The Moon

Alluring, enticing, begging us to come pay a visit...


Like a moth to the flame, before there were flames...


Reflecting our reflections...


and echoing in the dreams of Neil Armstrong...

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Yesterday we lost Neil Armstrong, an accidental hero, thrust by fate onto a rock in the sky. Many dreamt of walking on the moon before he did, and a few men did after him. He happened to be the first. Hopefully many more men, and women too, will echo his iconic footsteps in the future. Perhaps even…
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It would be interesting to see what medical secrets are on the moon, awaiting to be discovered. I know this probably seems like a shot in the dark, but think about it. If we can explore ecological oppertunites on the moon (eg. the soil's composition with the lunar environment). The pictures made me wonder this fact, as I has never even really occured to me before.