of sites will influence the work of writers like myself. No terribly clear answers yet, but some interesting experiments underway. Facebook, for example, used to only have "profiles," where…