links for 2008-10-30


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Setshot: Basketball for the Aging and Infirm: "That guy is better than he looks": Appearance vs. ability "Here's a topic I think about all the time: What factors most affect opinions about players' skills, and by what process do those opinions change? In pickup basketball, there are often unknown…
Confessions of a Community College Dean: Science Fairs and School Boards "From looking at the other projects, this year's theme was baking soda volcanoes. " This year, and every year. (tags: education science kid-stuff) Physicists Claim to Have Found 'Dark Matter' Again - New York Times "Juan…
Marilyn Manson Now Going Door-To-Door Trying To Shock People | The Onion - America's Finest News Source A classic, having no relevance whatsoever to recent events. (tags: silly internet music) Setshot: Basketball for the Aging and Infirm: Women's basketball star returns to action--at 50! "…
slacktivist: The Indignant Household Budget "[T]he pitiable thing is that here in reality -- as opposed to the smug fantasy world of this stock speech -- overtime and second jobs are exactly what many of those poor cheering fools in the audience are actually doing to try to make ends meet. The…