Weekend Diversion: You are responsible for what you say

"In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility." -Eleanor Roosevelt

I've always been a big fan of personal freedom, which includes the freedom to speak your mind, say what you think, ask questions, be wrong, and learn. This is, after all, how we've all improved ourselves over our lives, as none of us were born knowing all that we've managed to acquire over our lifetimes.

And I've never had to have an official comment policy for all the years I've been blogging; the most I've ever had to give was some gentle guidance many years ago. But as much as I both hate moderating comments and arguing on the internet, the time has come to address a growing problem that many of you have noticed: a few bad apples spoiling the comments section for the  bunch. So let's lay down what is and isn't okay here, and empower all of you to make this the forum and community you want it to be. For this page, therefore, the song can be nothing other than The Prodigy's

Smack My Bitch Up.

First off, I'm going to continue to disallow all the things I've disallowed in the past. The following things are completely off-limits on my blog, and will get you permanently banned:

  • Threats of harm -- physical or non-physical -- to any person or group of people.
  • Hate speech, including racist, sexist and anti-semitic speech, and especially including anything that can be construed as encouraging or inciting violence against a group of people.
  • Spam, including trying to promote your business or direct web traffic from the comments of this blog.

All of that is obvious to me, and that will continue to be enforced. But there's more to it than that: there's how we treat each other. On this blog, that means with our words to one another. Consider this image for a moment, if you will.

Image credit: Paul Graham of Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement.

We all say things -- sometimes quite confidently -- that turn out to be wrong. It's not surprising: we are limited in how much information we have, in our experiences, and in how we've put it all together. This is simultaneously one of the best things about science, because it's always learning and always self-correcting, and also one of the hardest things about being a scientifically-minded and kind human, because we both are sometimes wrong and need to change our worldview in order to be consistent, and also because when others need to be corrected, we want to set them on the right course.

I will always encourage everyone, when faced with the last of those tasks, to work from as high up on the pyramid as is possible. And believe me, I know it's hard, particularly when you feel like the following is in order:

...because sometimes people *deserve* this. 

Which -- I'm not going to lie -- sometimes is in order.

Because sometimes, arguments are not genuine.

Sometimes, people leave comments and state opinions for reasons other than to honestly attempt to learn, educate, or otherwise exchange information.

And when that happens here, it can hijack a very good community that is committed to sharing what we know about the Universe and how we know it, and turn the comments section into an indecipherable mess.

King of the Hill once covered this very well, IMO.

I've been very, very patient with giving people the benefit of the doubt. Some people do come here curious about the Universe, but with some very deep misconceptions about how things work. People with this mindset are often willing to change their minds if the right evidence comes along. I (sometimes naïvely) initially think that everyone who comes here is like this, particularly when a comment or question appears on a relevant post.

For example, when talking about how we know that the Earth moves.

Image credit: Richard Helmich.

There are plenty of hints that show us the Earth is rotating, but -- from the perspective of an observer on Earth -- it is completely indistinguishable whether it is the Earth that rotates on its axis every 24 hours or whether the entire Universe and everything in it rotates ones every 24 hours around the Earth. That much is true.

However, these two perspectives are not equivalent for everything else in the Universe. Every naked-eye star in the night sky -- including Polaris, by the way -- would be breaking the speed of light if they were moving around the Earth. The slowing of the Earth's rotation -- due to the frictional torque of the Sun-Moon-Earth system -- would not exist, and thus there would be no explanation for the gradual but measurable changes in the length of the day. And, on cosmological scales, a rotating Universe (which is an interesting toy model) is constrained to be less than one rotation of the Universe about any axis over the entire history of the Universe.

And that is what I'd consider a fair explanation. At this point, the reasonable person may have follow-up questions, but would presumably have been confronted with evidence they didn't consider, and the discussion would evolve. But the unreasonable person would shift the goalposts, bring up a new argument, point to some misinterpreted piece of evidence, etc., in some never-ending game of cat-and-mouse.

I feel like that's what's been going on in the comments of this blog, and that ends now.

Image credit: found at http://cdn.twentytwowords.com/.

Because from here on out, you are no longer free to promote your own, personal, anti-scientific screed here. Not on this blog, not on any old posts, not on any new posts. It's wrong, it's distracting, it's deleterious to the community and it's damaging to the good people who come here for the same purposes I do: to share the story of what we know about the Universe and how we know it with one another.

From here on out -- and I'd encourage the honest attempt before doing this -- you can send the offending commenter here, to this page. This page is -- I hereby declare -- the only place on Starts With A Bang where scientifically disingenuous comments are not going to be deleted immediately. If you said your piece of mind and were properly informed, and you continue to plow ahead and promote your anti-scientific nonsense, you get one warning to take it to this page.

That is what I need you, my readers, to do: if you catch someone doing this, warn them to either cut it out or take it here, and if you warn them, and they violate this policy, I will contact them personally, and -- if necessary -- ban them.

And I'm telling everyone right now, because I want to be very, very clear:

I don't want to have to ban anybody!

You are free to speak however you like, but you are responsible for what you say. Your speech is your privilege here, so respect the blog, respect your community, and respect yourself with how you use it.

If you want to know the answer to a science question, we've got a great community here that can help you. If you want to know why the large-scale structure simulation, above, isn't expanding, ask that. You'll likely be told the correct answer: the simulation is done in an expanding Universe, but the expansion is scaled out of the visual end-product, because it's not very interesting to watch a simulation containing 1 billion particles to only have 80 particles by the end of it, because the volume of the Universe has expanded by a factor of 12 million over the course of the simulation.

All structure formation simulations (including the beautiful cluster-formation one, below) do this when they're presented visually; this is well-known and taken into account. I should know, it's my area of expertise!

So let's treat each other, ourselves, and our community with respect. If you can't let go of your idea even after it's been explained to you, you will be told to take it here, where you may or may not get a response, but you will not clutter up the rest of the blog with it, or you will no longer be allowed to comment here. This is a free and open forum with very few rules, so don't abuse them and we'll all have a better place to spend time together.

Also be aware that we now have a static comments policy page that permanently states this as our official comments policy. I hope this helps create a better community for everyone, and elevates the universal level of discourse. Thanks to everyone (you know who you are) who's been fighting to keep the nonsense out; although I hate to have to get involved, I've got your back. It's your backyard, too; let's help keep it clean and beautiful for all.

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"Of course, I am not as knowledgeable as a person who is a professional astronomer. "

Yet you don't consider the fact when you're berating people who are and insisting that they are all wrong, mike.

Seems you'll SAY humble words, but won't actually act on them.

"Regarding the IAU vote"

Regarding the vote, nearly 500 voted and the IAU definition won by a landslide.

"so why do you keep acting like the IAU def is perfect"

Why do you keep acting like those three hundred are perfect?

"Pluto was a planet from 1930 to 08/24/2006. Why weren’t you ranting and raving then?"

Because the definition of planet wasn't excluding it then.

Yes, I parrot, you merely "insist" that the IAU are wrong, the definition of planet is wrong and that Pluto must be a planet.

Funny how that works with the insane trolls like you, innit?

Pluto is not a planet.

You don't even know what the geophysical definition is, moron.

How do you know it is correct?

You don't.

The geophysical definition has far greater sucking to it than the IAU one. Which is why it was discarded several days before the vote.

A troll calling someone who uses their real name and tries to be polite even when called a moron is a troll, wow, how ironic. I know the def. People use words all the time that they can't define precisely without looking up the def. Can you define moron? That seems to be your favorite word. I am tiring of going and back and forth with you about defs and what you know the IAU was thinking and why they did what they did and how it was a landslide and how accounts of wrongdoing at the Prague GA are all part of an illuminati conspiracy. You are obviously much smarter than me and do not need to investigate accounts of wrongdoing before concluding that they are bogus. Perhaps you are the progeny of Nostradamus or something. I see you know what sucks and what does not suck, and I do not want to get in the way of that.

Who did I say was all wrong and who did I berate? I might have said a few things about Brown and Bell, but Brown's behaviror is well-known to be outrageous. Even your buddy dean agrees me with on that. As far as Bell goes, she cut someone off in mid-sentence who was on the other side of the issue. You poo poo that and say it must have been due to time constraints. That is hogwash. I saw the tape. As I have said before, her attitude toward Pluto huggers during that session was one of pure, unadulterated contempt. That is just a fact, methane.

By Mike Wrathell (not verified) on 16 Nov 2013 #permalink

No, mikey, a moron is defined as this:

a stupid person.

And since you don't know squat about astronomy but are damned certain you know better than the ones who knew enough to vote in the IAU referendum, you are a moron.

And pointing out truths does not a troll make. The definition of troll is:

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

Where any attempt to place my posts in that will necessarily and unavoidably include every one of yours in there.

"Who did I say was all wrong and who did I berate?"

The IAU. Everyone who didn't vote to keep pluto a planet.

Are you not even reading your posts?

"As I have said before, her attitude toward Pluto huggers during that session was one of pure, unadulterated contempt."

And you haven't shown either that your attribution is correct nor that it was unwarranted.

You have been contemptuous of the IAU. Does that mean you're definitely, provably, wrong in your standard of proof?

Oh, yes indeedie.

John Duffield
Please read all of this post and some of the comments.

This page, You Are Responsible For What You Say, is where Ethan graciously tells us his comment policy. Please try to follow it.

You are entitled to your own views of science (whether speculative, pseudoscience or numerology); but your comments are seriously off-topic because they are not meant to discuss science. They are meant to proselytize your personal view of how the universe works.

The place that Ethan provides for you to proselytize your personal view of how the universe works is right hear on this blog page. And as you can see from previous comments; if you comment on this page, there will be lively discussion on your ideas.

But here your personal ideas will not be disrupting those who are trying to learn the currently accepted science first and the currently accepted unsolved problems of science.

So please confine discussion of your personal science theories to this page. Thank you.

@OKThen, #360
"Amicus Plato amicus Aristoteles magis amica veritas."

It is easy to give generalized comments/mocks of some text. Pinpoint the first non-scientific/non-factual/non-provable/speculative thing in FEMME. If not here, then you can do that here (it is hard to distinct promotion and call for discussion - I cannot call for discussion if I do not present the subject, and presentation is the way of promotion):
You urged me to read this blog. That is also required for FEMME (or "The gem" series). Read and think. Honestly. Because of truth. If truth is that what you are after. If not, then you are not the scientist, despite your title/academic-degree. Facing the truth for you is terrible, hard thing to do. What's there in it for you? Only to realize that your huge knowledge is essentially equal to the knowledge of experts for Ptolemy's celestial-world description and interpretation. Superficially, that was proper description - helicoides did describe the paths of celestial bodies accurately for many centuries - but essentially, it was totally wrong. Today, the situation is much, much worse. The mathematical concepts of today's world descriptions (the multitude of them: QM, QCD, QED, strings, superstrings, P/D/M-branes, relativity, black-hole theory, dark matter, dark energy, ...) are incomparably more complicated and developed. In other words, the scandal is much bigger than it was for Inquisition when Galileo presented them the reality. So, I doubt that any graduated scientist today is capable to face the truth - because the vast majority of them is homo inanis (homo vanus). Homo sapiens is still just the extremely rare phenomenon in our species. When facing with the facts which show that he is wrong, homo vanus turns into homo perfidus. What are you going to turn into? Would you follow your reason (read patiently, carefully and thoughtfully the FEMME), or your vanity (ignore, mock, ..., falsely (perfidiously) comment it)?
What are my options/possibilities to turn the attention of someone who is wrong to the fact that he is wrong, to make him aware that he is wrong? From my experience: none. I can only hope that smart high school students and faculty freshmen would stumble upon FEMME, and read it with their clear, open, capable minds, still not irretrievably hypnotized with mathematical mysticism (QM, QCD, QED, strings, superstrings, P/D/M-branes, relativity, black-hole theory, dark matter, dark energy, ...).

@CB, #52 in the thread

Axioms are that what is in the very beginning, in the very core.
They are the starting point.
Planck's equation for quantum-energy was obtained with the method known as deduction: derivation from the higher level to the bottom.
Also the Maxwell's equation for velocity of EM waves.
And these equations are axiomatic base of existence.
They do not have to be derived, they are the starting point. The "that's the way it fundamentally is". And the only way that they can be derived is the deduction, that is, "from top to bottom". Because they are the essential cause of any higher level phenomena.
The mass is defined as the elementary convolution of elementary EM-energy and the elementary EM-properties of space. That's the way it fundamentally is.
Learn about convolution. And read the A.C&E 2, on the page 17, in the document
So, the mass is derived as EM-coupling, EM-interaction (convolution, elementary convolution) of elementary axioms of existence: elementary EM-energy and elementary EM-properties of space.
If you read the paper carefully, thoughtfully, you would not see any nonsense anywhere else but in your remark/comment.

If in case in this 3kgs of mass liberating energy E.

As what?

With individual energies that is e1,e2…etc. From which I assed that the following 3kgs mass is liberating energy in 6 forms.

So what?

e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6. And they will share the energy released. Which you've claimed is the entire liberated rest mass energy of the 3kg mass.

Then what?

"Tautological but irrelevant. A clock that is inaccurate would go faster or slower but that doesn’t make TIME go faster or slower."

Didn't we agree there is only the present? Past and future do not physically exist, because they are prior and succeeding configurations of the energy which exists as the present. Some factors of which change faster than than others. Energy is conserved, so the forms it manifests can't be, if new ones are to develop. A clock is only inaccurate if it doesn't calibrate with similar processes. A clock on a GPS satellite will run faster than the same clock on the ground, but because they both still exist in the same present, have to be calibrated to one another.

"Since clocks weren’t invented for most of recorded history, the progress of society cannot be linked to the rate at which clocks mark off time. And if I wind my watch on, society doesn’t progress faster than if the battery ran out and it’s not working."

Not a particularly insightful point. Our bodies possess different clocks in their cells and organs. The earth has been spinning for quite awhile.

"No we don’t we measure an interval. Time between sunrise and sunset. Time the candle burns between two marks. The time it takes the second hand to move on another tick. The time between peaks of a quartz crustal under an electric field. The time before an atom de-excites."

All of which are energetic processes and the rate they occur. You change the context, say by a stronger gravitational field, or acceleration and the rate will change, just as if you put the candle in an oxygen rich atmosphere, remove the electric field and the quartz slows.
The spin of the earth changes gradually, but that doesn't make it "inaccurate," because it is our most significant rate of change, so we calibrate more precise clocks to it, by changing our count of their units.

"Bugger off."

Not having a good day?

And it’s a sunday.

Life's a b. Price I pay for working with more horses than people. It's nice to have some personal experience of nature to filter all there is to read about it. Feedback is nice, but after awhile its hard to tell if it's order or just calcification.
We think narratively, but the past doesn’t physically exist. What is present becomes past. Causation precedes determination. Events are in the present, BEFORE they are in the past.

By John Merryman (not verified) on 05 Apr 2015 #permalink

Didn’t we agree there is only the present?

No. The past and future don;t exist in the present, but one did and the other will. But no, we never agreed to the above.

Some factors of which change faster than than others.

This doesn't change time.

Confused.com seem to be missing their mascot.

Not a particularly insightful point.

Given the material you've presented for me to work with, I've done a Herculean job. You don't know what time is. And all it looks like you've learned about energy and mass are the names.

Given the limitations that I've had to work out what you might possibly mean, tease some vague sanity out of them and then present both your "argument" and the response, I've done a damn good job.

We think narratively, but the past doesn’t physically exist.

A narrative isn't just a series of words placed one after the other according to the structures of grammar. Which is all you've managed.

The past doesn't exist now, but it did. And it changed the present. But even if it didn't, this still doesn't say anything about what the hell you mean about time.

Unless you start making some sense, I'll just post a dismissal of the blather. If you prefer something more substantive, then please start yourself. I'll happily follow along if you decide to actually structure your claims into some coherent sense. If you can't, then there's nothing I'm able to do to help.

"The past and future don;t exist in the present, but one did and the other will."

So I assume your point is that the present moves from past to future.
My argument is that only the present is physically real, and so this "flow of time" is an effect of change within this state and so the present, not the flow of events, is the primary reality, then it is these events which go from future to past, as they form and dissolve.
They are only physically real when they are the present state and so "the past" is like a product flowing away from the production process that is the present.
One if the issues with the flow of events from past to future is going from a determined past into a probabilistic future and why isn't the future ultimately equally determined, but if determination is an effect of causation, i.e., the past an effect of the physical dynamic of what is the state of the present, this is not a problem, because the input into any event only arrives with its occurrence(information travels at a finite speed) and so the effect of it being inputted, i.e. causation, yields determination.
Present configuration becomes past.
The earth doesn't travel some dimension from yesterday to tomorrow. Tomorrow becomes yesterday because the earth turns.
We think of temporal sequence as causal, but only energy exchange is causal. Yesterday doesn't cause today, nor does today cause tomorrow. The sun shining on a spinning planet causes this effect called "days."
Now a baseball batter hitting a ball is cause of it flying away, because there is an exchange of energy.
The problem is we perceive events like frames of film in a movie, so as they flow by, from being in the future to being in the past, we first view prior events, then subsequent ones.
So for us, there is little difference between a sequence of days as frames and the sequence of the batter hitting the ball as frames. We view them both as the present moving from past to future. Much like we see the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, even though it is the earth, as our point of view, spinning west to east.

Better leave it there. I can hear your blood starting to boil over again.

By John Merryman (not verified) on 05 Apr 2015 #permalink

So I assume your point is that the present moves from past to future.

No, my point is that your insistence that the past and future don't exist is wrong. My point is also that it doesn't do anything to prove your insistence about time.

My argument is that only the present is physically real

Which is why your conclusions are wrong: your premise is wrong.

We think of temporal sequence as causal, but only energy exchange is causal.

Wrong again.

Better leave it there. I can hear your blood starting to boil over again.

Wrong again. Your imagination is doing that, not your ears.

"No, my point is that your insistence that the past and future don’t exist is wrong."

So it's the fourth dimensional block time thing and we can time travel through wormholes, when we figure out the math?

By John Merryman (not verified) on 05 Apr 2015 #permalink

"So it’s the fourth dimensional block time "


OK WOW Have a go You dumb dirt puke filth reprobate.. How would you like me to embarrass your self today?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink

Well you opened as badly as I expected, Rag.

Badly done.

Very Christian of you.

OK, WOW... Jesus died for your sins..
Don't you want to be saved?

Is that better?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink

Well, starters, he didn't die for my sins.

a) He didn't exist, any more than King Arthur or Merlin did.
b) There was no sin to die for (that's OT, not NT, which I've been told isn't what christians believe when I point out the horror of the OT god)
c) Never asked him to. Mostly because (a) but also because that was 2000 years ago
d) If you DO take OT as well, then he only died to forgive sins he assigned to me for nothing I ever did, so why the hell should I care?
e) He's the one going to send me to hell for not believing in him, apparently, so fuck him, really.
f) according to him, he never died.
g) He knew, not believed, KNEW that he was Top Dog when he died, whereas all WE get are "third backup back oiler" jobs, so he didn't give a stuff about this life, he was well sorted for the next one, so gave up bugger all.

Also, your religion has no claim to be right any more than those of the Norsemen. And I don't have to believe in JC to get to heaven if they're right.

So quite what your non-sequitur means is anyone's guess.

ROTHFLMFAO!!! Is That All Ya got?
Bare with me, I have to type with one hand here.. nasty infection from a snake bite last Sunday.. But The lord will heal it in time.,.snicker...

Your probably a Democrat as well.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink

Well, rm, if you want to support the contention that this jesus lived and then died for your sins, you'd have to present some sort of tangible evidence: historical, for example, that is not tied to the bible, since those authors really needed to make the case for his existence.
* there isn't any historical evidence
* the romans did not use crucifixion as mentioned in the bible
* the big census that preceded the birth of jesus is not in roman records, and they did not conduct them as described

There may be a lot of just so stories in the new testament, but there is no description of real events.

He probably isn't, since he supports science and can spell. Both of those are considered detriments in the modern republican party.

Judeo-Christian aside Dean, do you think that there could be a supreme being that is above or outside of this universe and that this being could bring about the order we observe?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink

So we disagree, that's fine.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink

Two roommates stabbed each other during a heated iPhone vs. Android debate

Reminds me of the good old days between the Protestants and Catholics ..haha
Now it's Sunni and Shia Persians and Arabs Samsung And Apple Fanboys

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink

ROTHFLMFAO!!! Is That All Ya got?

That's all I need, Rag.

Faith in your myth won't save me, so your comment is pointless.

I'm not terrorised by your fear peddling mythology and do not accept it any more than you accept that Valyries will come down to send all heroes who died in battle to heaven, whilst others are sent to Hel's palace to await Ragnarok.

You don't believe in thousands of myths.

So do I.

And all I need is to say I don't believe in your myth, just like you don't believe in Mithras.

"Your probably a Democrat as well."

You made this claim earlier.

It's still false.

Your false assumption that I care about your beliefs is hysterical and shows your own which hunt for what ever fears you have simply because you hear or read the word "philosophy".

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink

Witch Hunt I mean..
Are You OK with Iran getting the bomb?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink

Wowzer, can we get a brief synopsis on Obamas fear peddling?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink

Your ... assumption that I care about your beliefs is

Is based on your query

Don’t you want to be saved?

Of course, if that was all bollocks, then your quote # was therefore bollocks too, since not even YOU believed it worthy of response, therefore even a "poor" response would be vastly more than warranted.

Of course, with such bullshit coming from you with no care for any rational purpose indicates you're irresponsible for what you say and love it that way.

That should have been "post #521". Missed off the post number.

Wowzer here's a "rational question"

Do you think Iran should be allowed to possess a thermonuclear weapon?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink


Well, then by your own circular reasoning there I would think you are just fine with the Islamic republic of IRAN acquiring “the bomb”. Since you see no difference in the religiousness of the people in charge

Nope, because I don't think the USA should have the bomb either. Funny how you believe the USA should not have the option of not having the bomb.

That WAS an option for my "circular reasoning", which is nothing of the sort, it's a fact: they are the same religion, just a different sect and a few changes to dogma and religious text, just as the thousands of other Christian sects that are all christian when it comes to other christians saying they're numerous or a majority.

However, given IRAN aren't trying to get a bomb, but trying to get off fossil fuels, I really don't see why you want to bring up the bomb, unless

a) nuclear power is inevitably dangerous
b) you're blinded by fear that someone else could get the bomb == they WILL get the bomb

but fear is what you've been marinaded in all your life. You probably see it no more than a fish sees water.

"However, given IRAN aren’t trying to get a bomb, but trying to get off fossil fuels, I really don’t see why you want to bring up the bomb, unless"

LMFAO!!! Boy, Your blind in more ways than one...
The Ayatollah is so concerned about those dirty fossils fuels and just wants "clean energy" for peaceful domestic use ... What a Puke riot that Is there

I guess your blindness refuses to see this as well:
" Iran’s Ayatollah Tweets That Israel Must Be Destroyed"
And the many more statements that follow the same theme.

So if someone says they want to annihilate me or anyone else, a "rational" thinker should probably take them at their word...no?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink

The Ayatollah is so concerned about those dirty fossils fuels and just wants “clean energy” for peaceful domestic use …


That's why he's agreed to UN inspectors to come aboard and check that they are unable to manufacture nuclear weapons.

Unlike the USA who refused to ratify the UN right to inspections internationally to investigate and prove that there were no chemical weapons being manufactured because there was no way to stop those inspectors from being able to check the USA wasn't making WMDs.

Which was then compounded by the Merkin idiocracy when they insisted Saddam had WMDs and the UN was "powerless" because they couldn't get unrestricted access to Saddam's chemcal factories: they neglected to notice that the reason they didn't have the power to do that was that they insisted they shouldn't have that right.

But you're indoctrinated and completely unable to consider anything rationally.

And project your blindness (because to you, it's "obvious" you're right, therefore anyone else "must be blind") on to others as you can't explain what is "obvious" with anything other than assertion that it is so.

Just like any ISIS member.

The difference being that you're nuclear armed.

So you do have Bush derangement syndrome as well( I Knew It).
Perhaps you missed this part::
Iran’s Supreme Leader Says No Deal If Inspectors Want Access To Military Sites

So does that logic compute in a good deal for you?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 18 Apr 2015 #permalink

Bowwow are you around tomorrow? I was thinking of a Sunday special on Homosexuality.
Your logical atheist input would be welcome on the topic.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 18 Apr 2015 #permalink

I respectfully decline the invitation to join your hallucination, Rag.

And what is the fascination you religious nuts have with anal sex?

Mr. Khamenei said he didn’t support or oppose the parameters of the deal at this stage, arguing they were still a work in progress.

“Everything done so far neither guarantees an agreement in principle nor its contents, nor does it guarantee that the negotiations will continue to the end,”

Meanwhile religious pandering in the USA..?


(pat on head).... Nice try Do you have dementia as well? No wonder your falling apart me'boy.. No wonder ya need Obammycare

Now with regards to Anal sex, Religion aside (I PROMISE I won't let ISIS toss you off a building).
Does an Atheist Logic Who understands Evolution not find it quite...(pardon the pun) queer that a Man seeks to sexually stimulate himself by inserting his Penus in another males Anus?
That would seem a devolving trait would it not?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 18 Apr 2015 #permalink

"Does an Atheist Logic"

English not your first language, Rag?

No, there's nothing odd about same-sex sex, even from a biological point of view of utility. At least half your genes, most likely more, are replicated in the genes of your siblings, so your genes will do just fine even if you don't have productive sex.

A pair will produce far more offspring than survive. So there's no imperative to produce offspring: 90% of it doesn't last to carry on the generation anyway, so homosexuality has no effect on survivability of the species.

Seriously, you retarded godwollopers need to understand science before you build up some hypocritical self-justificaiton of your obsession with other people and sex.

And again with your actually queer obsession only with male on male anal sex, talking to another man about anal sex.

But think on this, Ken Ham worshipper.

The male penis.

Look at the size of it. Well, maybe not yours, go look at some internet pictures of what a normal one looks like. It fits into the clasped hand like it was DESIGNED to fit in there. Look at the way it curves so that the motion of the arm remains more fairly circular, rotating only the shoulder rotator cuff.

Doesn't all this indicate to you how God wants you to have a wank?

Ever wondered why He made the butthole just big enough to fit it in?

Ever wondered why you keep thinking about this, describing it in loving detail obsessing every waking day over it, concocting scenarios like some weird teenaged fan-fic?

Ever wondered why He made you that way?

Maybe you're gay. But you've read, sorry, had it read to you, Levidicus. Wear polycotton mixes? Fabrics of two mixes types? That's AS BAD as being gay according to Leviticus. As are any shellfish.

Yet you don't care about THOSE abominations.

But "something" just keeps bringing you back to thinking of sex with another man...

Leviticus was wrong about the fabrics, the shellfish and all the other "abominations" he listed. Why isn't he wrong about just one more?

But if you're not thinking of it like that, then it has nothing to do with you, so you have no say in what someone else does with a consenting adult.

The only reason why you don't is because you can't get the thoughts out of your head.

Think about why that might be.

So your Gay too?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 18 Apr 2015 #permalink

It is amusing how christians only drop the old testament guidelines they find inconvenient in their lives (what? give up lobster? no no, jesus gave us a pass on that) but stick to the ones that deal with things their limited iq tells them are "icky".

It is also amusing how, as rm demonstrates, that feeling of ickiness extends only to what he imagines men might do, but never worries about the "icky" things women might.

Probably because he'd have to give up a DVD library if he did worry about the ladies.

Lady's and Gent's, the esteemed German Geneticist DR. Wilhelm Von Wowzerstein will be joining us tomorrow for a Q&A on the "Gay" gene.
DR. Wowzerstein was gracious enough to sit in for our Q&A on such a short notice as our original esteemed Logical Thinking Pioneer Professor Wow was unable to attend due to a series of unfortunate events.
We wish him well though and Hope that you tune in tomorrow for our interview with Nobel laureate DR. Wilhelm Von Wowzerstein German Geneticist
Good Evening

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 18 Apr 2015 #permalink

So Deans Gay too? Dean would you like to Join the discussion Tomorrow with DR Wilhelm Von Wowzerstein on the "Gay Gene"?
Professor Wow is unable to attend, perhaps you are available?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 18 Apr 2015 #permalink

It is also amazing that fundamentalists think accusing anyone who disagrees with them about how awful some the members of a minority group are have to be part of that group themselves.
RM, you haven't demonstrated the ability to put together any type of argument based on facts. You haven't been able to provide support for your assertions. All you have done is say that things are wrong because, well, because you say they are. Simple assertion, in combination with naked bigotry, seems to be a perfectly acceptable tool of the trade for the religious. Reasoned commentary, based on knowledge of a subject, clearly is not important to you.

On the other hand, it is also clear you have no concern for correct spelling or basic grammar. You must be demonstrating the best that religious education has to offer.

Dean stay on topic please.. And Your mundane "grammar complaints" are like a whiny bitch who obfuscates the grammar card? Are you such a dolt you can't comprehend the "Concept" AND The TOPIC is open for formal discussion TOMORROW you EGG HEAD .. Are you in?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 18 Apr 2015 #permalink

OK Dean. I am going to try and grammatically ask this question in the proper English in simple form:
Dean are you Gay?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 18 Apr 2015 #permalink

Hello, has the Interview started yet?

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 18 Apr 2015 #permalink

No. What does it matter either way?
Are you really as stupid as you've made you self seem?
I have understood what you've been saying: you've been saying you don't have a clue about science, you don't have a clue about being a decent person, and you are infatuated with what you imagine a same sex relationship might be. In short you fit the no-nothing, tea-bagger, short-sighted profile that has taken over the right side of the political world. Really sad.

"Are you really as stupid as you’ve made you self seem?"


Hates government interference with private activities unless they're sex he's been told is bad. Then he wants them in the bedroom. Taking pictures. And him behind the camera.

Just to make sure they're not going to hell, of course! LOL!

"Probably because he’d have to give up a DVD library if he did worry about the ladies."

May I remind the court of the case of Kent Hovind?

Prosecution rests.

Good evening, I am your host Ragtag Media for the program "Life and Logic".
Tonight's topic is on Gay Gene "logic."

Before we get started with our segment let me first thank our esteemed colleague Professor Dean for his honesty in answering the question and hope that he will continue to contribute on this and many other discussions and debates in the future.
I am however saddened by the series of unfortunate events that have befallen our most esteemed Professor of "Logic" Dr. Wow who could not be here with us this evening due possibly to his logical fallacy of "the hand".
It appears that the good Professor mistook the "the hands" design because the neck of that young lady he pounced on fit so well in between them.
Surely this was normal he reasoned as he picked her up by the neck and it felt so natural for him (by reason mind you) to strangulate her rotating her back-n-forth it just felt so natural for him to see her die between his hands. And for what, but a mere opinion...tisk...tisk
Let's just hope (no prayers allowed..snark) the Judge goes easy on him and not sentence him 2-10 on a penile colony.

Anyhow... I was able to at last minute procure an interview with the esteemed Nobull Laurette Geneticist DR. Wilhelm Von Wowzerstein.
Who by the way just happens to be a distant cousin to our own board member Professor Wow, what a coinkydink (chuckle...).

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Good evening good Dr. Wowstein.. Dr. is it pronounced steen or stein ?
Oh.. just call me Wowzer, it's much eazier vor you speakers of English.

Well OK then DR. Wowzer it is.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Q) Now DR. Wowzer, you won the Nobull Prize in Genetics for proving there was no left hand gene and now your new research has also shown there is no Gay gene is that correct?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

A) vell yes zat iz correct.. our university was granted a certain sum of money to locate zee gay and try as we did, unfortunately zere was nozhing to be found..zero nada ziclh.
And zee funding was revoked.

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Q) So then are we then to rationalize that homosexual behavior is not a natural function?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

A) vell, you see, ziss behavior iz not natural based on genetics nor logic because zee evolutionary process requires a male and female to interact zexually to produce zee offspring.
vhen zee two males interact in such a way, zit iz a logical fallacy to reason they can replicate the outcome of offspring.

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Q) Hmm right, that makes sense DR. Now DR. Wowzer, you are in fact a card carrying atheist is that correct?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

A) yes zat is correct, zer is no proof of a God zo logically it is unacceptable for me to contemplate one.

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Q) So then DR. at least you are consistent in your logical approach to life and logic no gay gene so not evolutionary natural; no proof of God so no God.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

A) Vell, I try to be conzistent and honest in my approach and using logic, I have to hold all to zee zame ztandard. Unfortunately others with an agenda AND a lot (not all) of zee money handlers who fund academic rezearch don't follow zee zame logical approach.

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Q) Are you referencing research funding good DR.? More specifically how your funding was revoked because your research failed to achieve a certain outcome?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

A) yes..yes.. zat iz correct. You zee, when zee human species haz ziss certain agenda zhat it must fulfill it vill use money anyway it can to prove a zertain narrative or agenda.

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Q) So... follow the money so to speak?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

A) yez, zee money for zhis zort of research haz left me; however, it will not zleep az zhis iz an agenda driven movement zo zee money handlers vill zimply "Research Shop" until zhey receive zee informzion zhat fitz zhier narrative.

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Q) So another researcher will more than likely get money to continue on can influence the intellectual integrity of academia?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

A) yez, yez, even in academia zat is zadly how it often verks. I am reminded by one of you Americans great Prezidents Dwight D Eizenhower.

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Q) Where he pointed out to be careful of the unwarranted influence of the military industrial complex?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

A) vell yez and no, vee are constantly quoted zhat part of his farewell speech, however zhere is another part zhat barely get's a foot notes mention.

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Q) Go on..Go on..

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

A) vell, you zee, the good Prezident alzo zaid ziss: "

In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Q) I don't believe I have ever heard that part of the speech before, only the part of the military industrial complex.
DR. You recall President Bush And Vice President "Halliburton" Cheney's War In Iraq?
That would seem to follow the narrative of "military industrial complex".

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

It Seems We have experienced some technical difficult with our satellite feed..We've lost contact with DR. Wowzer

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Well I was able to finish up briefly via the tele with the Good DR.
Seems the feed was hit by a solar flare and knocked out.
Below is a transcript:

A) vell yes..yes.. if zere was proof of war for profit, then logically one could pronounce guilt on zhem for zhat.

Q) So logically one can assume money not only can have an influence in industry, it can also have an influence in academia as well?

A) but of course, ve zee zis all zee time, zee rezearcher who produces zee outcome zee money hadlers want zee zame rezearcher receivez more money.

Q) What happens if the research has obvious fallacies in it but the results tell the money handlers what they want to hear?

A) vell zhat iz vhat zee politizians are for.

Q) Money and politics are in bed together as well you say?

A) Logically Obviouz no? vhich iz why my next research project iz zee zearch for zee "Greed Gene"

Q) Well DR. Wowzer, I hope you will do a follow up interview with us here at "life and logic" on how the search for the greed gene goes.

A) yez of courze, It would be a pleazure.

DR. Wilhelm Von Wowzerstein Lady's And Gentleman (applause.....) Thank You Good DR. and we hope to speak with you again and Gute Nacht!

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

PJ, Your Not In Kansas Anymore....

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Come on, now. If you're going to sockpuppet like this, at least have the decency to hide your IP address, Ragtag Media, so I don't see yours and DR. Wilhelm Von Wowzerstein's IP addresses as being identical when I go to the back end of the system.

I recognize this is your fun and where I allow you to do it, but this is a rather poor show.

Sorry Ethan, I didn't realize I would have to hide the IP. Just having a bit of fun ya know.

Thanks for the playground. I really appreciate it and your time.
I will research on hiding the IP.
Thanks again

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Anyone who's interested: For the record, please see post #540 and #541 where the tit headed twit Wow was invited to contribute to the discussion and declined.

Filthy maggot reprobate is probably slithering through some bath house in Chicago.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

tip toe... tippy toe... shhhh ("caution sign" reads sleeping bears).

Why are we wispering? Shhhh (we have to get to high ground first).

Tip toe..tippy toe...( The sound of Bambi - Little April shower tune plays in background)
as we head to high ground...........

OK, were safe here, Now watch This:

(Shout)......JESUS SAVES!!!!!.........

Hurry Run The Beast Of Wowser HATES those words (and any alike), he will awaken at those utterance and with claws protracted ATTACK....

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

Well, I guess this concludes my hour of fun folks.
I am done with fag butt (That's UK slang) Wow...ser for my "Weekend Diversion"

Now hopefully the old codger will be more respectful of my posted questions in forum topics and understand that when I mention the words "Philosophy OR Religion". I am not trying to proselytize but merely add to the discussion in a mature and responsible way.
If Wow want's to act and be a bully to others then he should expect the same in return.
Treat people well And I will reciprocate..

Hear That WOW???

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 19 Apr 2015 #permalink

PJ, Rag is on the rag: the gays are allowed to live and Rag can't stop thinking about gay sex. Ergo the problem must be the gays are infecting him with "the gay". And he's not allowed to burn them alive any more, so he's just having to hate them in other ways.

He's just a pathetic cumstain on the bedsheets of the world. He'll not be here (or anywhere) forever.

It's easier to skip his bollocks when it's all a wallobollocks.


Wow, are you up for a bit of weekend perversion diversion?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 24 Apr 2015 #permalink

Wow's a wee bit narky, I thought we could discuss the logic of Kermit Gosnell?
Perhaps after you've sobered up.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 24 Apr 2015 #permalink

Jesus Loves Wow this I know, for the Bible tells him so... Little ones to him belong.. Wow is weak but he is strong... YES... JESUS LOVES Wow... YES...JESUS Loves Him... YES JESUS LOVES Wow....... The Bible.Tells..Him..So............

Oh!!.. Sorry Actually NOT.. He's A Reprobate... My Bad..

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 25 Apr 2015 #permalink

Here piggy piggy... Pig Filth You Around? Weekend Perversion Diversions almost over.
I figured you may want to discuss the "LOGIC" and brilliance (snark) of Jackson Pollack works of "art".

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 26 Apr 2015 #permalink

Little pig ..Little pig let me come in.
"not by the hair on your chiny chin chin"
Then I'll Huff and I'll Puff And I'll Blo..... Oh never mind.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 01 May 2015 #permalink

יְהִי אוֹר

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 01 May 2015 #permalink

Wowzer Just pulled a doozy,
He thinks everyone but him want's their own way and yet he goes out of his way to try and discredit their way (view) and as such tries to substantiate his own views.

Oh The Irony......

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 01 May 2015 #permalink

Nancy boy,
Are You ready for your Veekend "perversion" diversion quiz?

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 02 May 2015 #permalink

Ethan, As I am a psychologist from zee Kaiser rule please note that I am not wishing to violate rule #1 here being violent threats of harm.
This is merely a sock puppet calling upon that worthless piece of shit Wow who THINKS he knows everything and challenges everyone as if he is the big man on campus know it all. So for cheap entertainment sake I allude to this section of the blog as you have requested if only for entertainment purposes that show the Emperor Wow In Fact has no Cloths.

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 02 May 2015 #permalink

Emperor Wow, here is a scene from an American made film named zee Dirty Dozen, it's a classic and I have read your banter about people s arrogance thinking they do Gods work.

well it's silly and all you know since you don't believe in a God at all but I thought I would share a scene that is a great one that might possibly at least give you a chuckle in that dark heart of yours:
I can't find a youtube scene but here is the trailer:

This Scene is of Telly Savalas's character Archer "Maggot " (so fitting for you) And Lee Marvin ( Maj. John Reisman)

General prisoner Maggott, A.J., sir.
"Maggott, A.J. Death by hanging. "
Hey, midnight.
Be a real good boy, now, and maybe
I'll let you eat with the white folks.
Well, Maggott, I see you've got
a sense of humor.
The all-American hero,
laughing in the face of death.
They're not gonna hang me, major.
I never raped that evil slut. . .
. . .or any other creature.
The Lord gave me that woman
and told me to chastise her.
Then he told you to beat her
to death, huh?
I only do what I'm called on to do.
I was in a state of grace.
And that woman. . .
. . .she tried to soil my spirit.
Well, I'm sure you were, Maggott.
But it seems to me I remember
a quotation that goes like:
Vengeance is mine.
Vengeance is mine.
I will repay, sayeth the Lord.
Paul to the Romans, Chapter 12.
Exactly. Now, isn't that
supposed to mean. . .
. . .that we leave punishment
of the transgressors to his hands?
That's right, major.
That's exactly what it means.
But it doesn't restrict him to the kind
of tools he would use, now does it?
And like I told you, major,
I only do what I'm called on to do.
You know, Maggott, I don't think
you're going to hang after all.

By DR. Wilhelm Vo… (not verified) on 03 May 2015 #permalink

Wow, Did You Notice Today How Texans Deal With A Certain Segment Of The Religious Community Who Has Issues With Freedom Of Expression And Wish To Shoot Up The Place Like In Hebdo France?
Yes, The Second Amendment Is A Great Thing Because We Can Shoot Back

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 04 May 2015 #permalink

Wow, Guess what time it is? It's time for your weekly dose of perversion diversion therapy.
The couch is open and waiting for you.
Would like to discuss your anger issues with DR. Von Wowzerstein?
I'm sure he would be glad to help you understand where it comes from and offer ways to help manage it.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 08 May 2015 #permalink

Wow screws up another fine thread. Way to go ya little dope. Always screwing things up with your preconceived ignorance.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 09 May 2015 #permalink

Simple answer to the question is ; yes, we are responsible for what we say. We are the owner of the comment, statement. We are the author, so there is no question. The next part of that, however, is 'are we responsible for the outcome of those words' ? Do we decide for the recipient how they will react? No, that is their decision. Even if we know enough about the person to possibly influence the outcome, it is still that persons decision in the end.

The number of negative reactions to personal comments on this blog is nothing less than astounding. Flaming out seems to be the quickest retort, rather than take time to think about what was said, and, maybe, why it was said. Consider how many court cases are heard every day relating to slanderous remarks. Is there really a need to sue the 'offending party', or does one show greater strength by just walking away. 'Sticks & stones' is still relevant.

Good points/comments PJ.
One thought though is that yes we are responsible for what we say and yes there is some onus on the recipient to what they gear and how they interpret the information.

However, think about the first amendment to the US constitution Freedom Of Speech.
Now think about Schenck v. United States and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and his famous quote "The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic."

Now this quote has been misused and taken out of context of the case but it does serve to make a point.

the Supreme Court's decision in Brandenburg v. Ohio effectively overturned Schenck and any authority the case still carried. There, the Court held that inflammatory speech--and even speech advocating violence by members of the Ku Klux Klan--is protected under the First Amendment, unless the speech "is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action"

With regards to blog postings and such, I think it can be complicated because there are many many barriers such as time, language, only keystrokes and some pictorial links that take away the personal discussion process of the old days in a salon smoking cigars and sharing a nip of brandy.

I am listening to Bach now as I type by myself and you may be listening to Chopin or cannibal corpse or Metallica and we are not in the same environment.

I am on a lot of boards and I struggle with proper language constructs. one board is very political and is very mainstream heated and monitored so you have to disGIZE your words from the autobots that will delete your post and you only have an audience for about 30 seconds so you have to post a topic headline that grabs attention and yet avoids the autobot deletion at the same time.
I admit I sometimes carry that quick thrust and Parry when switching between tabs of postings.

Good comment though PJ and it made me thingk back to the 80's where I would post on a church bulletin board and wait for someone else to post back.. My how things have changed.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 10 May 2015 #permalink

Agreed, RM. There are certain cases, especially incitation. But, that comes in the realm of having prior knowledge of group reaction. Yet, it is still the responsibility of the individual to decide the outcome - flee, or ignore. Those who choose to flee, invariably cause others to do the same, which turns into panic. I am an ex firie who understands the group mentality all too well.

My comments, though, were more related to the one-on-one attitudes expressed here in more recent times. You only need to see how long this particular session has gone on for.

Chopin was not a bad guess.

OK, PJ, I am not sure what you mean about "this particular session".
But I have taken your advice on being the bigger person and move on.
See here:

My last post, I agreed to move on from the thread and let it go.. Is that what you mean?

It was tough though for a Texan to do that, but I took your advice because You are an Aussie and they don't shy away

Anyways I hope that's what you meant.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 11 May 2015 #permalink

More to the point, just let the angst go, Tex. Someone has pushed your buttons, and you have retorted in kind. In the end, nothing was resolved, or achieved.

By the by, I am an old kanuk just trying to save some dollars to get home again. You are right, though; I do not shy away.

PJ, pushing Rag's buttons is something he does willingly. Every thought about something socialist, ecological, left, green or tax will send him up in an incandescent fake-hulk-smash rage.

The lunatic even says that I'm scared and should be because he walks around with a gun.

THAT'S how lunatic the psycho nutbag is!

The only way NOT to enrage the internet hardman is to agree with him on every topic.

Or, in other words, give in to the bully.

Still think that's a good thing?

I guess you are safe from the ' gun' anyway. He's in Texas, whilst you are in Britain. Could call it a ' long shot '.

Aye, but think of the psyche of someone who

a) thinks that way
b) thinks it's fine to TALK that way.

Think of the head exploding he has when some fundie nutjob in Iran talks about how he's going to kill the infidel with his bomb if they come to Iran.

But he says the same damn thing himself.

Similarly, Fox News apparently had their resident Pastor talk about how a leader (unlike Obama) has to have a belief system so that they know that their actions have eternal consequences, otherwise they may not be good people.

Ignore for the moment that they complained about him being in a black pastor's church for 20 years, and also about how he's a muslim (which is a faith). Think on this:

Ayatollahs have a very strong faith and believe their actions have eternal consequences.

That pastor is saying he'd prefer the Ayatollah to be in charge of the USA than Obama. Or an atheist.

Yet if someone were to claim to want to turn the USA into a caliphate, he and Faux News and all their knuckle-draggers would EXPLODE THE BLOODY WORLD to ensure that never happens.

No one ever threatened to shoot you dingaling.
And by the way, How's that caliphate sharia law working out in Britain's "no go zones"?
It's turning into a real cesspool so I am told by people who live there. Not like it was years ago.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 12 May 2015 #permalink

And by the way, How’s that caliphate sharia law working out in Britain’s “no go zones”?
It’s turning into a real cesspool so I am told by people who live there.

Making things up again eh? What a serial liar you've turned out to be.

So all this is a lie deano?

"The problem of no-go zones is well documented, but multiculturalists and their politically correct supporters vehemently deny that they exist. Some are now engaged in a concerted campaign to discredit and even silence those who draw attention to the issue — often by deliberately mischaracterizing the term "no-go zone."

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 12 May 2015 #permalink

Well, this should get the prize for the L O N G E S T session !

Yes, yes it is rm. When will you learn that linking to conspiracy and racist-backed sites might fly in your ignorant circles, but not in the real world?
Of course,as demonstrated by the fact that some folks actually believe that the Jade Helm exercise is a plan to take over United States soil, ignorance, bigotry, and lies like the ones you spread are spreading like wildfire.

Here, you can see Fox withdraw it themselves, if you think NYTimes is "too left wing" to believe:


You, and your cronies are fucking morons!

"by people who live there" indeed! WHAT A LOAD OF GOBSITE.

Meanwhile, you can see what your country is turning in to with YOUR attempts to make your country into a caliphate (you DO know Jesus was a rag-head, right?). Turning into a real shithole, I hear.

"No one ever threatened to shoot you dingaling."

No one said you had, numbnuts.

Only that you bragged about how I am afraid, and should be, because you walk around armed.

Why Reverend dean Sharpton doing the race hustle right off the bat (who could have ever seen that coming)?
You obviously didn't even look at the site.

dean ask your sock-puppet Wow about this then:
Zones Urbaines Sensibiles — “sensitive urban zones.”

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 12 May 2015 #permalink

There is a very simple way for you to not be identified as a racist. Stop being one.

By the way, it is no surprise, but you are lying about France too - probably because you aren't smart enough to understand what is written. You have a huge problem with reality - the one you believe in doesn't exist.

In January 2015, after the Charlie Hebdo shooting, Fox News labeled the ZUS as "no-go zone".[6] French media agencies denied these claims.[7][8]

After complaints Fox News issued an apology, saying that there was "no credible information to support the assertion there are specific areas in these countries that exclude individuals based solely on their religion."[9][10][11]

There is a simple way for you to not be identified as a simpleton, by opening your mind; Islam Is Not A Race You IDIOT.

"Those 'Mythical' No-Go Zones in Paris: NBC and NY Times Recognized Them a Decade Ago; TNR Writer Says They're Still There -:

You are caught up in semantics, they are not literally a place where no police or magistrate or others are allowed, no big billboards say KEEP OUT but there is a definite undertone from what I read:

"A senior British police officer was talking about this. He was saying, he wasn’t calling them no-go zones. He was putting it in a sort of positive way, that these communities prefer to police themselves, as it were. And that’s why we just leave them to get on with it. And one consequence of that is that nobody who isn’t a member of those “communities” likes to go there. But those no-go zones are not as advanced as they are in France, but they are real and they are growing in British cities."

And That's MARK STEYN A Canadian

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 12 May 2015 #permalink

PJ, What Part Of Canada? I am living in the north for now. Still have a home back in Texas, fun fact right in the middle of where the SuperCollider was being built. Sad the Govt axed that one. Really foolish move.

Why would you want to move back to these God forsaken winters? I hope to be moving back south soon.

The Wife and I partied in Cabo Mexico with several Aussie couples and one from Tanzania. It was a week of non stop laughter and fun. Really Good people down there. The wife has internet contact with them all still.. I looked into moving there and the regulations can be a bit stiff( 6 years ago)..

Any good firie stories from down under you can share?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 12 May 2015 #permalink

Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber.. Sit,,,,Stay...AND Speak. But Only . When My Post (for your two dolts) Is Released From Moderation

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 12 May 2015 #permalink

@ 624.
Hey, Tex. Town of Brampton, just out of Toronto. Will probably head across to the west coast, though. Climates more moderate.
Nope, cannot share most - involved many court cases. This isn't the right medium, anyway. Ethans blog. I think you understand.

"AND Speak. But Only"

Sorry, asshat, you don't get to infringe on my free speech.

Even Fox news doesn't believe your shite, for chrissakes.

"There is a simple way for you to not be identified as a simpleton, by opening your mind; Islam Is Not A Race You IDIOT."

Nobody said it was, you assclown.

Newscasters. Your habit of referencing sources with no validity continues.
We realize there are loads of conspiracy sites that feed fake facts and news to people like you. That doesn't make them reliable, or the things they say true.
You have made one point : you prefer your lies to reality. I don't understand how any person can live such a dishonest life, but you've found a way.

It is simple, although apparently not simple enough for you to understand. You post these articles, from conspiracy and racist sites, that have no supporting evidence and which, when compared to reports from the actual locations, fall apart.
Apparently you can make peace with the racists, bigots, habitual liars, and intellectually and decency challenged folks that make up libertarian and tea bag groups. Decent people can't.

Nice Progressive Shotgunning there deano, you even used the double ought buckshot.
Fortunately it has become enervate on the reasoned and thinking populace who see your shtick for the vapidness that it is.

Sadly though, the thugs on the street use it to fuel their own thuggery whilst you feed your own sad pathetic demagogic nature.

Anyways, here is Eric Zemmour talking about the Salafists Islamists halalisé neighborhoods

Know who Sayyid Qutb is? You and your Brit boy sock puppet bow wow wow (shame on me for insulting a decent 80's new wave band by linking).
Read the Looming Tower And Educate Yourselves Fools.

Oh And You Requested Only Locals Need Apply:
Insécurité : «C'était intenable, nous sommes partis»

Self Blinded Fools

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 13 May 2015 #permalink

When reality doesn't match what you repeatedly says r m, you simply show yourself to be a serial liar. You keep presenting things that don't have any basis in reality. It seems to be very easy for you.

I see. I live here so I don't know what's going on, right?

I guess that's why you texans are hanging black men, raping black women and eating the hearts of babies in unholy sacrifice to Jesus Christ.

That's what I've heard from people who fled the state in terror.

Hmm. Maybe it wasn't mentioned because the discussion was about the lies you were repeatedly posting and not what some clown you didn't mention had done. Had you brought up the offending crap it would have been commented on too.

Fox folks are often the bad guys because they, like you, are bigots, racists and habitual liars.

The discussion was actually about responsibility for our verbalisations. (Now, there's a good word)

Sheesh !

Well for verbalisations sake, can someone please tell dean that if he wishes to slander my good character via false verbalisations, would he please do it correctly and not half assed?
It's Sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 14 May 2015 #permalink

OOhhh, yeahhhh. I was working on a radio install for 'school of the air' (prior to internet services) out at Oodnadatta (read - middle of nowhere). The morning we were about to start, literally thousands of young spiders came floating ' on gossamer wing ' making it rather difficult to attempt to climb the antenna tower. Two more days saw the end of the migration. Messy, to say the least.

Awesome.. Thanks PJ.
See Wowzer how cool God is, he even has spiders taking flight.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 18 May 2015 #permalink

PJ, What do I need to move to Australia? In the past when I looked it was quite cumbersome, is it still?
I may be out of a job coming soon and really don't care anymore. I would like to spend the next few years scuba diving and snorkeling the great barrier reef.
Is This possible?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 21 May 2015 #permalink

Hey, Tex,
go to the Aus. embassy & find out all the details. I was 11 when we came here, so not certain of the procedure. That would be a good start, though. You could probably start some sort of business - tourism underwater, maybe.

"how cool God is, he even has spiders taking flight."

No, spiders did that.

Not god.

Or is god why we can fly ourselves, and it has nothing to do with the engineers?


Dr. Philip Lloyd former IPCC Coordinating author, physicist and climate researcher has just released a NEW study which examined ice core-based temperature data going back 8,000 years.
What Lloyd found was that the standard deviation of the temperature over the last 8,000 years was about 0.98 degrees Celsius– higher than the 0.85 degrees climate scientists say the world has warmed over the last century.

“This suggests that while some portion of the temperature change observed in the 20th century was probably caused by greenhouse gases, there is a strong likelihood that the major portion was due to natural variations,” Lloyd wrote in his study.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 22 May 2015 #permalink

Just got done done burning a shitload of leaves from winter. Dumped a lot of good CO'2 into the air to feed the spring plants.

Heck, there was so much smoke particles that I may have even caused the rain to shift my direction. I dunno though, will have to look into it further to see if the potential was there.
OH, And I am riding the scooter around now just for fun.. Burning Fossil Fuels Just to ride a scooter 55 mph around country roads and scenic lakes all for my own pleasure.

What A Great World You Made For Us Lord God Of Abraham
King Of The Jews.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 23 May 2015 #permalink

Bruce OR Cathyleen Jenner and SOCIETY AT LARGE Listen Up
Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution
You people are devolving fast, repent and tun to the Lord for wisdom and guidance.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 02 Jun 2015 #permalink

Ah shut the fuck up you failed bucket of cum.

There's a shitlaod more than just plain male and plain female. Genitalia is one tiny segment of the characteristics of the genders.

And many of those differences are because of changes in the mother's body chemistry in the womb while conceiving.

So you can have a doodle or a vj and the majority of your body (body chemistry, brain and hormone) be of a different gender than your genital.

Oh, you are around. Why no post all day? you're employer finally get on your worthless ass for posting online all dam day wasting his time being non productive?

Stupid idiots like you believe that shit about the womb fluid. RIFUCUKINGDICULOUS

Johns Hopkins University was one of the first to start doing those sex change surgeries stopped performing them because they caused more harm.

"We at Johns Hopkins University—which in the 1960s was the first American medical center to venture into "sex-reassignment surgery"—launched a study in the 1970s comparing the outcomes of transgendered people who had the surgery with the outcomes of those who did not. Most of the surgically treated patients described themselves as "satisfied" by the results, but their subsequent psycho-social adjustments were no better than those who didn't have the surgery. And so at Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a "satisfied" but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs."
Read the article yourself and quit believing lies:

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 02 Jun 2015 #permalink

Says Rag posting on this site as he alludes me doing. What is it? Welfare check cash in yesterday?

If you were secure in your own sexuality, you'd not care what other people do with theirs.

I don't care what they do with "theirs" in their own perverted world behind closed doors. I have issues with them foisting their freak on society.

"California law already requires state schools to teach about the contributions of Native Americans, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, and Asian-Americans, among other groups.

"Today we are making history in California by ensuring that our textbooks and instructional materials no longer exclude the contributions of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) Americans," Sen. Leno said in a statement.

Can't just be humans doing something, now every stupid flipping orientation needs to be celebrated when it's a damn mental disorder that needs therapy.
Then brainwash children with this crap.DIVERSITY IS PERVERSITY!!!

"Another subgroup consists of young men and women susceptible to suggestion from "everything is normal" sex education, amplified by Internet chat groups. These are the transgender subjects most like anorexia nervosa patients: They become persuaded that seeking a drastic physical change will banish their psycho-social problems. "Diversity" counselors in their schools, rather like cult leaders, may encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery. Treatments here must begin with removing the young person from the suggestive environment and offering a counter-message in family therapy. "

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 02 Jun 2015 #permalink

"I don’t care what they do with “theirs” "

Patently false.

a) your post that whined about it before indicates very much otherwise
b) calling it "perverted" shows you are entirely obsessed over it.

You're shit scared and probably doing a Ted Haggard. Beating your chest about the ebils of them because you're pulled there. And you've been led to believe by charlatans and liars that this is somehow evil.

So you project onto everyone else what you see yourself as.

It's the same with the "If there were no god, then you'd feel no need to not kill or rape". They're really saying that THEY would feel like raping and killing, only the thought of god knowing they did it stops them.

It's pretty pathetic of you, really.

Speaking of "If there were no god" as you run around soiling yourself with the whole Godbotheres..Godbotheres Eeek piss and moan remember as you remove mans accountability to God you then allow Man to become the God.
Good luck with that, well you Idiots over there in Europe will get a good taste of the son of perdition when he rises up and takes over your countries.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 02 Jun 2015 #permalink

No, raggie, the only one shitting themselves here is you.

You're going to die. Terrifies you. Doesn't me. The universe was fine without me before I lived and it'll manage after I die. Why should I notice the periods I wasn't here for?

The sort of person you are is demonstrated by your avid reading of Leviticus to "justify" hating gays, yet ignoring the text on things like mixed fabrics or shellfish.

Because the latter two implicate you and inconvenience you, whereas you get to hate someone with the other, and your choice in what to obey and what to ignore

a) proves you don't believe a damn word in the book if it is inconvenient
b) that you love to hate

The sort of person you are is one that NEEDS a handler to stop you being a monster.

You Stupid Person (Or Computer Virus) You keep blathering on about people of faith afraid to die only shows your ignorance.
And to think God used your country to bless the world with the King James Bible and fuck twits like you have butchered it.
Sad Wowie Sad.

ROMANS Chapter 1 (New Testaments):
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;

So LOOK at that Bruce Jenner Photo On Vanity Fair:

It's a SEXUAL PERVERSION you idiot look at it. It's not a man confused by fluid from the womb who just want's to be a Mum and bake cookies.
He is trying to be sexually provocative and perverted. It's a head case for Freud or at least the local Minister.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 02 Jun 2015 #permalink

Try googling, moron.

It's well established the religious are afraid to die. Hence their terror at eternal life not existing.


No, the only sexual pervert here is you, Raggie.

Because you're obsessed with everyone else's sex.

As to your insanity ranting.

ROMANS I, 24. Fuck all about gays, trans or anything. Just the same raving lunacy you'd see on a Glenn Beck show.

ROMANS I, 25. More insanity gibbering. What's unnatural? Frogs are natural. They change gender. Even after they've been one gender for years. Other animals do too. So totally natural.

3) ROMANS I, 26. The only vile passion is yours, Raggie. This insanity dribbling really uses a lot of words and actually manages to say bugger all, doesn't it. I mean, you have to define all the words yourself, meaning you can make it ANYTHING. Like, for example, digging fossil fuels out of the ground, refining them and burning them for heat ant light. Or driving a car. Or flying. None of those are natural processes. And you're entirely wedded to doing them. With a passion.

ROMANS I, 27. Missing. Why is that? Can;t count? Editorialising The Word Of God (tm) are we?

ROMANS I, 28. Yes, driving a car is not fitting. Nor is hate and loathing of others for things that do not affect you. See, it's still not defining what "vile" thing god is making them do.

And given that isn't god speaking, its the mythology and rantings of old men in the distant past whacked out on drugs and brain damage, quite how you insist that it must be vile because God is doing it to them (why the hell is god doing that, the fucking mad bastard?) therefore it's vile is beyond me.

Also, is God making ISIS behead unbelievers and christians? They think it is. You think god would do that sort of thing too.

So you'd agree that they are doing as your god commands, yes?

"So you’d agree that they are doing as your god commands, yes?"
Well, an atheist years ago (ironically on a old time online chat board) introduced me the Heisenberg principle and the impossibility of free will. This did compel me to study more on the Arminianism vs Calvinism rift especially the Hyper Calvinist No Free Will. So, I can concede that in that context yes God will all which could explain deep down hatred of God by the likes of yourself.
You realize you are destined to burn in hell and I am destined to judge over Angels in the new world living eternally with the Lord.
This pisses you off so you rebel but If Calvin and Heisenberg are correct it's not your fault nor mine.

Remember Wow, I don't make the rules I just enjoy the benefits of them.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 03 Jun 2015 #permalink

So you’d agree that they are doing as your god commands, yes?

You quoted it, but didn't say yes.

You also danced around saying no, because god wouldn't do that. Which you can't do because that would crumple your Romans I editorial, which asserts god WOULD do that.

Oh, you also benefit by disobeying the rules you didn't make.

Like shellfish.

Graven Idol avoidance.

Mixed fabrics.

Keeping the Sabbath holy (which is Saturday, by the way).

And all those other rules "you didn't make" but benefit by disobeying.

Why do you reprobates bandy on about shell fish and dietary laws etc of the old testament?
Besides differentiating Gods chosen people the Jews from the pagan idolatrous gentiles with the introduction of the Laws there was probably some good health reasons as well at the time. Christ nailed the Law to the Cross Colossians 2:14 .
Also there are many references in the new testament regarding the food laws are no longer the issue of uncleanness SO STOP SPREADING LIES!!!
but I guess you can't help it if there is no free will.


By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 03 Jun 2015 #permalink

"Why do you reprobates bandy on about shell fish and dietary laws etc of the old testament?"

They weren't "dietary laws, etc". Have you EVER read them?

Or did you just take Edited Highlights (if so, who chose which bits? And why?)


Mixed fabrics are AN ABOMINATION UNTO GOD.

Not bad, not vile, AN ABOMINATION UNTO GOD.

Plus without the OT, you haven't got a NT, since there's nothing for JC to die for (no original sin, no fall from eden, no damn god AT ALL). No 10 commandments, no heaven or hell (invented in the OT), no creation of the universe, no creation of mankind in god's image. Nothing at all.

Nothing you follow, anyway.

After all, you should give away all your stuff to follow His works (tm). JC says that in the bible. You know, the book you have read, honest.

He says that you should not judge, either, so none of that "perversion" crying.

He says pay your government what you owe them and stop bitching.

Which is yet more things from the New Testament you ignore and don't bother obeying, because they inconvenience YOU.

Proving that you don't believe in the bible, you just believe it's a damn good scam for justifying what you want to believe anyway.

If you dump the OT, then your NT is a load of codswallop.

But then again, why are you taking up stone age sexual practices from the NT? If "that stuff is old" justifies dropping "Holy Books", then the NT is hella old, so it gets dropped too.

And, shit, man, what a fit you have when your myth is called out as "old shit, completely worthless", but you call half the fucking bible exactly the same, you "think" it just fine.

What a hypocrite.

Well nobody's perfect....@ Wow 47 "[lots of spam comments to this thread because the idiots can’t shut up about how great they are, hiding any other posted threads]"

Follow your own whining ass complaint and put your damn post into ONE and quit putting every sentence into new post thus polluting the "recent comments" section (you do it ALL the time). HYPOCRITE

God was driving home cultural commands for that time frame to teach them to keep separate from the idolaters who practiced weird polytheistic worship

God or No God LOGICALLY Male Female relations is the most beneficial to the human race because they can procreate and thus should be acknowledged as the most LOGICAL preference for a proper society.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 03 Jun 2015 #permalink

It's not logical when you call something "perversion".

It's not logical to drop the entire reason for the existence of one book having any relevance whatsoever in the attempt to absolve you of not following the requirements of your religion.

Logically, you are 100% unaffected by transexuals or homosexuals.

Logically, you shouldn't give a fuck.

But you do. A huge number of them. All in your mind. And that "evil licentiousness" in your mind must be caused by other people, because god knows YOU'RE pure.

Which isn't logical at all.

(and what is it? A holiday? Or enemployed)

Oh, by the way, please stop with the whining about how you're not being allowed to to have the only word.

FAIL Fallacy Man
"Logically, you are 100% unaffected by transexuals or homosexuals."

I have already donated to multiple campaigns to help defend the perverts onslaught of lawsuits.
I gave to the Family of the Pizza Place and To the Cake Bake Lady.
So bugger off you dilldoee sucking fart ass

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 03 Jun 2015 #permalink

"I have already donated to multiple campaigns to help defend the perverts onslaught of lawsuits."

OK, I need to know, which perverts?

The ones in the RCC church fiddling kids, the ones in the evangelical churches fiddling gay prostitutes, the ones on TV fiddling with dozens of girls cheating on their wives, or the ones like you at home dreaming constantly about man-on-man sex?

Because all of them scam you to get their legal defence at your expense, and you paying for it is 100% your free choice.

Not one of those lawsuits require you to pay.

So, yet again, your choice is their fault.

@Ragtag Media #667

Say a man and a women meet each other in their 70's. Both of their spouses have long since passed away. Should the 70 year old man and 70 year old woman be allowed to marry even though they cannot procreate?

Hell, should people over the age of safe procreation be forced to divorce because there's no more need for marriage?

Should men unable to bear children be forbidden marriage (so a car accident that paralyses you from the waist down: divorced)? Given men are more likely to be in serious accidents, especially in the workplace, it will be mostly men with that problem.

Should men who do not pay for their children (alimony) be jailed and refused marriage entirely (but still forced to pay for the children as punishment is theirs to bear)? After all, by not paying alimony, they're disobeying not the law but GOD ITSELF!

Should you have to divorce when you decide you aren't having any more children? So when the last sprog is out of school, you are automatically and irrevocably divorced?

Remember: if you're not having children, you're not really married!

Should an atheist be forced to bake a God Botherer cake like a person of faith has to bake a penis wedding cake?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 03 Jun 2015 #permalink

No,but a baker should be forced to bake a cake for a customer willing to pay.

Otherwise, they're not running a business.

You know it's REALLY easy to avoid baking cakes for people you don't like: DON'T TAKE A JOB BAKING CAKES!

Nobody forced him to.

And nobody is forcing him to engage in homosexual sex in baking the cake.

So, again, the choice of the moron godbotherer is shoveled over on to the innocent.

Certainly going for the record. Should hit the 'thousand' mark well before the end of the year.

Rag: given your demonstrated mysogeny and outright dishonesty from other posts it is no surprise you are a bigot against pretty much anyone who isn't just like you. I will assume the "cake lady" to whom you donated was the one from Oregon who refused to produce a cake for a gay couple: the reason she was in her "dire straits" (although she was never in any financial difficulty, the fund raiser was a greed grab) was simply the fact that when you are in a public business you don't get to turn away people who are willing to pay for your services simply because you don't like them. (That must disappoint you greatly with minorities and such.)
I will assume it was not the woman in Colorado who refused to produce a cake for an anti-gay bigot - the guy who demanded a cake with an "X" through two men holding hands? He sued her when she refused.
Of course, she won: from the ruling:

“In the same manner [she] would not accept [an order from] anyone wanting to make a discriminatory cake against Christians, [she] will not make one that discriminates against gays,” the decision reads. “The evidence demonstrates that [Silva] would deny such requests to any customer, regardless of creed.”

As is too complicated for you (and most fundamentalists) to understand, the law protects classes of people, not their ideas or messages.

The pizza guy was a scam all the way (if it is the one in Indiana). He was never approached for any "gay wedding", he simply began sounding off that he wouldn't provide pizzas to one. He got some backlash, closed his doors (despite no drop in business) and played the butt-hurt "persecuted for his beliefs) Christian meme to a bunch of bigoted suckers.
I will assume the fact that the pizza guy said in an interview he would have no problem providing pizzas to celebrate divorce or even to people who were cheating on spouses doesn't bother you either.

Should an atheist be forced to bake a God Botherer cake like a person of faith has to bake a penis wedding cake?

It is very simple, to anyone with an IQ above meat locker value. If the cake the person of faith wants is a typical cake, then yes, the baker has to make it regardless of his/her view of religion.

If the Christian baker has made penis cakes (way to stack the deck with stupidity, by the way) for other people then there is no standing to refuse to make one for the same sex couple. If there is no history of producing such a thing or a demonstrated policy of not producing items with a sexual theme, then no, the Christian baker does not have to make the cake.

“Logically, you are 100% unaffected by transexuals or homosexuals.”
I have already donated to multiple campaigns to help defend the perverts onslaught of lawsuits.

What a stupid statement. The fact that you were suckered was your choice: you were not forced by anything done by the groups you fear.

It really must suck to be like you, privileged your whole life, to now be finding out the world is getting tired of your dismissal of those you believe to be less than you.

@Ragtag Media #673 & Wow #674

I don't think the government should be telling anyone who they can and cannot bake a cake for just like I don't think the government should be telling consenting adults who they can or cannot marry.

If some lady doesn't want to bake a cake for gay couples, or inter-racial couples, or Muslims, or whomever, I don't think she should have to. She should be free to decline any customer for any reason. She's creating an opening in the market for some other business person.

"I don’t think the government should be telling anyone who they can and cannot bake a cake for"

The government isn't.

The shopkeeper did when they decided to be a baker.

It's not like it was some sort of bait-and-switch, where they didn't know they would have, as a baker of confectionery, bake cakes for the paying public.

So, no, the government isn't forcing them to bake cakes for specific people, they're only requiring that they obey the business license.

You DO believe that licenses and contracts should be enforced, even if it has to be done by government, right?

A license is not a contract, and going into business in a particular field does not make you an indentured servant to any who what the service. I've been thrown out of enough bars to know I can be refused service even though I want to be served and they are in the business of serving alcohol. Niche societal groups shouldn't get special exemption cards.

Yes, a license IS a contract.

You agree to the terms, and this forms a contract. That is what contract means:

Contract definition, an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified.

Don't want to do business? Don't be a business owner.

It's not like the government is forcing you to be a baker.

And it's not like Niche social groups such as bakers or xtians should get special exemption cards for obeying the laws and requirements of their license.

Who is making the baker an indentured servant?

They are free to stop working there at any time they wish.

@Wow #680

There is absolutely no provision on a business license that addresses in any way how goods or services are brought to market. None. The only agreement involved is the business owner's agreement to pay taxes.

As for the gay couple and the bakery, they never had any sort of agreement or the suit would be over breech of contract rather than discrimination against a protected class.

I'm not sure how things work in the UK, but business doesn't work like you think it does in the US. Instead, individuals in niche societal groups get special protections.

See: Protected Classes in US Law

In our litigious society, we do have lawyers that abuse the hell out of the Protected Class protections. We recently had a wheelchair bound lawyer sue every single business in a local resort town for not being compliant with the law. The little bastard never even went to the businesses to find out if it was true, and most were completely compliant. The problem is that it costs more to defend against the suit that it does just to pay him to go away, so most just paid him.

Our civil ligation system is seriously messed up.

"There is absolutely no provision on a business license that addresses in any way..."

Yes there is.

You also have to obey the laws. You know, the same ones that mean people stealing your stuff or your money will be prosecuted.

Either you accept the laws or you don't accept them. You don't get to pick and choose just because you've found an old book that says gays are evil.

Especially when you ignore most of the rest of the book.

"As for the gay couple and the bakery, they never had any sort of agreement ..."

Indeed, they didn't. They are, however, customers.

And a business must be open to customers or it's not a business, therefore doesn't get things like "tax exemption on costs". If you were to bake a cake, you can't claim the cost of the ingredients off your tax returns. A business can.

"Instead, individuals in niche societal groups get special protections."

So says the wolves when arguing over what to have for dinner.

You don't seem to know how businesses operate in the real world, which I believe really DOES include the USA.

You can't decide not to run the business but still benefit from the classification of being a business.

Even in the USA.

Don't like it? Don't run a business. Nobody forces you.

"In our litigious society"

You mean like the people suing for the schools not allowing bible teaching in class, especially the science class?

@Wow #684

Please sue schools for everything. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

Law suits against schools are so common that school conferences are sponsored by law firms. I am not exaggerating. Law firms pay for the meeting halls the conferences are held in so they can keep out other law firms and have a better shot of winning the business of defending the schools.

A sizable portion of our school budget goes into paying lawyers to defend against all the litigation.

@674Wowzer "You know it’s REALLY easy to avoid baking cakes for people you don’t like: DON’T TAKE A JOB BAKING CAKES!"

@676dean "It is very simple, to anyone with an IQ above meat locker value. If the cake the person of faith wants is a typical cake, then yes, the baker has to make it regardless of his/her view of religion."

The why don'tyou two idiots waltz down to the Halal Deli in the no go zone and say "I want a fried BACON and egg sandwich with extra HAM on it and say they have to serve it because they're in the sandwich making "BUSINESS" so they have to leave every belief at home.

Then watch you head roll around on the floor.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 03 Jun 2015 #permalink

@ Denier #677

You are not correct.. legally speaking. Depending on the business, especially if you are offering goods or service, you are legally obligated not to discriminate. As a regular Joe, you can do whatever you want, but a business is a legal entity and as such is subject to law.

Same thing for marriage.. Marriage is a legally defined "contract" between 2 individuals, with certain rights and obligations. Hence the legal procedures if divorce is taken and custodies, wealth splitting etc etc.. . Naively you might think it's all about love and wows, but in the eyes of the state it's a contract. I agree that ALL states and countries should allow anyone to marry whoever they want, but as long as it's a legal matter it is subject to laws of the region.

By Sinisa Lazarek (not verified) on 04 Jun 2015 #permalink

if you are offering goods or service, you are legally obligated not to discriminate.

Only if you're discriminating against a protected class.
A business can refuse to do business with someone if they choose to. They don't have to have a good reason.

"Only if you’re discriminating against a protected class."

there needn't be any protected class nor are there any "protected" classes under the law. There is a definition what discrimination is... gender, race, nationality, age etc etc..

"A business can refuse to do business with someone if they choose to. "
Depends on the business. i.e. me, as a graphic designer, can say that I don't want to create a website for you. And I can say that i don't have time, or I simply don't want to for my own reasons. But on the other hand, I can't nor should the reason be because you are black or gay or whatever...

a different case is i.e. a restaurant or a bar (at least in my country). By law, you are not allowed to deny service to a patron unless they themselves are not breaking any law or legally justified protocol. i.e. if a restaurant has a dress code, and someone (anyone) doesn't meet it.. they can deny access. But if there are no such restrictions, and i.e. a homeless person walks in, and has the money to pay, they are obligated by law to serve him... because anything else would be discrimination. And I agree with that in general. If a rule applies to all, then it applies to all. If it applies only to some, then it's discrimination. And that was an example given.. a baker denying it's service because a patron is gay. That's discrimination and should be prosecuted.

By Sinisa Lazarek (not verified) on 04 Jun 2015 #permalink

@Sinisa Lazarek

there needn’t be any protected class nor are there any “protected” classes under the law.

There are protected classes in the USA, where I am.
I don't know what country you're in, but I'm in the USA and I actually complained to my state regulatory agency about a business that refused me service.
I thought it was very unfair. But I was told by the state regulators that the business had a right to serve or not serve whoever they wanted to. Unless one could prove a pattern of discimination against a protected class, I guess.
Maybe they got the law wrong.
But in any case, businesses can often get away with a lot of discrimination, as long as they come up with a passable excuse for it.

@ Bpeth

"I don’t know what country you’re in, but I’m in the USA and I actually complained to my state regulatory agency about a business that refused me service."

I'm in Europe, and what happened to you in US sucks very badly. :(

"But in any case, businesses can often get away with a lot of discrimination, as long as they come up with a passable excuse for it."

That's true... you can always come with a reason i.e. we are overbooked or something like that... But in general (other than natzi germany in 40's) things like that rarely if ever happen here. US like to boast about it being the greatest democracy on earth, but in reality, from few reports I see from time to time.. it's still very segregated in some regions and isn't very democratic at all in some cases. :/

on a different but similar topic... what I found fascinating, the amount of religious zealots you have in US.. we never had anything like that in europe in recent past or present... guess we learned our lessons in midieval times. :)

By Sinisa Lazarek (not verified) on 04 Jun 2015 #permalink

@Wow #683

There are rules and regulations but they don't have anything to do with a business license. At least in California where I live, the business license is only about paying taxes.

There is no need to take my word for it. You can see the business license application page here.

There is also no need to follow all laws to be viewed as a perfectly licensed business. We have a crazy situation where Medical Marijuana is legal at the State and Local level but violates Federal Law. We have many Medical Marijuana Dispensaries with valid business licenses. The Feds do sometimes come in and shut the big ones down but their business licences are never revoked. California never met a dollar it didn't want to tax.

@Sinisa Lazarek #691

"what I found fascinating, the amount of religious zealots you have in US.. we never had anything like that in europe in recent past or present… guess we learned our lessons in midieval times"

Be sure to tell that to the artists at Charlie Hebdo and Theo van Gogh, They'll be most relieved to hear that Europe is free from religious zealotry.

@ Denier

"Be sure to tell that to the artists at Charlie Hebdo and Theo van Gogh,"

I didn't say we don't have terrorist attacks :( Sadly, it's a global phenomenon.

What I meant is we don't have (or at least, if some countries have, it' mostly very small groups) the type of tele-evangelists and similar groups that drive in millions of followers and have advertising that make pharma-com. advertising business pale in comparison :/ .. the "ooh yee.. I will heal ya with a touch of my hand.. " and christian pop rock in the background.. :) I find that a very US phenomenon.. fascinating as to why would you listen to that.. but also a bit scary when you think how many of them there are..

By Sinisa Lazarek (not verified) on 04 Jun 2015 #permalink

@Sinisa Lazarek #689/#691 "a baker denying it’s service because a patron is gay"

The baker is Not denying the INDIVIDUAL service he is denying service to a contractual pair of individuals that he finds conscience issues with the contract they wish to enter.

"what I found fascinating, the amount of religious zealots you have in US.. we never had anything like that in europe in recent past or present"

Europe is simply replacing God with "ism's" to find purpose. Just as the leftist progressives here in the US are doing. SocialISM, FeminISM, EnviromentalISM, RaceISM, SexISM, etcetc.. Europeans have just replaced Gods as the reason for meaning with Humanistic reasons that simply are inferior.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 04 Jun 2015 #permalink

@Sinisa Lazarek

Megachurches with the showmanship you refer to, 24-hour televangelism, and the slick marketing of Jesus are an American phenomenon, but psychological mechanisms that drive individuals to identify with collectives are universal to all of us. As much as any of us want to proudly believe we make our own decisions and such ridiculous behavior is only for the weak of mind, insecure, inferior of constitution, or whatever, it is really untrue. We all do it.

If I had to rate the scariness of groups, Christian Megachurch members would be really low on the scale of concern. They'd certainly be lower than Manchester United's Red Army.

@Sinisa Lazarek
What country are you in? The religiosity in Europe varies by country, for sure.
I live in a less-religious part of the USA, but religion still does intrude sometimes.
I lived in Germany (and Switzerland) awhile as a child - loved Germany.

@Bpeth #697

Seeing as Vatican City is a country in Europe, I'd say that is an understatement.

"The baker is Not denying the INDIVIDUAL service he is denying service to a contractual pair of individuals that he finds conscience issues with the contract they wish to enter."

- ... and that somehow makes it all better.. right.. same BS was being told to blacks in US till 30 years ago roughly. Same mindset, different outlet.

"Europe is simply replacing God with “ism’s” to find purpose...."

- just wrong.. millions of people beliving in in god or some sort of deity here... it's just much more moderate and not turned in add fest.

@ Denier
"but psychological mechanisms that drive individuals to identify with collectives are universal to all of us"

- that's very true

"If I had to rate the scariness of groups, Christian Megachurch members would be really low on the scale of concern. They’d certainly be lower than Manchester United’s Red Army."

- the thing is that these first ones number in millions of followers.. MU's Red Army is in couple thousand or less on a best day...

But in general.. yes.. football gangs are a problem... not saying europe is bread and butter.. or that there is no violence.. was just referencing one instance i find paculiar about christian religion in US.. not all religions and not all christians... but one hefty chunk

@ Bpeth
Serbia (ex-yugoslavia if you're older :) ) .. and yes.. shit happened here as well.. politics and greed

By Sinisa Lazarek (not verified) on 04 Jun 2015 #permalink

Gender and Race are Not The Same.
Dennis Prager says it better than I can here:

"But the equation is false.

First, there is no comparison between sex and race.

There are enormous differences between men and women, but there are no differences between people of different races. Men and women are inherently different, but blacks and whites (and yellows and browns) are inherently the same. Therefore, any imposed separation by race can never be moral or even rational; on the other hand, separation by sex can be both morally desirable and rational. Separate bathrooms for men and women is moral and rational; separate bathrooms for blacks and whites is not.

The second reason the parallel between opposing same-sex marriage and opposing interracial marriage is invalid is that opposition to marriage between races is a moral aberration while opposition to marrying a person of the same sex is the moral norm. In other words, none of the moral bases of American society, whether religious or secular, opposed interracial marriage -- not Judaism, not Christianity, not Judeo-Christian values, not deism, not humanism, not the Enlightenment. Yes, there were religious and secular individuals who opposed interracial marriage, but by opposing interracial marriage, they were advocating something against all Judeo-Christian and secular norms, all of which saw nothing wrong in members of different races intermarrying (members of different religions was a different matter).

On the other hand, no religious or secular moral system ever advocated same-sex marriage. Whereas advocating interracial marriage was advocating something approved of by every religious and secular moral tradition of America and the West, advocating same-sex marriage does the very opposite -- it advocates something that defies every religious and secular moral tradition. Those who advocate redefining marriage are saying that every religious and secular tradition is immoral. They have no problem doing this because they believe they are wiser and finer people than all the greatest Jewish, Christian and humanist thinkers who ever lived. "

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 04 Jun 2015 #permalink

@Ragtag Media #700

Be careful with your broad brush because it isn't entirely true. Mormons very much consider themselves to be Christian. Despite being abolitionist, welcoming black members into the church even in the early days of the Church, and ordaining black men into LDS priesthood, interracial marriage was a big no-no.

The darkness of skin was said to be a curse of the Lamanites for the traditions of their fathers, and its prominance was so that Nephites (white people) might not mix and believe in incorrect traditions which would prove their destruction(Alma 3:7-9). Lamanites were to remain separated from thee and thy seed [Nephites], from this time henceforth and forever, except they repent of their wickedness and turn to me that I may have mercy upon them" (Alma 3:14).

It wasn't until 1978 the Mormon Church officially changed their mind on the holy texts.

@Sinisa Lazarek #699

I'd go even further and say satisfying the need to identify with collectives is a requirement of staying sane. We have a prison called ADX Florence where we put the worst of the worst. Prisoners spend almost all of their time in solitary confinement, and the develop something called 'ontological insecurity'. Essentially they mentally crack up and stop believing they themselves are real.

If people are going to rally around an idea, I think Jesus is a good one to rally around. Your apprehension is likely because Megachurches, revivals, and the like are so alien. While they aren't my thing I find them to be a flavor of America that is really interesting.

@ Denier, From what I recall the foundlings didn't prohibit blacks it was when they moved and another guy took over...
But the main point is that there is a difference between Gender and Race

OK Here from wicki:

"During the early years of the Latter Day Saint movement, black people were admitted to the church, and there was no record of a racial policy on denying priesthood, since at least two black men became priests, Elijah Abel and Walker Lewis.[11] When the Latter Day Saints migrated to Missouri, they encountered the pro-slavery sentiments of their neighbors. Joseph Smith upheld the laws regarding slaves afd slaveholders, but remained abolitionist in his actions and doctrines.[12]

Beginning in 1842, after he had moved to free-state Illinois, Smith made known his increasingly strong anti-slavery position. In 1842, he began studying some abolitionist literature, and stated, "It makes my blood boil within me to reflect upon the injustice, cruelty, and oppression of the rulers of the people. When will these things cease to be, and the Constitution and the laws again bear rule?"[13] In 1844, Smith wrote his views as a candidate for President of the United States. The anti-slavery plank of his platform called for a gradual end to slavery by the year 1850. His plan called for the government to buy the freedom of slaves usang money from the sale of public lands.[12]"

After Smith's death in 1844, Brigham Young became president of the main body of the church and led the Mormon pioneers to what would become the Utah Territory. Like many Americans at the time, Young (who was also the territorial governor) promoted discriminatory views about black people.[

So it looks like Originally founded as no assue and then Brigham Young initiated it with the prodding of some guy named William McCary

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 04 Jun 2015 #permalink

@Ragtag Media #703

"Prodding" is an interesting term for it. William McCary was a black man who was excommunicated from the Mormon church for claiming to be a Mormon Prophet. When he left, some followers left with him, and he married himself to several of the white women. The umm.. "podding" enraged Brigham Young enough to enact a ban on black men holding the priesthood. As said before, black members were fine, but interracial prodding was not fine.

As far as Joseph Smith being non-racist, you give him too much credit. He was the one who wrote the religious texts I quoted above.

As far as men and women being more different then men of different races, that may be true. It may be more difficult to pull off a Caitlyn Jenner than it is to pull off a Michael Jackson.

@ Denier #703
I didn't know that Guy Bill was a Brotha Interesting, I think I will read up a bit more on this tomorrow.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 04 Jun 2015 #permalink

“The baker is Not denying the INDIVIDUAL service"

Yes he is.

And not for what the individual does that endangers his business (e.g. shoplifting) or his health (e.g. mugger or robber).

But for something they do that they merely do not like.

If you don't want to deal with the public, don't work in that business.

@674Wowzer “You know it’s REALLY easy to avoid baking cakes for people you don’t like: DON’T TAKE A JOB BAKING CAKES!”

Yup. Nobody forced them to take the job. His choice, his problem. Not that of the gay person. Gay people pay their taxes too, you know.

A halal resturaunt doesn't serve pork. A bakery doesn't sell Gimp masks. Why the hell should I demand they sell something they don't? Why the hell does that make ANY sense to you?

A baker sells cakes.

A man wants to buy their cakes. Or Pizza. Or whatever.

There's nothing in the business that says that cakes aren't for sale in a cake shop.

Frigging moron.

"There are protected classes in the USA, where I am."

Yes. Lots of them.

For example, white people. Protected from being killed by murderers.

Why was that protection required in law? Because the world has some right cunts walking around and they want to kill people.

So, since people can't be relied upon to do the right thing without the law being there to stop it, a law was introduced to protect the class of "innocent" from being murdered.

Do you want all protections of people removed?

Or only from certain classes of people?

@Wow #708

A "Protected Class" is a legal term with a specific set of criteria that need to be met in order to qualify, and it varies by jurisdiction. It isn't a generic term to mean someone who has protection. You are also conflating our Civil and Criminal laws.

Our legal system is incredibly complicated. Even lawyers don't understand all of it. It is really amusing watching you thrash about pretending to be an expert on the American Justice System.

Yes, and for the same reason you're protected by the laws: there are plenty of cunts walking around that will want to harm you.

Therefore they have to be told they're not allowed to.

You know you wouldn't murder someone, right? So there was no need of murder being against the law, right?

So why is the law there?

Because there're bastards out there who want to do it, so we have to make it absolutely clear they cannot.

And there's no difference between the law against murder that protects you and the anti-discrimination laws that protects others.

Because there are shitheads that don't want to obey the rules of society, therefore we have to codify them precisely.

Same with those health and safety laws.ONLY brought in because companies proved they WOULD NOT preserve the lives of their workers if it was cheaper to risk them unless it was made against the law.

If you don't like refusing the public access to your service, don't supply the service to anyone.

Job done.

But if you decide you want to make money at that, you can't whine that you're not allowed to bring in irrelevancies so you can avoid doing your job.

If you don't want to do it, they can sell that estate to someone who WILL.

@Wow #710

"And there’s no difference between the law against murder that protects you and the anti-discrimination laws that protects others."

Like just about every other thing you've said about American laws, that is completely wrong.

If you violate the law against murder, you'll be arrested by police. A team of law enforcement officials will investigate the crime all on the tax payer's dime. If you can't afford a lawyer the courts will give you one.

If you violate the law against discrimination, no one will come to get you. You have to pay to investigate yourself. If you can't afford a lawyer then it is too bad for you. If you can't afford a lawyer and you've made the mistake of incorporating then you can't even speak in your own defense. The plaintiff wins by default.

I could go on and on with the differences. They are handled by entirely different courts with entirely different sets of rules governing the outcomes.

@ Wow #707 " Why the hell should I demand they sell something they don’t?"

So demand the the African-American caterer serve up fried chicken to the Klan rally, it's just business ya know.. LUDICROUS is what it is and he does not have to Nor should the caterer of the gay wedding.
But because we create special classes and groups we get special treatment under the law to Rape individual liberties of conscience for selfish gains of others.

Hyper militant wing of the gay crowd has hijacked the civil rights movement and are doing everything they can to foist their perverted ways on society

Thomas Jefferson said it well:

"No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than
that which protects the rights of conscience against the
enterprises of the civil authority." –Thomas Jefferson to New
London Methodist, 1809.

"We are bound, you, I, and every one to make common cause, even
with error itself, to maintain the common right of freedom of

@ Denier #711

"If you violate the law against discrimination, no one will come to get you. You have to pay to investigate yourself. If you can’t afford a lawyer then it is too bad for you. If you can’t afford a lawyer and you’ve made the mistake of incorporating then you can’t even speak in your own defense. The plaintiff wins by default."


I and my family have been through multiple legal battles and WINNING is often times no better or can be even worse than loosing because of the loss of time and money and the actual looser never has to pay up because of all the laws protecting assets it can be difficult to collect.

HOWEVER, Owe the Govt the rules change and they get their money.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 04 Jun 2015 #permalink

"Like just about every other thing you’ve said about American laws, that is completely wrong."

Except your claim there is itself a load of made up crap.

No, what I said is 100% correct and something you willingly refuse to accept.

"So demand the the African-American caterer serve up fried chicken to the Klan rally"

Who want to kill him?

Remember, you can refuse people who are a threat to your business or your health.



"Remember, you can refuse people who are a threat to your business or your health."

Wayne Rooney Gets the Red card

A Pharmacist can refuse a doctor prescribed birth control based on religious convictions.


By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 05 Jun 2015 #permalink

In looking at that listing, I totally don't get UK architecture. I've been staring at the picture of the bathroom for 5 minutes and I still can't work it out.

Is that a little tiny door on the right? Does it really have a baseboard one side and miniature wainscoting on the other? Is that a toilet flushing handle sticking out of the wall next to the door? Is the wood colored flat surface in the lower left the top of a toilet seat? Is it a funny camera lens or to UK people not believe in parallel walls and ceilings?

Maybe that is why it is so cheap. Some previous owner thought it would be funny to hire M.C. Escher to do the remodel and now you have to go to the neighbor's house every time you need to take care of some business.

Gosh, you two boys like playing with each other in the bathroom.

You sure you guys aren't gay?

Well dipshit, you happy Iran get's 140 Billion to spread more terrorism around the globe with "the deal"?.
Un-Flippin believable.
The world has gone mad.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 14 Jul 2015 #permalink

For him that seeks wisdom let him hear the words of the Lord concerning this Iranian Nuclear "Deal"

Jeremiah 49:34-39
Judgment on Elam
34 The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet against Elam, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, saying, 35 “Thus says the Lord of hosts:

‘Behold, I will break the bow of Elam,
The foremost of their might.
36 Against Elam I will bring the four winds
From the four quarters of heaven,
And scatter them toward all those winds;
There shall be no nations where the outcasts of Elam will not go.
37 For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies
And before those who seek their life.
I will bring disaster upon them,
My fierce anger,’ says the Lord;
‘And I will send the sword after them
Until I have consumed them.
38 I will set My throne in Elam,
And will destroy from there the king and the princes,’ says the Lord.
39 ‘But it shall come to pass in the latter days:
I will bring back the captives of Elam,’ says the Lord.”

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 20 Jul 2015 #permalink

Are there any archeoastronomy majors out there?
My eldest female cub is looking to take a class in it to satisfy a pre req, so just asking.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 20 Jul 2015 #permalink

dean, where the heck do you get this bull crap you spew, did you not even have a basic Sunday school class growing up or Hell even a basic world history class.
Look what ya said back in #522 "* the romans did not use crucifixion as mentioned in the bible"

That is flat ass out ludicrous. As the saying goes Babylonians invented crucifixion but the Romans perfected it.

Then you spew on about failed prophecies what one's are talking about?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 21 Jul 2015 #permalink

"Except there is none with Nephilim. Not even you could explain one, either. Yet you hold two opposing claims without qualm because you’re an ignorant moron."

Geez do I have to draw you a picture? who/ what was the Nephilim fathers? The B'nai Elohim Or sons Of God.

This persons post gives a decent summary that breeds the alien thoughts on the concepts:
"Simply put, we don't know for sure, but we have clues!

We have three known facts about the Nephilim:

Their Name

The world "nephilim" comes from the Hebrew word nephiyl, which means "the fallen". What did they fall from? The Bible isn't clear about that.

It's possible that they fell from the sky (making them aliens) or from heaven (making them demons).

Regardless, it seems clear that the people who lived at that time called them "the fallen".


Also, we know about their lineage: they are children of "sons of God" and "daughters of man":

Genesis 6:4 (NASB)
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

So, the Nephilim themselves weren't actually the angels/aliens/kings, but the children of these beings.


Another thing we know about Nephilim is that they were tall--huge, even:

Numbers 13:33 (NASB)
We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.

So, clearly, they are very large.


One possible interpretation of this is the one you mentioned: that nephilim are a race of alien-human hybrids.

However, due to the Numbers reference, many translate the word "nephilim" to "giants". Of course, their size was only an aspect of who they were, but not necessarily the primary aspect. It could very well be that they had wings like angels or big bulbous heads like aliens.

Unfortunately, we simply do not know what nephilim were and many theories abound. One of which is, actually, that they were human-alien hybrids."

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 23 Jul 2015 #permalink

Planned Parenthood, What a disgusting organization that heaps shame upon mankind.
Not only an abortion mill but a farm for harvesting body parts.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 26 Jul 2015 #permalink

A lot of good Republicans at the debate. Would be a pleasure seeing almost any of them Crush that old hag Shillary

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 06 Aug 2015 #permalink

Hillary Clinton Is In A Freefall BWA_ha_ha_ha_haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 12 Aug 2015 #permalink

@Ragtag Media #727

There is a lot of time left. At this point in 2007, Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani had sizable leads. In August of 2011, Rick Perry was the Republican front runner.

Now we know why Wowzer is so angry all the time.
Study: The key to 'sustained happiness' is religion

Yep, right there boys and girls.

If you're looking to glean long-term happiness from a social activity, don't turn to volunteer work. A study by researchers at the London School of Economics and Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands found that the secret to sustained happiness actually lies in participation in a religious organization.

Out of four categories of social activities — which included volunteering or charitable work, taking educational or training courses, participating in religious organizations, and participating in political or community organizations — participation in religious organizations was "the only social activity associated with sustained happiness." Researchers noted, however, that it is unclear whether the benefits of participating in a religious organization are linked to being in the religious community, or to the faith itself.

Interestingly, while religious organizations boosted happiness, researchers found that joining a community organization actually led to decreased happiness over time. "One of the most puzzling findings is that although healthier people are more likely to volunteer, we found no evidence that volunteering actually leads to better mental health," researcher Mauricio Avendano said in a press release. "It may be that any benefits are outweighed by other negative impacts of volunteering, such as stress." —Becca Stanek

Wow, didn't someone recently nickname you "Angry Boy"?

Perhaps you should get some religion to help you with that.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 13 Aug 2015 #permalink

Well, at least Madonas GAY brother has it right in regards to Kim Davis:
Ciccone wrote that as a county clerk, Davis “is required to follow federal law.”

“But why should she… when DOJ and other civil authorities don’t follow federal law when they choose not to… i.e. Washington State and Colorado (POT) comes to mind… or the abstract notion of ‘sanctuary cities,'” he continued.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 08 Sep 2015 #permalink

The religion of peace strikes AGAIN in France.
Keep letting the filth in you Euro trash IDIOTS!!!

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 14 Nov 2015 #permalink

Phweeet! Here, poe child!

Come on, follow the bunny! Shiny bunny! Come on, you can do it!

Come on, poe troll, chase the meanie away!

Where was your post #1 on that pyramid chart, retard? Where was it? Come on, you feculent little child, where on that pyramid was your post#1, or do you need a grown up to help you here too?

Well, this proves it, that retarded rotted-dick-cheese-for-brains "poet" moron will post her idiotic insults on every single thread I comment on, EXCEPT THIS ONE, and the reason for that is transparently obvious with anything approaching human intelligence.

And Julian, Nads and, surprising nobody, teabaggie, have no care or thought for anything other than gather up to beat down on someone they have been 100% incapable of beating down before, and 100% incapable of withstanding any intellectual argument.

Poe, you retarded piece of scum, your first post was merely "contradiction", stating the case without ANY indication of there being any evidence for it.

And you dropped RAPIDLY from there through "Respondig to tone" (very temporarily), then Ad hominem (even more temporary), then stuck entirely on the best you could manage, "Name calling". And have stuck there ever since.

But NEVER turning up here, on the thread where that sort of bollocks is, if not acceptable,at least tolerated.

And it's patently obvious why.

Posting that trolling here doesn't fit what you want.

If you wanted to post everywhere I do with your puerile insults, incapable of carrying any meaning whatsoever though they are, then you'd have posted here.

You want trolling and insults spread over the entirety of this SCIENCE BLOG, and being limited to this one thread doesn't do what you want, even if you were to spam a thousand comments of the cut and pasted "you're ugly" that you "thought" so witty.

So it isn't even burying discourse you want.

You want me off.

Why? Who cares. You could be a Forbes employee. You could be a creotard. You could just be someone who, having not had the *unearned* "respect" you think your every utterance should garner, have gained a vendetta and feel vengeance is demanded on me.

But, frankly, who cares. It could be none of the above.

The fact remains you brought nothing other than stupidity, and I award you no points and may god have mercy on whatever passes for a soul in your species. It certainly isn't Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

Oh look, I was wrong about one thing! You will, in extremis, post here, because you cannot stop yourself from spewing your hatred for others who do not genuflect at your utterances.

You're still 100% stuck at insults.

Because you're nothing more than a "Valley girl", thinking that fame is the same as worth, and totally incapable of accepting anything that means effort on your part.


From a retard of the highest caliber, a claim of "such a low IQ" is HI-fucking-LARIOUS!

From someone whose first post was "Oh, everything is connected to everything, therefore Einstein wrong!", then posted "If you ca't explain inertia, don't answer!" as if it were some sort of counterpoint rather than nonsequitur, then descended into a "you suck!" in response to every single request for evidence or rationale, the retard CAN NOT claim low intelligence in others. It would be like a born-blind man telling the visually acute that the blind man can see colours far more accurately, and that this wall is definitely pink.

What the fuck is "insipid creature" supposed to illuminate?!?!?!

Your brain, such as it is, is seriously fucked up.

Crack cocaine? Oxycotin?

WOW, you filthy BITCH RAG IN HEAT GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY "weekend-diversion-you-are-responsible" Crib. YOU Worthless CUNT.
Defend your pathetic worthless nothingness in a realtime thread and DO NOT HIDE your ineptness by via of the "Dump Thread"



By Ragtagmedia (not verified) on 20 Dec 2015 #permalink

Suck a dick, teabagger.

Like your uncle made you do yesterday.

Hearing that some whackjob called Josh Fuerstein has a $100,000 bet with anyone able to prove god doesn't exist.

I claim it.

I have absolutely proven that god DOES NOT exist.

If Josh doesn't want to pay up and says I haven't proven it, then I proffer a $100,000 bet if he can prove I haven't.

"Never claimed it was not possible."

Yes you did.Read your posts – you’re an absolute idiot JerkHead.

all energy could not have been in one point in space


Get a life and do something productive/meaningful than post meaningless pseudoscientific bollocks and get extensively butthurt because you weren't accorded the unearned respect of people with working braincells your ego demands you deserve.

"It would at least be enlightening if you had any sense of reason (or intelligence)"

Christ on a stick, you're a ridiculous blowhard, aren't you?


If you want to see nonsensical posts gone, STOP BLOODY WELL POSTING and start listening to others.

Hey Belgium how does that religion of peace taste?
Idiot libs.

By Trump Will Mak… (not verified) on 22 Mar 2016 #permalink

Teabagger,you've been warned about using sockpuppets.

Fuck the hell off and respect property.

I see, however, your glee over the deaths of others. Proper little christian barbarian. Fucking death cultists, the lot of you.

Ethan, if this fucking moron doesn't stop salivating and celebrating the deaths of other humans, for the sake of humanity, BAN THE LITTLE SHITSTAIN.

I apologise for shit stains everywhere for comparing you to that feculant idiot. It's not your fault, whereas this moron revels in it.

STFU Doucehbag!
Don't blame me for your deological funkwit thinking like your shirt for brain leftist mindset.
Calling for me a ban in the fuckall thread shows your pathetic fascist mindset. Ya little twerp, go fuck your bloody self.

By Trump Will Mak… (not verified) on 22 Mar 2016 #permalink

Here fuckface:

An expert who met with Belgian counterterrorism officials last week told Business Insider that the country is overwhelmed by the number of radicalized individuals who pose threats to the country.

Matthew Levitt, the director of The Washington Institute's Stein Program on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, said that Belgian police have only begun to understand the depth of the country's terrorism problem in the past year.

"Belgians have a really big problem because they have the largest number per capita of western foreign fighters from any country," Levitt told Business Insider. "The numbers are simply overwhelming," he added.

The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation found last year that Belgians contributed 40 foreign fighters to Sunni militant groups in the Middle East per million people, the highest per-capita rate of any Western European country.

By Trump Will Mak… (not verified) on 22 Mar 2016 #permalink

The Washington Institute is a lobbying arm for a pro-Israeli pr firm, not really a think tank.

There is nothing to crow about in this. If you don't think ISIS has plans to attack US targets you are kidding yourself, and they have just demonstrated their operational capability to pull off a coordinated terrorist attack in a Western country.

No, there is nothing to crow about. There is also no reason to believe that any of these groups has the ability to destroy a Western country through their actions. The goal is to increase responses (like the falsely named "Patriot Act") that weaken the principles of democracy.

No there is nothing to crow about. Innocent people are gravely injured and dead.

There is also no reason to believe groups like ISIS (or the others) have any possible way to seriously threaten the existence of Western countries through actions like this. The point of these terror activities is to seed enough fear and paranoia to make the governments of the countries damage themselves - with things such as the stupidly named Patriot Act and other restrictions on civil rights.

"There is nothing to crow about in this."

Doesn't stop teabaggie here crowing over the deaths in Belgium.

Because that's a cesspool with no bottom, apart from the arse shitting in it.

ISIS have plans, but they're a shitload less dangerous than the likes of those yahoos who raised terrorist threats to the government in Idaho.

If it hadn't been white rightwingnuts, the government would have gone straight in, and those morons would have been going "Go on, shoot me, shoot me!" and then kicked in the nads and arrested.

But the rightwing will raise holy (literally, near enough) hell if the rightwingers get treated with the same disdain as anyone else.

Now take note Nutsack Buddies Wowzer and deantard,, I apologize for posting the previous post in the wrong thread.

See, I can admit on the rare occasion I make a mistake..

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 22 Mar 2016 #permalink

Lost your socks again?

Fucking loon.

You also made a mistake in #759 - your hero goddard is known for making blatantly false statements. That's probably why he's your hero.

Denier, dean, Wow, Ragtag Media,

Please argue about non scientific issues elsewhere.


(I note your post wasn't scientific... Irony!)

Come to that, what is scientific about being responsible for what you say (write) anyway ?

"Please argue about non scientific issues elsewhere."
You don't realize that is the dumbest fucking thing ever said in context on this site.
I pity you..

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 23 Mar 2016 #permalink

So you don't listen to you either, teabag?

Chryses thanks ;-) that made sense

It looks more like a schoolyard here in where they fight for the question who can insult the best.

Pseudo science groupies lol

Nope, just a sling-off space, instead of bogging down sensible science.

FYI, I have (With a partner) created an internet company that has a huge social networking potential.
Anyone interested in being a working partner/shareholder.
Let me know via this section.
My partner and I have been working on this concept for years and are VERY near the finish line so chime in if you would be interested in hearing more.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 27 Apr 2016 #permalink

That Gay bar "Moozie Terrorist" in Florida
Just gave Trump a nice bounce in the polls. LOL

By Trump Will Mak… (not verified) on 11 Jun 2016 #permalink

#Lisp...Vote 4 Trump

By Trump Will Mak… (not verified) on 12 Jun 2016 #permalink

Frenchies, Why do you think God put the mediterranean sea there?
Stupid Puke Filth Morons.
You Dumb Ass Frenchies deserve the shit you sow.
Hey Muzzies come in our country and kill us PLEAZE!!!

For Fuck sake at least your shitty grand parents put up a small fight against Hitler.

You modern day french Fucks are PATHETIC.

By Trump Will Mak… (not verified) on 15 Jul 2016 #permalink

ragtag at 774: your bigotry is disgusting, but that is typically how you tea baggers behave.

@Rag #774

We saved France's ass in WWII, but don't forget that we owed them big time. France began arming us in 1775, and France also convinced both Spain and the Netherlands to send us guns. It was France that allowed us to even dream we could declare our independence in 1776.

With the help of the French Army we were kicking the ass of Lord Corwallis' British troops in 1781, and the British Navy tried to come screaming in to save them, but when they got to Yorktown the French Navy attacked them and kept them out at sea. It was because of the French military that the British surrendered that day and the Revolutionary War ended.

A short time later the French sold us the territory to double the size of our country in the Louisiana Purchase (thank you Napoleon). In the War of 1812 when the British wanted to have another go, we fought to a stalemate largely because Napoleon had tied up 80% of the British Military in Europe.

Yes we've had our differences, but despite all that these are our friends. What just happened is awful. The driver sought out strollers. There are pictures of dolls on the ground next to tiny body bags. Do you think those little kids who were excited so see fireworks sowed anything to deserve that?

Rag, I could understand anger but I don't get why anyone would crow over this.

Rag is crowing because to him racism and bigotry rules all.

@dean #777

It is not just Rag. It is everybody. Black Lives Matter. Blue Lives Matter. One study manipulates statistics to show there is no institutional racism while another shows it to be worse than ever. Obama blames the police then goes to speak glowingly at their funerals. Ghostbusters remade with girls. Marvel is killing off white characters simply for the sake of diversity. Trump wants to build a wall while halting Muslim immigration and his poll numbers spike. Gun control, gun control, gun control. Hillary is a crook who used powerful political connections to avoid prison while Trump is an orange ego-maniacal buffoon and the people voted both into their current positions by wide margins.

Billy Joel once reminded us that it was always burning since the world’s been turning, but this year seems off the rails.

Equatingblack lives matter with racism of any sort, especially that as vile as ragtags, is ludicrous. I'm not sure what you're referring to by " Obama blames the police."

Other than the question if why we needed a remake of Ghostbusters at all, there is nothing wrong casting women.

@Dean #779

Equating black lives matter with racism of any sort, especially that as vile as ragtags, is ludicrous.

Really? What do you think the 'Black' in 'Black Lives Matter' refers to?

You've missed them repeatedly saying they don't mean "other lives don't matter"?

Or is it that ragtags racism isn't offensive to you?

Dean, enough with your inept attempt trying to be a liberal shooting racist bullets in a china shop.

The only racist boogie man is in your head as you like most libtards seeks a faux cause you can champion to give your silly little meaningless life a purpose.

@ Denier #776 (Haha, only 1000 post away from 1776 lol).

I know my countries history and appreciate the Frenchies help yes.
I am not Crowing about this but telling them to WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!
They like Dean lack Wisdom to see that they are under attack and like all good liberals seek out a faux narrative boogie man instead of facing realty.

Like Trump is a racist Bull Shit. He NEVER said anything Racist. But all the weak minded Libtards knee jerk because that is the fake cause of the day they hang their self worth purpose on so facts be damned because it's all about me.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 15 Jul 2016 #permalink

And dumbass Dean. Islam is NOT a race so my rant against them is not racist you blithering MORON!!!!

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 15 Jul 2016 #permalink

@Dean #781

You’ve missed them repeatedly saying they don’t mean “other lives don’t matter”?

That is a nice dodge, and despite the efforts of some to paper over the ugly racist underpinnings of BLM, those who express the exact same idea (#AllLivesMatter) you just did in your quote are quickly denounced. BLM is a private party and if your skin isn't the right color then it isn't for you. Yes Dean, it is racist. And back to my earlier point, BLM is divisiveness in a year of divisiveness unlike any I remember.

Denier, you seem just as ignorance of society as you are of science. Your on-line name fits.

rag, you are still nothing but a liar and bigot, an example of the worst the United States has to offer.

@Ragtag Media #787

If you were made emperor, how would you have stopped this? Keep in mind this was a born and raised French citizen, had not previously hurt anyone, was not only on the French terror watch list but the French government got their courts to require this French citizen who hadn't hurt anyone to wear a tracking anklet. Despite all the countermeasures the kid went out and killed someone. What more would you have done? I'm curious. Would you have just rounded up all the Muslims and had them killed? Maybe turn some into lamps and cuff-links? There was no head in the sand regarding this guy but it made no difference, so what would you have done to make a difference?

"Here’s Brian Greene of Columbia University"

Uh, isn't this "You only follow other people's interpretations of the data they collect." you should "Go the extra mile. Do your own critical thinking.".

But what does Brian say?

You might have heard that the Higgs field is what gives particles their masses. But how does this process happen? And why do we need it? Brian Greene explains more

Not "that the Higgs field/boson was invented to save the Standard Model", not that "if its particles had intrinsic mass, its equations would fail", if only because the particles don't do the maths, they are what they are.

"Judging by the colourful language you use,"

Judging by your inability to read, you must have been homeschooled. By the dog.


The tone argument (also tone policing) is a logical fallacy that occurs when an argument is dismissed or accepted on its presentation: typically perceived crassness, hysteria or anger. Tone arguments are generally used by tone trolls (esp. concern trolls) in order to derail or silence opponents lower on the privilege ladder, as a method of positioning oneself as a Very Serious Person.

The fallacy relies on style over substance. It is an ad hominem attack, and thus an informal fallacy.

"Since you’re too important to read a book that I follow"

A book you claimed was YOUR "THEORY", you ignorant twat.

And though that would be one good reason not to read that tripe, that's not the only one. The fact it's a load of hooey would be the foremost one.

"positive pions decay into positrons"

No they don't.

"negative pions decay into electrons; "

No they don't.

"neutral pions decay into photons"

No they don't.

"That’s proof enough for me."

So making shit up (or,probably, reading some moron's "theory" and never doing the experiment and data gathering yourself) is "proof enough for you".

Well, that would be because you're a frigging retard.

"I started by voicing my opinion that I formed after reading The One Force of Nature by David Simmons"

Like the rest of your verbal shitstream, this too is a lie. But one we can prove with your very own words:

" I’m building my theorybit by bit to become a complete Theory of Everything ...
You can find a first attempt at the new theory at [book by david simmons, another retired "computer engineer"]"

C'mon guys, nearly made it to 800. Not far to the 1,000 comments!