Ummmm. Lobster.

If the hairy lobster wasn't your style of thing, what about a meter long Giant freshwater crayfish (Astacopsis gouldi) from Tasmania?


Yeah, I know, it's not a lobster ... but they are related.

It's Saturday evening. I'm posting on parasitic fish and large crustacea. I need to get a life.



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Do you have anymore info? The site you linked to indicated a length of up to 12cm -- much smaller than the example shown in your photo.

Yea... Its Saturday night, and I'm responding to a blog entry on the largest freshwater invertabrate...

That's 120mm carapace length - Carapace length does not include claws or tail. This source states "Giant freshwater crayfish commonly reach 120 mm in carapace length, although they may get up to 400 mm". Allowing CL to be ~50% of total length, would mean a range of 24cm to 80cm. Our 90cm specimen is larger, certainly, but not impossible.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 11 Mar 2006 #permalink

"can reach weights in excess of 3 kg" pass the hush puppies?

Hey it's raining

By Bruce Thompson (not verified) on 11 Mar 2006 #permalink

How is it that Australia gets all the coolest fauna?

"How is it that Australia gets all the coolest fauna?"

Don't ask a creationist.