Crystal Persuasions

The lure of minerals is irrepressible when one sees fine crystals on display. This post is the first of four in a row featuring crystals seen at rock and gem shows in Arizona. The Tucson Rock and Gem Show is one of the oldest and largest of all such shows, with famed international reputation. The images shown in these posts display fine specimens on display and available from vendors. Most photos were taken with various point and shoot cameras using available light and no special preparation for the best photography conditions. Each image has a link where interested visitors to this blog may see larger, better versions and technical details about the minerals.


The above gigantic cluster of quartz crystals stands about 4 ½' tall outside one of the Tucson hotels that host the many shows that make up the whole of the Tucson Rock and Gem Show. Shot in macro mode with a point and shoot camera at night, the orange and yellow glow comes from low sodium lights at the entrance. The photo was chosen by the Greater Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce to decorate 10' tall vertical banners to show parking areas and was featured on a guide to the many show events around the city during the 2008 and 2009 shows in Tucson.


This crate is 7' tall! Detail below

Orange vug shown at the Tucson Rock and Gem Show in 2008 is taller than a person. A vug is a pocket of crystals, some almost room size. A prized vug of the right size to remove intact is prepared for collector display. One opening is sliced from the vug and the edges along the front face are polished. This vug was found in a Brazilian mine. Quartz crystals and varieties of amethyst, citrine and other mixes of mineral composition are in great abundance in Brazil. It is also common to see growths of other crystals in great contrast to the majority of crystals lining the pocket of the vug, seen in this linked image from my photo stream on flickr. Smaller vugs that are tall and narrow are sliced in half vertically to display as table specimens called "cathedrals". The gigantic "geode" was filled with large crystals of citrine. A close look at the citrine crystals is to the right.

The photograph above is a close look at deeply-colored amethyst crystals in a large chunk of crystals on matrix, broken out of a vug taken from the mine. A complete, whole vug of amethyst from Brazil is pictured in a crate about 6' tall and a macro view of amethyst crystals is to the right:


Next blog post to come: rare and pure crystal specimens in many formations.

Links to higher resolution and large images of these specimens are listed below:

1. Glowing Crystals, Quart Giant
2. Large Crated Vug
3. Dark Yellow Crystals, Side View
4. Blue Purple Red: Amethyst Crystals
5. Amethyst Vug
6. Amethyst with a Green Curve, Macro


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whenever I see such compressed beauty, I wonder what it would take to synthesize crystals like these... are there any shortcuts to the iterative algorithm of nature?

Why isn't this blog being updated?

By Mrs. Grackle (not verified) on 29 Jul 2009 #permalink

Hey, true... nice pics, BTW, but we want more!

Thanks for this post. My friend living near the Eiffel Tower may need to look into this. However, I am skeptical at drug companies and their promises. I wonder if this will be another one of those "lifetime treatments" or cures

I injured my back on July 5 and have been off work for a month with another month to go. Found out painkillers are not helpful to thinking skills. I am so sorry I have not been able to update again. If the new photographer has not started by tonight, I will get the new article posted on bismuth crystals. Thanks for asking, it has been a disappointment to me not to be able to post the next entries.

whenever I see such compressed beauty, I wonder what it would take to synthesize crystals like these... are there any shortcuts to the iterative algorithm of nature?