How to Teach Psychics Physics to Your Dog

i-1e8ca3d6f1057cdc4f9532702467bc29-sm_cover_draft_atom.jpgIn talking to a reporter about How to Teach Physics to Your Dog on Wednesday, I learned of a mistake in the text of the book-- a footnote on page 71 says that Scientific American published an article on how to make your own "quantum eraser" in April 2007, when in fact it was May 2007.

If that's the worst mistake in the published book, I'll be very happy. It is a mistake, though, and needs to be corrected. This also reminded me that I never did post the scholarly references that go with the book, so maximizing the birds killed per stone, I have added a References and Errata page to, containing pretty much what the title promises.

If you run across any other mistakes in the text, please send a note to, and I'll add it to the list.

Also, if you have pets, and have a copy of the book, send a picture of your pet with the book to the same address, and we'll add it to the Pet Gallery. We currently have 13 dogs and 5 cats, but I'd be happy to get a more diverse selection, so if you have a non-dog, non-cat pet and a copy of the book, snap a picture and send it in. Birds, ferrets, fish, hedgehogs, wombats-- whatever you've got.

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