ScienceBlogs/DonorsChoose Challenge Off to a Great Start

As I've spent my entire weekend alternatively sitting in front of a ginormous magnet running NMR experiments and in front of a computer screen analyzing the data from those experiments, the blogging has unfortunately been light. However, I just wanted to give a quick update on the ScienceBlogs/DonorsChoose Fundraising Drive that we kicked off last Thursday here on ScienceBlogs.

The most detailed rundown of the progress so far can be found at Adventures in Ethics and Science, although it's about a day old now. By midday yesterday, as a group ScienceBlogs had already raised $8498.73 to help fund various science classrooms. I'm proud to say that as I'm writing this, $330 of that has come via three generous donations from readers of The Scientific Activist. Way to go! That brings us up to 7% of The Scientific Activist's goal, so we still have a ways to go.

Making things even better, Seed magazine announced last week that it would be matching up $10,000 in donations, meaning that as I'm writing this, we've raised roughly $20,000, and we're still going strong. The fundraising drive will go on until July 1st, though, so there's plenty of time to get in on the action. Don't forget, there are prizes to be had as well, and all you have to do to put yourself in the running is to forward your confirmation email from DonorsChoose to In the meantime, you can follow the progress of donations coming through this blog by watching the graphic on my sidebar.

Thanks again for your support--your donations will really go a long way in bringing the fascinating world of science to today's schoolchildren.


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this is unrelated and im sorry, but i just discovered this blog and youre a champ. Scientific Activist! That is just awesome :P we need more smart people like yourself.

crazy love.

By craggadee (not verified) on 19 Jun 2006 #permalink

No reason to be sorry. Unsolicited compliments are always welcome here! ;-)

Make sure you look around at the other ScienceBlogs to see the cool things everyone else is doing as well.