News from Pledge Central.

I swear I'm putting up a couple posts today that have nothing to do with the ScienceBlogs/DonorsChoose drive to fund science and math classrooms. However, there have been some developments since the last update, and I thought you ought to know about them.

  1. Although PZ Myers and his minions met the goal of the Pharyngula challenge days ago, it shambles on like a zombie, now at more than 250% of the challenge goal. Way to go, unholy army of the undead!
  2. ScienceBlogs readers have so far donated $10,307.86 to the drive. Among other things, this means we've secured the entire $10,000 that SEED put up in matching funds! So, the classrooms get $20,307.86 from us (so far). Way to bleed our hosts of funds!
  3. Sandra Porter of Discovering Biology in a Digital World has joined the fun with a challenge of her own. And, she has generously contributed some prizes: an Exploring DNA Structure CD-ROM, a Kissing DNA T-shirt, a Green Fluorescent Protein mug, and a pack of 10 Twirling Telomere magnets. (The updated list of fabulous prizes, in its entirety, below the fold.)

UPDATE: I'm sad to report that DonorsChoose is not set up to receive funds from outside the U.S. Believe me, if it was up to us we'd take your money (funny-colored though it might be). We appreciate your generosity, and we'll make sure to work out a way to include our non-U.S. readers if/when we do something like this again.

Excellent start, people! Have a gander at the challenges that are still open, and let's see if we can help some more kids get the kind of experiences with math and science that they deserve.

Fabulous Prizes!

When Donors Choose sends you a confirmation email, forward it to: This is your contest entry. Randomly drawn donors will win:

Subscriptions to Seed magazine

ScienceBlogs mugs

Exploring DNA Structure CD-ROM

Kissing DNA T-shirt

Green Fluorescent Protein mug

Pack of 10 Twirling Telomere magnets

What We Believe But Cannot Prove, edited by John Brockman

The Republican War on Science, by Chris Mooney

Rebuilt: My Journey Back to the Hearing World, by Michael Chorost

Subscriptions to TIME magazine

Blogging in a Snap, by Julie Meloni

Viruses vs. Superbugs, by Thomas Hausler

Galileo's Daughter, by Dava Sobel

The Scientific Renaissance: 1450-1630, by Marie Boas Hall

Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference, by Judea Pearl

Paleoanthropology (1st ed) by Milford Wolpoff (gently used)

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By potentilla (not verified) on 19 Jun 2006 #permalink