Last day for Sb/DonorsChoose drive: help make a difference!

ScienceBlogs readers have raised $14,913.09 to help science teachers get the materials they need for engaging explorations of magnets, marine biology, electricity, and evolution. You've helped fund classroom equipment and field trips. You've helped stack the deck toward a future where fewer people are scared by science and more people are involved in conversations about science.

But we have the rest of today to do just a bit more.

DonorsChoose is generously rewarding bloggers who meet their Bloggers Challenge goals with DonorsChoose gift certificates worth 10% of the total amount they raise. These aren't gift certificates they can spend on CDs or fancy dinners or airplane tickets -- they're only good for funding more teachers' proposals at DonorsChoose. Luckily, that's exactly what we're trying to do here.

Most of us with bloggers challenges in this drive set our goals too high. (This is not to suggest at all that we overestimated you or that you folks let us down -- we just hadn't done a drive like this before, so we were pulling numbers out of the air.) But there are a few challenges that I think we can -- and should -- meet. Really, they're so close, it would be a pity not to fund them. Here's the rundown:

  1. The Stranger Fruit challenge is completed! Since this challenge hit its $1000 goal, DonorsChoose will kick in another $100.

  2. The Evolgen challenge is completed! This challenge has reached its $500 goal, so DonorsChoose is putting up another $50.

  3. The Questionable Authority challenge is completed! Since this challenge reached its $655.88 goal, DonorsChoose is adding another $65.59 to the pot.

  4. The Cognitive Daily challenge is $659.19 away from completion. That looks like a big number, but it becomes more manageable when you're joining forces with other donors. It would take a mere 35 donors -- far fewer than the number clamoring to participate in the Cognitive Daily Casual Friday experiments each (non-summer) week -- contributing $19 each to wrap this challenge up. And remember, Dave and Greta are kicking in their own money to add 10% to your donation to this challenge! When this challenge reaches its $1000 goal, DonorsChoose is on the hook for another $100.

  5. The World's Fair challenge is $696.47 away from completion. Another scary looking number, but completely do-able with a group effort. Twenty donors who could put up $35 each and the challenge is met. And, don't forget, a donation of $10 to this challenge is all it takes to ensure that Science Creative Quarterly will publish your science haiku! This is not a deal you'll find anywhere else, believe me! When this challenge reaches its $1000 goal, DonorsChoose will add $100 to that.

  6. The Terra Sigillata challenge is $2859.55 away from completion. Yes, that's a big number -- we wouldn't pressure any one of you to give that much. But maybe you could give $100, or $50. (We know that not all ScienceBlogs readers are starving students!) A few bigger donations could help a lot of little donations push this challenge to the finish line. The two proposals left to be funded in this challenge will help low-income kids in North Carolina. If this challenge reaches its $3500 goal, DonorsChoose will add another $350.

We'll keep going until the stroke of midnight Pacific Time. I know we can hit some more of these challenge goals by then.

Thanks a million for your generosity!

And don't forget: If you want to be in the drawing for the fabulous prizes, when Donors Choose sends you a confirmation email, forward it to: This is your contest entry. Starting July 5, we'll select random entries and keep going till we've given away all the prizes.

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