The Dirt says Hot, The Label says Stranger Fruit.

The Lynch Euro 2006 tour is over. Past few weeks were spent in Paris, Dublin and (briefly) London while studiously avoiding e-mail and blogging. Highlights included watching the World Cup in French cafes and Irish pubs with people who actually care about the beautiful game (there is no language barrier when it comes to football). It was my daughter's first trip to France & England, so that was fun.

As many of the blog sibs have noted, the Sb/Donors Choose has ended with a total of $34,001.68 being donated. Props to everyone involved. I especially want to take those who donated throught strangerfruit - we met out goal and funded four K-2 projects to the total of $1000, which may not seem like much but will definitely make a difference to the 120 or so students who will benefit. I particularly want to thank those ex-students of mine who donated - thanks guys!

I'll get slowly back into blogging over the next few days, I promise. Need to catch up with the avoided email and some minor tasks.

[Post title courtesy of The Advertising Slogan Generator]

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By Sean Storrs (not verified) on 04 Jul 2006 #permalink