Weekend Diversion: I am Altering the Deal

I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.

Ahh... good old Star Wars. So, I am altering the deal. Two weeks ago, I told you all that we were having a charity challenge, and that if I got 100 of you to donate either money ($10 minimum) or time (4 hours minimum), I would shave my head for the first time ever. I even found a picture of me at 19, nearly 12 years ago, to help inspire you as to what a big step this was.

And we've come close as of today. We're only a few (less than 20) donations away, and I've been extraordinarily impressed with the outpouring of support I've gotten from all of you. Whether we get to 100 or not, you deserve to have your generosity rewarded. And therefore, here is how I'm altering the deal:

For every donor that we fall short of 100 by, I will donate an extra $10 to charity.

So if we fall 10 donors short, I'll give $100, and then shave my head. You have one week to get off your butts and either donate or pledge your future donation. But I am, I am so impressed with the outpouring of support I've gotten from all of you (over $2,500 total!) that you deserve to be rewarded whether we meet our goal or not. Don't forget -- if you do donate -- to go on over to the charity challenge page and leave a comment, telling what you donated!

And thanks again for all of your support; I feel that we've helped make a great difference together!

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me at 19, nearly 12 years ago

The. Hell?!

Happy Birthday!

Thanks for making me feel old and useless.