Friday Rants: I hate these TV ads

i-5a82aa418260eaf9dfe7a22225bdda25-angry crab.jpgI hate you IO Digital Cable. I haven't the foggiest idea where you are or what you sell but I hate you. I hate you because of this commercial (see below fold) which has been running on a continuous loop on cable and has now been shown 4,000,000,000 times in NYC alone.

(Picture of Angry Crab by Ryan Harvey on Flickr)

That is the most horrible advertising jingle I have ever heard. It calls to me in my sleep; I can't get the damn thing out of my brain. It tries so hard to be "cool and hip with the youngsters" that I want to slam my head against the wall until I pass out.

Further, every group portrayed is in some way demeaned. This ad is a potpourri of demeaning -- like there is a list and they are trying to cross everyone off. It demeans women, it demeans Latinos, it demeans musicians. It even demeans mermaids! It demeans the entire human species to have some of our number participating in this nonsense.

How much would I like to punch in the face the person who wrote this commercial?

I'll answer: Infinity.

(Guess the TV reference, and you win...well...nothing but the satisfaction of being the winner.)

Sadly, however, this is not the only annoying commercial on TV presently. My other favorite is from the new set of Above the Influence ads. This one features a questionably Latina girl who drops "que pasa" and "chica" like she was running for office in Santa Fe. I don't even speak Spanish, and I think this girl talks like a white person.

The moral of the story. If you smoke pot even once, you will become a dirty slut and there will be naked pictures of you on the Internet.

Aren't you all super happy that your tax dollars pay for this?

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By Matt Platte (not verified) on 11 Jan 2008 #permalink

That is the most horrible advertising jingle I have ever heard. It calls to me in my sleep; I can't get the damn thing out of my brain. It tries so hard to be "cool and hip with the youngsters" that I want to slam my head against the wall until I pass out.

I was so afraid by what you said that I didn't play it! Every time I slam my head against the wall until I pass out it seems to be an unpleasant experience! LOL! Here's hoping you can find a way to remove it in a little more subtle manner! Good luck and Happy Weekend!
Dave Briggs :~)