Wanted: Non-Dogs Learning Physics

The DogPhysics Pet Gallery is up to seven dogs, but as yet nobody has sent in a picture of a non-dog pet learning physics from How to Teach Physics to Your Dog. Emmy thinks this is because other pets are dumb, but I think she's getting a little conceited. You can prove her wrong by sending in a picture of your non-dog pet (birds, ferrets, hedgehogs, fish-- even cats are welcome) posing with a copy of the book, like this photo of my parents' Yellow Lab Bodie:


Send pictures to queen_emmy@steelypips.org, and prove her wrong.

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... are welcome in the DogPhysics Pet Gallery. Even aquatic ones: We've currently got seventeen dogs, six cats, two horses, a lizard, and these fish. If you've got a pet, of whatever species, and a copy of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, take a picture of the one with the other, and send it to…
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You think I'm gonna let my felines get their paws on it?

Two words: Cathattan Project.

Hm. Will GrrlScientist receive a review copy? the cat wants something to sit on - if the parrots can be stopped from tearing into it. This will be fully documented, of course.

I should get a picture of Hans, our betta, reading it. (OK, wait for the groan)

By Dave Gill (not verified) on 27 Dec 2009 #permalink

I would love to post a pic of my white German Shepherds with a copy, but when I went to B&N Saturday they said that not only do they not have any copies in store and not only would they not be getting any, but the B&N chain will not be ordering any. One might say if I lived in the middle of nowehere this might be understandable, but I live in central NJ fer hevvin's sake.

And what really pissed me off was the giant display of $arah Palin's book(?) as you walked in the door...

Ah well, Amazon gets more of my business...

I can't promise anything but I'll try and convince Honey to let the cat borrow her copy. I'll get pictures. I'm having to wait to read it, too, since Santa brought the dog a copy but not me. (BTW, Pineyman, I'm pretty sure my Santa got the copy at my local B&N.)

By marciepooh (not verified) on 28 Dec 2009 #permalink

Marciepooh -

Are you in NJ? The store I went to said that I could order through them, but the chain itself was not ordering the book. Unless the person I talked to misspoke.

Pineyman, I'm in Alabama. I just checked the B&N website and not only can I order it, I can order it to pick it up in my store. Maybe the salesperson you spoke with was mistaken? Or only meant the local store? Good luck finding a copy.

By marciepooh (not verified) on 28 Dec 2009 #permalink

Plugging a bunch more ZIP codes in turns up copies in southern VA, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, and LA, so whatever problem B&N has is a New England/ Mid-Atlantic thing.

Bought mine in Mt Kisco, NY Borders. Now the cat won't let me read it! (image emailed)

By Anonymous (not verified) on 29 Dec 2009 #permalink