I get email

Yeah, I get odd threats. Apparently, I can now expect every Christian in the country to now inundate my university with mail accusing me of Marxism and telling us that evolution is dead. It's kind of a threat; if it happens, then I'll post Bonnie's full headers and we can wage a little internet war. I suspect, though, this will be nothing but a damp squib from an ignorant kook with delusions of competence.

Professor P.T. Myers
Dr. PZ Myers
Division of Science and Mathematics
600 E 4th Avenue
University of Minnesota, Morris
Morris, MN 56267

Dear Mr. Myers,

I am writing to you concerning the email campaign you instigated against the Creation Museum and the Cincinnati Zoo and your personal vendetta against Mr. Hamm.

I don't know what your ultimate agenda is in propagating a writing campaign to a Zoo in a state you don't live in and your taxes don't support, but your ignorance is apparent. How someone so intolerant and closed minded could possibly be considered educated is beyond my comprehension. What scares me more is that people like you are teaching our children. You don't teach science. You indoctrinate with propaganda. Darwin has about as much evidence proving natural selection as you have in proving there is no God.

You are quite free to believe what you want to believe, but unless Hitler was your mentor, you should know that you have NO RIGHT to interfere with other organizations or businesses that want to colaborate just because you disagree with their arguement. This only proves your hatred of people of faith. What are you afraid of?

It is teachers like you that have exploded the growth of home schooling. It is professors like you that have encouraged the installation and growth of faith based and Christian Colleges. So for that, I guess I have people like you to thank. Thank God my children will have somewhere else to go. I don't want them learning the fairy tale of evolution, I want them to be free to investigate ALL available arguments. All of them. I mean, the theory of evolution is all you have? Seriously? Science isn't in the box, professor. You can't prove evolution and you can't prove creation. No one can. So why can't we talk about both? We rehash the same dead, unproven, broken theory when there are so many other questions out there to be asked, researched and experimented with? That sir, is intolerance. That is bigotry. That is ignorance.

I don't think the Cincinatti Zoo will be thanking you. As a result of your hatred and intolerance toward anyone that says "bless you", The Cincinatti Zoo has lost a very valuable partner,and a lot of visitors to their website.

I would like to point out to you, Mr. Myers, that you are not the only one who runs a blog,and you are not the only one who can write.

I may not be a professor, but I know how to write a press release and I know how to advertise. That's my business. So here's what I will do for you.

Let's see how your school handles an email blitz from Christians (which I will point out to you sir, comprises of approximately 97% of the population of the United States). I am suddenly motivated to hit every one of my news sources and let them know how marxist you are. I want every parent in this country to know exactly what dangers their kids face, risking having you as a professor in that school. I want them all to know that it's not good enough to indoctrinate just the students in your lecture hall. You want to make sure NO ONE gets exposure to any possible answers.

I want all those Christian families to think twice before ever considering sending their kids to University of Minnesota . . . and don't worry. I'll make sure you get plenty of credit for their decision. Email campaigns can work both ways professor. Oh, I know your school is not the only culprit and you're not the only marxist professor teaching in our colleges. However, we can start with this one.

Evolution is a failed hypothesis. It cannot even be scientifically tested. You know it, and most of your radical scientists know it. And this kind of attack from you is just evident of the death throes of the false theory of evolution. Much like the snake trying to get one last bite as you cut off it's head, it knows it's dying . . . it knows it's not going to win, but it's going to try like hell to do as much damage as it can before it dies. Real scientific, doc. Darwin is your god. We have proof that he is dead. Mine is not. You have no proof that he doesn't exist. You won't let anyone try to prove it, which I guess answers what you are afraid of. Let the kids discuss it professor. What are you afraid ot? Research is the mother of discovery.

Ninety-seven percent are Christian in this country, professor, think about that. It's a well known statistic. . . I know state taxes don't pay ALL your school's bills.

You can post this on your blog, you can laugh or throw it away, delete it . . . I don't care. It is of no consequence to me. I just wanted to let you know how I feel and what I'm about to embark on. Because marxists are not the only ones afforded freedom of speech and freedom to inquire in this country. If freedom to bully others is an ammedment I haven't heard of yet, then I guess we both share that right as well.

I hope this doesn't offend you, but I end most of my letters this way . . . God Bless you. You are the one who needs it.


Bonnie Cox


More like this

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I've barred the doors — I'm sure that any moment now, a squadron of goose-stepping nuns will come marching up the street to wag their fingers at me and rebuke me for what I've started. It seems the Youth of Today are going on YouTube and…flaunting their disrespect for crackers! People can find a…
It's my afternoon for getting lots of whiny right-wing Christianist email, I guess. This one is notable, not for its content (which is predictable, humorless, and indignant, and just like most of the complaints I get), but for the fact that it was also sent to my chancellor and every member of the…

If freedom to bully others is an ammedment I haven't heard of yet, then I guess we both share that right as well.

I was expecting this part to be followed up with fatwah envy.

Hoooo-weeeee! That letter is full of FAIL.

You have no right to interfere with others, but she has a right to blast you up one side and down the other. Hmmm.

Ninety-seven percent are Christian in this country, professor, think about that. It's a well known statistic.

Why is it every time some fanatic cites a figure it is always higher than the polls report? Her breed of Christian numbers not much more than the combined atheist/agnostic/non-affiliated group, while a larger chunk of Christians are moderate/liberal and many understand evolution.

ah well... if I shut up and punch the button maybe I'll be #1 this time.

No . . . really??? (shock and awe!) Does it surprise you that Christians have an opinion? This is nothing. You just wait and see what's going to happen. Do you know what an Apostate is? How about a Heretic? How about a Hypocrite? Someone who derides someone for doing the same thing they themselves do (like worshiping a god). You guys have Darwin . . . uh, only we know HE'S dead. What a shame he didn't have as much faith in his own theories as you lemmings do.

Marxist is something good, how odd to use it as a negative.

If Mr Myers is a Marxist, it means he thinks everyone is equal (not racist) and that everyone should deserve a good life (socialism). Communism is the ultimate idealogy, unfortunately the world is to self-centered to accept it (thats why we cant implement it because of the racism and self-centered concern).

OH NO PZ!!! Teh CYBERPISTOL iz pointed at YOU now! what will you do?

Oh, how could I gloss over this?

Let's see how your school handles an email blitz from Christians (which I will point out to you sir, comprises of approximately 97% of the population of the United States).

And this:

Ninety-seven percent are Christian in this country, professor, think about that. It's a well known statistic. . . I know state taxes don't pay ALL your school's bills.

Last I checked, only half the US was Christian, and only one third of the world.


If 8.4% of the USA is atheist/agnostic according to those numbers, how is it possible that 97% of the USA is Christian? Oh, they must be counting dead people in those statistics.

Dear Bonnie,

Fuck you, you ignorant twat. Less than 10 seconds of Googling would reveal evidence of evolution; reading this blog would do the same thing. But no, like a Good Little Christian (TM), you would rather assert your opinion as reality, just like your precious preachers do. But, alas, reality does not conform to your beliefs, your opinions, nor does it conform to what your preacher spits out on Sundays.

Oh, and no, Christians are not 97% of this country you dumb bitch; but again, that would require you to not assert fact, but actually read and obtain fact. And please, please continue to use mob-mentality and attempt censorship; it's what you retards do best.

Hope this didn't offend you,

Dr. D.

There's so much that's wrong with this letter. I noticed this bit:

Let the kids discuss it professor. What are you afraid ot? Research is the mother of discovery.

So Creationist "research" is kids discussing the idea in class. Yes. It reminds me of that conversation I had with the gentleman at the Young Earth Creationism booth at the county fair last summer. I asked him why, if creationism was so scientific, there were no studies published in scientific journals. "Where are all your research labs?"

He waved his hand towards the crowd. "Here. Here is our research lab."

Right. Creationists seem to confuse research with conversion. If they can convince enough people, they've tested and proved the truth of Creationism --scientifically. No wonder they think evolution is a 'religion.' It's all they know.

That was a pretty long letter to say "you're a poopie head and I'm telling everyone"

Let's see how your school handles an email blitz from Christians (which I will point out to you sir, comprises of approximately 97% of the population of the United States).

um no.

You are quite free to believe what you want to believe, but unless Hitler was your mentor, you should know that you have NO RIGHT to interfere with other organizations or businesses that want to colaborate just because you disagree with their arguement.

PZ did you pull and injunction out of your pocket that we didn't know about

Let's see how your school handles an email blitz from Christians

Obviously this woman hasn't heard of cracker gate.

This only proves your hatred of people of faith. What are you afraid of?

Not afraid, annoyed.

Because marxists are not the only ones afforded freedom of speech and freedom to inquire in this country

what the hell does this even mean. There is so much fail in that sentence.

P.T. Myers? Mr. Hamm? Who are these people??

The writer apparently hasn't heard that a good amount of those christians don't disagree with evolution... like, oh, I dunno, most of the Catholic, Prodestant, Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Congregationalist, United Church of Christ, and Baptist ones... so who is going to e-mail you? The small minority of Creationists?

When exactly did "marxist" become the buzzword insult of choice among the right? Do any of these people actually know what a marxist is?

I love how she ends it with "Respectfully." You certainly wouldn't want a disrespectful ranting, threatening letter.

Bonnie writes:"What a shame he [Darwin] didn't have as much faith in his own theories as you lemmings do."

Wrong Bonnie. Darwin never recanted. The Lady Hope story is a lie.

By Porky Pine (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

In 100 years when the USA is a theocracy without electricity,innovations or scientific institutions,when the IQ of the average american is below 70,the inhabitants of the first world will regard the US just the way they are regarding sub-saharan Africa today.

As a lost cause.

Well done,Bonnie Cox.

Darwin has about as much evidence proving natural selection as you have in proving there is no God.

Yep, that's true, just not the way Bonnie was thinking. Though anyone who simply pulls "statistics" out of her ass and who thinks that Hitler and Marx are ideological bedfellows probably doesn't engage much in thought.


Bonnie Cox

At least she respects you, PZ. You may be a deluded, atheistic, Marxist, radical scientist, but you still have her respect.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

No . . . really??? (shock and awe!) Does it surprise you that Christians have an opinion?

No. And it doesn't surprise me that frequently their opinions are stupid.

This is nothing. You just wait and see what's going to happen.

ooooooooooooooooooohhhh scary.

Do you know what an Apostate is?

yes and what dos that have to do with this. Are you thinking of joining the rational and becoming an atheist?

How about a Heretic?

I smell a witch BURNING!!!! Get the marshmallows.

How about a Hypocrite?

Do you have something to confess?

Someone who derides someone for doing the same thing they themselves do (like worshiping a god). You guys have Darwin . . . uh, only we know HE'S dead.

Can you rephrase that into something intelligible?

What a shame he didn't have as much faith in his own theories as you lemmings do.

Oh this should be good. Do tell us what you mean here.

It's late and I can only handle so much stupid at the moment. Total lack of valid reasoning, Hitler, the kitchen sink. Total fail to persuade. I wish these idiots would quit studying at IgnoranceR̈UsTM christian schools. The incoherence sounds the same for all the drive-by posters.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

[quote]In 100 years when the USA is a theocracy without electricity,innovations or scientific institutions,when the IQ of the average american is below 70,the inhabitants of the first world will regard the US just the way they are regarding sub-saharan Africa today.

As a lost cause.

Well done,Bonnie Cox.[/Quote]

That is gravely insulting. I just came back from Sub Sahara and most countries have a people far more open and certainly superior to American population (whom are some of the most ignorant peopel you may encounter in the world today).

They may be poor, but the people are not stupid, like in the U.S. Mind your tounge dear sir

Psst. She's not with me.

By Jesus Christ o… (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Bonnie, don't bother replying to this because I use a filter and will never see your message.
Why can't you people see that nobody is upset that you are a person of faith, what everyone is reacting to is that you and those like you are dicks.
C'mon, are social skills really THAT hard to learn? Hint: if you are trying to emulate someone on Fox or on conservative radio, you are doing it wrong. They seem to be the biggest dicks of them all, although that could be due to their audience mindlessly repeating (like mantras) the same stuff over and over that they heard on tv or the radio. Try to go more along the lines of doing onto others and you would have done onto you. If you start acting like a Christian, you won't have to keep telling everyone that you are one. We surely can't tell by your love.

"If freedom to bully others is an ammedment I haven't heard of yet, then I guess we both share that right as well."

i feel i'm the one being bullied and hated on by them. how can they in good conscious (and with their high school american education) say things like this? we should all bless bonnie cox with our letters

"You are quite free to believe what you want to believe, but unless Hitler was your mentor, you should know that you have NO RIGHT to interfere with other organizations or businesses that want to colaborate just because you disagree with their arguement."

Good to know that Christians will no longer boycott businesses which have policies they disagree with, in order to influence them to change those policies.

Of course, PZ Myers was fighting on behalf the scientific integrity of the Cincinnati Zoo, not against it.

"I want all those Christian families to think twice before ever considering sending their kids to University of Minnesota . . . and don't worry. I'll make sure you get plenty of credit for their decision."

Yes, I'm sure all those poor home-schooled Young Earth Creationists will be sorely missed.

This argument was not about religion. It was about pseudoscience. And I suspect the good Ms. Cox would be surprised to know how many Christians are on the side of evolution, and are relieved that the association with the Creation Museum has been removed.

After all, she cannot deny they're Christians. Not after citing that 97% figure, she can't.

If 8.4% of the USA is atheist/agnostic according to those numbers, how is it possible that 97% of the USA is Christian?

They're probably assuming that babies and fetuses are Christian by default.

No . . . really??? (shock and awe!) Does it surprise you that Christians have an opinion?

Hi Bonnie, here's a little nugget of information for you: opinions don't mean jack fucking shit. Science isn't formulated by opinion, it's formulated by evidence; you know, that pesky little stuff about repeatable observations, predictability, all those things your stupid-ass bible can't seem to do?

Oh, and your opinion is fucking stupid. The only reason you're a Christian is because you were born here. If you were born in the Middle East, you'd likely be a Muslim, and likely just as stupid.

Darwin is your god.

OK,Bonnie, you must be using some definition of the word "god" that has been unused for many centuries. So perhaps you should try explaining to us how it is that Darwin is a god.

Comic Sans only elevates that morass of bilge.

Evolution is a theory in the same sense that gravity is a theory, or F = ma is a theory. Creationism is a theory in the same sense that the world is flat is a theory. This letter was rather disturbing. By the way PZ, thanks for letting us know about the Cinci Zoo/Creation Museum nonsense, I emailed the zoo and thus, in a small sense, feel somewhat responsible for the great triumph of truth over superstitious falsehood and nonsense in this case.

Ninety-seven percent are Christian in this country, professor, think about that. It's a well known statistic...

No, it's not. Approximately 55 million (18.3%) of Americans don't identify as Christians. And that doesn't count the many millions more whom are non-practicing and only nominally Christian.

you should know that you have NO RIGHT to interfere with other organizations or businesses that want to colaborate just because you disagree with their arguement.

We sent email.

Let's see how your school handles an email blitz from Christians

And now you threaten to send email.

How about a Hypocrite?

But we're the hypocrits.

Logic, ur not doing it rite.

OK,Bonnie, you must be using some definition of the word "god" that has been unused for many centuries. So perhaps you should try explaining to us how it is that Darwin is a god.

I always thought he'd be cool as one of the New Gods; Kirby could have given him the ability to randomly mutate his opponent, then naturally select the weakest mutation, then kick his ass.

Yeah, I don't get out much :)

If I were PZ, I'd send a three-word reply: "Bring it, bitch." Before she started making threats it was just embarrassing, but then it started getting funny.

Well, if more publicity is to be drawn to something by the antievolution crowd, let it be Ken Ham's museum. Dinosaurs with saddles. The nadir of willful ignorance and dishonesty.

I always thought he'd be cool as one of the New Gods; Kirby could have given him the ability to randomly mutate his opponent, then naturally select the weakest mutation, then kick his ass.


I have no idea what you're talking about but I like it.

I mean, the theory of evolution is all you have?

It's sufficient for our purposes.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

*sighs and sees another 1000 post one looming*

@ 24,

Dear Sir/Madam,

i was referring to the "lost cause",not the IQ.And I thought that would be obvious.

This letter was rather disturbing

Indeed.Scary to see whats out there,the amount of sheer ignorance,coupled with blind religious fervor,and the ever-present persecution complex.

Sounds like Bonnie's in need of some serious medication.

I'm with Naked Bunny at #20 - the magisteria overlap (completely), evilution is with us (and provable in about 1,000 ways first hand). With the fact of evolution, physics etc all gods have to go. Sorry Bonnie - FAIL.

I really do get sick of this "world view" crap. try running this by the tax department:

$1 million gross income - zero (evidence for) deductions = zero taxable income (and gimme a big grant)

and see how far you get.

By Peter McKellar (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Do you know what an Apostate is? How about a Heretic?


They mean that someone is exercising freedom of religion.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink


Maybe she made a typo and meant 79%, which is what CIA research suggests.

Oh wait, she later spelled out "ninety seven"
Judging by the rest of her letter, the odds of her being misinformed are greater than the odds of her being that dyslexic.

Sigh. I feel at times that we are arguing with a collective-minded 5 year old who wants a toy he's not allowed to have.

Bonnie. Please. Stop. Don't ever talk about science again until you read a science book. Any science book will do. Elementary school, highschool, whatever. Until you've figured out what a ribosome is, just stay out of these kind of debates and forums. Your letter is thoroughly embarassing and suggests that you may be legally retarded.

She, clearly, also does not live in Cincinnati or pay taxes to them, because she would then know exactly how Cincinnati is spelled (hint: 3 n's, 1 t).

So by her own logic, she has no right to be emailing anyone about this.

To quote JimB, "Logic, ur not doing it rite."

Darwin my god? I thought it was the Redhead. :-)

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

I was always a huge DC guy, got about 5 or 6 thousand comics. But you're in luck, Kirby is also responsible for one of the coolest guys ever: the Silver Surfer! Now imagine Darwin on that board!

fucking dip shit. Learn some science before talking about it asshat

So, if I get this correct, if Hitler *was* PZ's mentor then he *would* have the "...RIGHT to interfere with other organizations or businesses that want to colaborate just because you disagree with their arguement. "


AHHHHH that Kirby.

yeah I've got a few thousand sitting in boxes from when i was into them. I figured i'd sell them at some point and make a fortune...

In a move from Colorado to SC lost the only box of comics I wanted to keep. All Cerebus from 1 - 200 or so. Gone. Oh well. Sims became a giant religious idiot misogynist by the time I stopped reading anyway.


Wow, the Hitler thing didn't take long did it?

"bless you"

the appropriate response (imnsho) is "Fuck You (I'm not inhabited by demons)" or "how about a simple 'cover your mouth'" if I'm feeling generous

By Peter McKellar (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

I bet she is already the laughing stock of her town and oblivious to it.That seems to often be the case with characters such as Bonnie.

Yes, she is a nut, but you have to admit that this letter is much better written than most of those that PZ gets.

Did you know that about 1.8 billion Christians out of the 2 billion Christians in the world belong to denominations whose doctrines officially encourage science and specifically cite the theory of evolution as being the best explanation for the diversity of life on the planet.

I invite you to examine the social statements on the websites of the Presbyterians, the Episcopalians, the UCCs, the Roman Catholic church, and the recent resolution supporting the teaching of Evolution in public schools at the last annual convention of the Methodist Church.

You see, only a small minority of Christian denominations believe that there is a conflict between science and theology. In fact, some of the best writing on science and religion comes from Christian authors. ELCA Lutherans and Catholics are especially prolific in this area.

I dare you to go to the websites of the major Christian denominations and see for yourself that most of the Christian world disagrees with your quest to inject your faith into the world of science.

I am suddenly motivated to hit every one of my news sources and let them know how marxist you are.

1955 called. It wants it's insult back.

Darwin is your god.

Can these people ever not project?

You can't prove evolution and you can't prove creation. No one can. So why can't we talk about both?

Half right. You can't show it to be true, but you can show it to be false and creationism is false.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

I think my favorite Kirby character was Etrigan the Demon. I've a few Batman comics from the 90s where Joker makes a deal with Etrigan, but then realizes that he's nothing to actually bargain with. Afterall, the devil already had the Joker's soul, he was just waiting to collect it.

And of course (Bonnie, take note here!), comics would be the only place where one would expect to find a soul; well, specifically, in a work of fiction.

But now, my all time favorite was Hal Jordan, aka Green Lantern, moreso than even Allen Scott.

And now back to our regularly scheduled thread...

They mean that someone is exercising freedom of religion.

Indeed. According to Merriam-Webster, the etymology of heresy is:

Middle English heresie, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin haeresis, from Late Greek hairesis, from Greek, action of taking, choice, sect, from hairein to take


Middle English apostasie, from Late Latin apostasia, from Greek, literally, revolt, from aphistasthai to revolt, from apo- + histasthai to stand

We're rebels who believe in choice! Sounds good to me!

@15: I was thinking about this last night. It's kind of like squares and rectangles. All squares are rectangles, not all rectangles are squares. People like Bonnie assume that all atheists/evolutionists/etc are Marxists, and that all rectangles are squares.

By Helvetica (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

I truly feel bad for her kids. Could you imagine growing up being raised by such a belligerent moron?

Am I the only one who thinks Bonnie Cox sounds like a good name for a Scottish porn star?

I know, I know, entirely inappropriate and I'll go away now so as to not lower the tone of the discussion.

"You are quite free to believe what you want to believe, but unless Hitler was your mentor, you should know that you have NO RIGHT to interfere with other organizations or businesses that want to colaborate just because you disagree with their arguement."

I zeroed in on the all-caps part pretty much reflexively, and decided the rest of the letter wasn't worth the bother, because Christianists always have the absolute most retarded concept of "rights" possible. PZ made a blog post about a zoo casting their lot with a psuedoscience organization and encouraged a letter-writing campaign against the decision. The Cincy Zoo could have just ignored us and gone on with the promo. Hardly what I'd call "interfering", and certainly what I would call well within anyone's rights.

What people like Bonnie keep reminding me of is that her kind see words (and, by extension, the cyberpistol one wields to use those words) as having magical power. So there's no point in reading any more of the letter.

Since Bonnie is educated, I can only assume she does not believe in ancient fairytales, and I am also certain that she has a basic grasp on modern science. Therefore she is against the Creation Museum just like everyone else, and that is a good thing to know. ;-)

And on a serious note, I am totally intolerant against antiscience.

By Liberal Atheist (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

It is teachers like you that have exploded the growth of home schooling. It is professors like you that have encouraged the installation and growth of faith based and Christian Colleges.

PZ if this is true you are responsible for the stupification of many people.

Shame on you.

I feel overwhelmed with joy whenever I read these emails. There is just something so delightful about people using large words in an attempt to sound intelligent - and then showing how stupid they are by not being able to spell properly. Granted she did a better job than some, but not by very much.

Someone who derides someone for doing the same thing they themselves do (like worshiping a god). You guys have Darwin . . . uh, only we know HE'S dead.

And we know that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is dead.

And as for Darwin...

I do hereby utterly renounce and deny that Charles Darwin is a god, or ever was a god. I deny the he was or is omniscient, or salvific, or able to work miracles. I deny that he walked on water, or turned water into wine. I deny that he died for our sins. I deny that he was perfect. I deny that he was descended from the line of King David. I deny that he was born of a virgin. I deny that he rose after death. I deny that it is correct to pray to him or offer sacrifices to him. And I affirm that any prayer and sacrifices made to him have no effect whatsoever. I affirm that I do not worship him, and that he is not worthy of worship.

OK, Bonnie, now it's your turn. You write what I just wrote, only substitute "Jesus Christ of Nazareth" for "Charles Darwin".

I double-dog dare you.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

No . . . really??? (shock and awe!) Does it surprise you that Christians have an opinion?

Opinions are easy, even my dog has an opinion (just one, and it regards the guy that gives him food) ... it's backing one's opinion up that matters and to be honest, my dog has a better chance than you do.

This is nothing. You just wait and see what's going to happen. Do you know what an Apostate is? How about a Heretic? How about a Hypocrite? Someone who derides someone for doing the same thing they themselves do (like worshiping a god).

Are you making fun of my dog because he worships me? My dog Rex demands equal time, and will take the podium after you stop barking.

You guys have Darwin . . . uh, only we know HE'S dead. What a shame he didn't have as much faith in his own theories as you lemmings do.

I'm sorry, Rex interrupted me, he says you're not worth it, and requests I continue reading Origin of the Species to him to help understand how many levels you are wrong on.

By mirroreyes (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Bonnie Cox's letter: Lying about science in the 2nd paragraph. Godwin's Law in the 3rd paragraph. Suppression of free speech in the 3rd paragraph. PZ "hates" Christians in the 3rd paragraph. PZ accused of being afraid in the 3rd paragraph. More lying about science in the 4th paragraph. Demand for equal time for magical creation in the 4th paragraph. PZ called an ignorant intolerant bigot in the 4th paragraph. More PZ "hates" Christians in the 5th paragraph. Extremely dishonest claim in the 8th paragraph (97% of Americans are Christians). PZ is a marxist in the 8th & 9th & 12th paragraphs. More lying about science in the 10th paragraph. PZ worships Darwin in the 10th paragraph. Dishonest claim about percentage of Americans who are Christian repeated in the 11th paragraph. The insult "God Bless you" in the last paragraph.

Frankly I'd be surprised if 97% of US Christians are actually Christian.

By chuckbert (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Thank God my children will have somewhere else to go. I don't want them learning the fairy tale of evolution

Therefore relevance of my post @ 18.

They are outbreeding the intelligent people.And fast.

You can't prove evolution and you can't prove creation. No one can.

Hmm. But we can and have disproven every other explanation than evolution, including and especially the one about the 6 day creation circa 8K years ago followed by the dingalings who failed to notice they were naked until after a snake talked them into eating an apple. I like apples. I wonder what that says about me?

Bonnie, it's about disproving the "disprove-able." Think about it (but, of course, stop if it hurts).

You have no proof that he doesn't exist. You won't let anyone try to prove it, which I guess answers what you are afraid of.

Please Bonnie, please. Bring the proof. Link to the websites with the proof. Start a letter writing campaign with the proof. Better yet, pray that God brings the proof himself.

We really, honestly, are not afraid. We just haven't seen the proof yet. In all our searching, in all our discussing, in all our debating, we've not been touched by the proof.

This is your chance Bonnie, to win thousands of converts. Show us the proof right here, and we'll gladly convert. Seriously.

Apparently, if she's describing her position accurately, Bonnie's some sort of publicist.

I'm a journalist. A mere scrabbling freelancer, but it gets me onto publicists' mailing lists. I have good relationships with a handful of them because (choose one) they're interested in the same things I am and/or they know how to push my buttons. (And they're interesting people themselves. Amazing how far that goes.)

Even the ones who seem to contact me at random with news of really odd products that I want to write about because they're weird, ungainly or just ridiculous (and usually overpriced) AND who spell my name wrong--even those publicists are better at their jobs than Bonnie is. For one thing, she thinks she knows how to write. For another, she thinks a press release has import. For a third, she evidently misunderstands the relationship between journalists and publicity agents.

Oh yeah, and she misunderstands the weight of an "e-mail blitz." Pile on those feathers, Madam!

I usually abstain from cursing here and elsewhere, but fuck me, what an ignorant fucking bimbo.

By Buzz Buzz (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

The Cincy Zoo could have just ignored us and gone on with the promo. Hardly what I'd call "interfering", and certainly what I would call well within anyone's rights.

No, no, no. Encouraging people to write a bunch of fucking letters is exactly the sort of thing that Hitler did. I mean, do you not remember the campaign of letter writing he engaged in against Austria? Not to mention the fucking deluge of letters he had the Wehrmacht send to Czechoslovakia and Poland.

By Brain Hertz (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

you should know that you have NO RIGHT to interfere with other organizations or businesses that want to colaborate just because you disagree with their arguement.

Actually, there's this thing called the First Amendment. It provides constitutional protection for the expression of opinions, including disagreement with other people's arguments.

If freedom to bully others is an ammedment I haven't heard of yet, then I guess we both share that right as well.

To be fair, the freedom to bully others isn't explicitly stated in the First Amendment. Bullying, however, can be another name for persuasion or argument and is thus part of everyone's right to freedom of speech (as long as it doesn't threaten violence).

By Alligator (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Posted by: Allan | December 6, 2008 11:47 PM

Sounds like Bonnie's in need of some serious medication.

I vote for Thorazine !!!

By druidbros (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Man....they can never help using the Hitler reference...every goddamn time.

Looks like 6 paragraphs of "you don't let us have free reign, therefore you are an intolerant bigot".

No, no, no. Encouraging people to write a bunch of fucking letters is exactly the sort of thing that Hitler did. I mean, do you not remember the campaign of letter writing he engaged in against Austria? Not to mention the fucking deluge of letters he had the Wehrmacht send to Czechoslovakia and Poland.

Yes, Mr. Hertz. And as a matter of fact those countries quickly collapsed under the weight of those long German words.

Oh and Bonnie? You are a shit headed bigot. Stop trying to push your Bronze Age beliefs on others and trying to intimidate us. It wont work. And as for teaching your kids at home, please do. It will save the public school teacher the trouble of trying to deal with your little shithead instead of teaching science to other students. Not that it will matter much when your kids are working at the local Walmart.

By druidbros (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

So, Bonnie Cox would like to know what PZ Myers is afraid of. I obviously can't speak for the good professor, but Bonnie, I can tell you what I fear.

I fear that people with your mindset will not stop until they have relentlessly pushed into our science classrooms mythical nonsense. This will thereby reduce our population into stagnant scientific illiteracy exactly when we need clear evidence based thinking the most, to both solve the many problems ahead of us and to remain globally competitive.

In your letter, you demonstrate a profound willful ignorance concerning the scientific method in general, and of evolution specifically. This does not, by itself, make you a bad person, but the fact that you seem determined to infect others with this lazy and arrogant thinking is reprehensible and dangerous. Fortunately, along with Prof. Myers, I think it likely that this bark is worse than the bite.

Has anyone seen Bonnie lately?

There's a librarian affiliated with Univ of Kentucky called Bonnie Cox. If that's her then it's a bit of a worry that she knows so little about the post-enlightenment world.

By chuckbert (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Has anyone seen Bonnie lately?

She doesn't seem to have stuck around... $10 says she'll claim it was because some people on the thread used bad words.

By Brain Hertz (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Do you know what an Apostate is? How about a Heretic? How about a Hypocrite? Someone who derides someone for doing the same thing they themselves do (like worshiping a god). You guys have Darwin . . . uh, only we know HE'S dead.

You, madam, make a fool of yourself. Do you seriously believe that anyone worships Darwin? Are you parroting what you've been told by other fools? Darwin was no god, and we all know it.

We Atheists are also pretty damn sure that your god, God, as well as the many other deities espoused by the other "one true religion(s)", does not exist; not because of the overwhelming evidence for evolution, but because of the total lack of evidence for all deities.

Instead of getting all of your information from the Creation Museum, right-wing radio hosts, and Fox News, I recommend actually reading some decent, scientific material on evolution before you go around proclaiming it a religion. You should be able to find plenty of material not only on the internet (Conservapedia does not count), but in your local library.

I don't think the Cincinatti Zoo will be thanking you. As a result of your hatred and intolerance toward anyone that says "bless you", The Cincinatti Zoo has lost a very valuable partner,and a lot of visitors to their website.

Please adjust spell check, Bonnie. For a publicity expert, you must at least realize that cities like to have their names spelled correctly.

Semi-OT: If you wanted to offend PZ, I don't think you could do a better job than what Vox Day is doing. (Note: the thread is particularly vile. I like how he says that 'Pharygulites can't get sex', yet he's unmarried, and with his viewpoints that 'women's rights should be eradicated', he's not going to get any...

By Mr Doubt(hell)fire (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Bonnie-- First of all, congratulations for showing up in the discussion thread. It shows gumption.

That said, wow! You're wrong about so many things, it's hard to know where to start.

First off, how on earth did you get the idea that Myers is a Marxist? I've been following this blog for over a year, and I don't remember him ever talking about economics or communism. Are you confusing it with his being an atheist?

Second, without you saying anything else about yourself, it's clear that your science background is close to zippola. There's nothing wrong with that--it's not most people's cup of tea.

What is wrong is that some horse's ass (or more likely, a team of horses' asses) has told you that scientists, who spend decades of their lives doing research, people who pay the rent by hitting a lab bench week in and week out, they don't know anything about science; oh no, guys with Bible college degrees, they're the ones you should listen to on scientific matters--and you actually buy it.

You don't have to be an expert yourself to know what an expert looks like. But you weighed the opinions of virtually every scientist in the world on a scientific matter against the opinions of people who, for the most part, know nothing about science and are only interested in it insofar as it interferes with their agenda of imposing their religious views on everything and everybody--and you not only picked the latter, you insist that they're the science experts. (1)

I wouldn't call you an idiot, but with regard to this matter, it would be hard to defend you against anyone who does.

Moreover, you insist that, despite the extremely slender acceptance of Creationism or ID (or whatever its supporters are pimping it out as this year) among real scientists, our limited public monies and resources should be devoted to its dissemination. In other words, you can't convince anyone who actually knows a thing or two about science, so you bad-mouth scientists, try to make your case to people who are too naive to know the difference (as was done to you)--and you want the rest of us to pay for it.

By the way: There are a lot of good reasons for a kid to be home-schooled. But if reason is for his parents to prevent the kid from learning things, it's what the rest of us call "being a dropout."

(1) I know that the DI has a list of so-called scientists who've signed on with them, but--no hyperbole--there's no one on it with a life-science degree who isn't either paid to support ID, or doing it for religious reasons, or both.

By Molly, NYC (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

I don't feel like reading all of that abortion of an e-mail. I got as far as the end of the third paragraph and saw (at least) 8 insults and 3 outright lies. Does she ever get around to saying anything worth reading?

By Iason Ouabache (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

One more and I'm off for the night. Bonnie asked if we new what a hypocrite was. A hypocrite is a person who denies evolution, yet receives vaccinations and/or flu shots. That is a hypocrite.

One more and I'm off for the night. Bonnie asked if we new what a hypocrite was. A hypocrite is a person who denies evolution, yet receives vaccinations and/or flu shots. That is a hypocrite.

Better yet, a hypocrite is someone who denounces science while sitting at a computer.

Semi-OT: If you wanted to offend PZ, I don't think you could do a better job than what Vox Day is doing. (Note: the thread is particularly vile. I like how he says that 'Pharygulites can't get sex', yet he's unmarried, and with his viewpoints that 'women's rights should be eradicated', he's not going to get any..

Shit, that's not offensive beyond Vox Day being a total dumbass and having people that agree with him publicly on his blog. Vox Day is a wanna be grade school bully. Pretty typical tactics.

Have you seen his sword? oh scary.

And he talks about us not getting laid. Hilarious.

Please I beseech you, give us her email address.

She cannot form a coherent sentence and she does PR. That gave me a very big laugh.

You have every right to try and block those two entities from doing any cross promotion.

From Bonnie's email: Evolution is a failed hypothesis. It cannot even be scientifically tested.

Everyone here knows evolution is the strongest fact of science, and everyone here knows evolution has been tested for 150 years.

Bonnie's misconceptions about evolution are about average for American Christians. Most Americans know next to nothing about evolution, but they do know evolution is the greatest possible threat to their religion. Their solution is to deny it, or accept it if they can invoke their magic fairy to guide it. I suggest the only possible way to get Americans to be more scientifically literate is to first somehow eradicate Christianity. That sounds impossible but if America doesn't rid itself of this medieval religion it will forever be a backward 3rd world country.

Evolution is a failed hypothesis. It cannot even be scientifically tested.

I suppose if they repeat the mantra long enough, it'll become dogma.

The cognitive dissonance required to say something like 'neither of us can prove we're right, so lets just study both!' then in the very next sentence call evolution a failure... I really have a hard time just understanding how these people think.
No Bonnie, I'm not surprised you have an opinion. What I'm surprised about is that you think it's worth a shit.
I think these people just can't grasp the concept that people might think differently than them. They worship a god, so obviously we must worship a god too. Must be Darwin! They're afraid of us, so obviously we're afraid of them.
"I'm not pissed, I'm just unimpressed" - Devin Townsend.

Why can't you people see that nobody is upset that you are a person of faith, what everyone is reacting to is that you and those like you are dicks.
C'mon, are social skills really THAT hard to learn?

For some people, but her problem, and those of the Fox News commentators you refer to, is not lack of social skills but arguing, thinking, and living "in bad faith."

Woo hoo! We're going big guns now!

Go ahead lady; bring a shitload of publicity to this site. Let's get this "Controversy" out in the open and talked about by millions. Or don't you realize that that's the plan? For people who are actually educated and intelligent to shine a lot of big, bright lights on your absurd medieval beliefs and ridicule the hell out of them for all the world to see?

Hey, maybe you will even learn what science is!

Do you know what an Apostate is? How about a Heretic?

I can't read that without cracking up. It's like there is a time portal open somewhere, and people from the 12th century keep popping up.

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

One thing that I always get from these reactionary diatribes -
I get to FEEL the LOVE.

Do you FEEL it?



Definition of cult:
The other guy's religion

Do you know what an Apostate is? How about a Heretic?

I can't read that without cracking up. It's like there is a time portal open somewhere, and people from the 12th century keep popping up.

Haha, I thought it was funny too. I imagined her leading a group wearing dark hoods and carrying torches.

Here's a Bonnie Cox commenting in response to someone who has written on "Under God" in the Pledge ("... The Pledge of Allegiance should omit the phrase "Under God" in order to embrace all of the faiths or lack thereof that compose the melting pot that we all call home: America..."):

Not only are you disillusioned, you are running a circular argument. You are searching for unity in individualism when the two cannot co-exist. You also have absolutely no understanding in what our fore-fathers envisioned for this country. It certainly isn't what is going on today. Following your suggestions would lead our country to anarchy and division. We have an identity and you want to obliterate it. bulldozing the rights of the majority at the bequest of the minorities is not democracy, and it is in no way how our country is supposed to work.


Sounds like the same nut.

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Rev. BigDumbChimp, I think that by considering all religions cults you're committing the fallacy of the false continuum. Just because the difference is subtle doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

Oh, no. Vox Day has unveiled my deep dark secret: I'm a virgin.

What a way for your kids to find out you aren't their real Dad :P

This particular little christian ghoul was appropriately named, Cocks. I mean Cox. If only these creeps possessed even a nano-scale sense of irony she would shudder into pieces at the thought of having composed such a confused scrawling.

Bonnie Cocks' work is the best intellectualism Christianity as to offer. And its the best reason to keep fighting them.

By Andy James (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Rev. BigDumbChimp, I think that by considering all religions cults you're committing the fallacy of the false continuum. Just because the difference is subtle doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

Just because it is in the definition of false continuum you say I'm committing it?

False Continuum The idea that because there is no definitive demarcation line between two extremes, that the distinction between the extremes is not real or meaningful: There is a fuzzy line between cults and religion, therefore they are really the same thing.

What the hell?!?!?!?

Darwin is my god?

... does that mean that, as I'm actively contributing to evolution through my pregnancy, I don't have to pay taxes 'cause I'm sort of a church? That seems to be about as logical as any argument Bonnie put forth.

And I affirm that any prayer and sacrifices made to him have no effect whatsoever.

This is simply false.

...it makes the pray-er feel foolish.

If there's one thing I've learned from this already, it's that when you google "'bonnnie cox' god" you learn that there are more than 1 of them. Including one with a myspace page of her rockin' Christian band. And by "rockin'" I mean "This computer doesn't have speakers."


Bwahahaha, that made me laugh. She also shares Olbermann's affection for words in abundance.

If some words are good, a shitload of them must be fantastic!!!

Are you suggesting that Bonnie is a Mormon?

You are close, very close...

By Teh Merkin (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

CalGeorge #116:
The best arguments for god are the ones that have nothing to do with god. We should believe in god because... it gives us a strong national identity? *scratch head*

I think Bonnie might be a bit confused in the belief that she supports a democracy:
"Plato claimed that even though this would be false, if the people believed it, then an orderly society would result... Plato preferred this to the concept of democracy which he called mob rule."

Of course there's a major distinction between Plato, who advocated founding the lie, and Bonnie who has simply fallen for the lie. One is dishonest, the other is ignorant.

Semi-OT: If you wanted to offend PZ, I don't think you could do a better job than what Vox Day is doing. (Note: the thread is particularly vile. I like how he says that 'Pharygulites can't get sex', yet he's unmarried, and with his viewpoints that 'women's rights should be eradicated', he's not going to get any...

I think he's realized that returning women to de facto slavery is the only way he COULD get any.

@ 111,

It's like there is a time portal open somewhere, and people from the 12th century keep popping up.

Unfortunately for the rest of the world they have nuclear bombs.

Please, good Dr., I'm begging you. Release them headers!

By Blue-eyed Vidiot (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Posted by: PZ Myers | December 7, 2008

Oh, no. Vox Day has unveiled my deep dark secret: I'm a virgin.

I would not expect it any other way. After all, use of your Trophy Wife causes wear and tear. I would except you keep her safe in her original packaging.

Back to the main topic, is there anything in Bonnie Cox's screed that is correct?

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Back to the main topic, is there anything in Bonnie Cox's screed that is correct?

well there is this

I would like to point out to you, Mr. Myers, that you are not the only one who runs a blog

Bonnie, yes Darwin is dead. But unlike your Jewish Zombie God, there is evidence he actually existed.

By Voltaire Kinison (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

I don't want them learning the fairy tale of evolution, I want them to be free to investigate ALL available arguments. All of them.

Which includes, of course, "FSM did it!". I'm sure you always give equal time to discussions about the FSM (and evolution!) at your cherch gatherings.

You can't prove evolution and you can't prove creation. No one can. So why can't we talk about both?

So even though you think evolution is a fairy tale you still want to talk about it?? (Of course, you can talk about creationism, and we equally have the right to point out that it's a myth with no scientific basis. None. Zero. Zip.)

Robin @ 130 PLEASE let this be the right Bonnie Cox

hmmmm, the Cox you are pulling out it the link seems pretty whiney and flacid compared to the Cox we have here in this thread, far more rigid and ters....

Oh never mind, it's just tooooo easy

Back to the main topic, is there anything in Bonnie Cox's screed that is correct?

Yes. I found one correct sentence.

I would like to point out to you, Mr. Myers, that you are not the only one who runs a blog, and you are not the only one who can write.

How does this woman's brain even manage to form human speech?

All her threatening rant has managed to prove is that she is desperately in need of an education, and quite possibly the help of a team of qualified mental health professionals.

Did she make even one factual statement in the entire length of her dubious correspondence? I should re-read it to make sure, but I'm not keen to make another copy of it in my brain.

I would like to note that I am home schooled and not an idiot. I would also like to note that these results are not typical and home schooling is overtly a bad, bad thing and should be banned. But not until around June of next year when I'm done with High-Home-School.

I will say in defense of the letter from Mrs. Cox, I didn't get to criticize it all too much because I was too busy saying "oh ho ho" every time her ignorance was showing. As you can imagine my parents must think I've morphed into Santa Claus or some shit, which all the same is about right for the moment because her email sure made me jolly.

By Copache/Motley (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Why can't critical thinking and logic (as well as writing) be a requirement in our schools? This woman is proof positive that the schools she has attended have failed her miserably. Perhaps she only dun her readin' an cipherin' at wun of them home schools.

If the U of M administration reads this, let me say this: PZ MYERS IS A TREASURE. Having such a well spoken, knowledgeable, and dynamic proponent of real science is something you shouldn't throw away, no matter how many angry letters you get.

BobC @142, Rev BDC @138, the sentence might be correct, but the notion that it needed to be pointed out was wrong.

By John Morales (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

97% of the country is christian? That's ridiculous and is clear evidence that 87.385% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

By Bouncing Bosons (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Wow, a Creationist afraid of something she doesn't understand? Never seen that one before. And...by the way, I don't know if anyone noticed, but she basically admitting that you can't prove there's a God.

But she still believes in the mythical being because he's most commonly used as a scape goat.

*Sigh* How I wish more of the world was Marxist. This whole belief that the Commies are out to get us and that there's terrorists inside my toothbrush has got to go. We're afraid of our own shadow! You wanna know what I'm afraid of?

Extreme radical Christians/Creationists like Bonnie and her no-doubt brainwashed brood.

Watch Jesus Camp, you see why the Christians should never be put into power.


Watch Jesus Camp, you see why the Christians should never be put into power.

Christian persecution complex posts in 3...2...1...

Youre right,but this doesnt apply to Christians only,if you look at the world as a whole,the trouble is always where religionists are in power.

All I got out of this letter was:

Bla - projection, projection, bla bla bla, projection projection, threaten mass mail dump on University, bla bla - projection etc.

Really PZ your poor school! I wonder how many letters they have to go through because of you :P.

BobC: "Bonnie's misconceptions about evolution are about average for American Christians."

Hell, no. As another poster pointed out, the percentage of Christians who belong to evolution-denying sects is far tinier than this moron Bonnie thinks.

And Vox Dey, what a putz. As is typical of such a mysognistic little shit, he doesn't recognize that a whole bunch of us here are WOMEN.

But I can't waste any more time on the internet; Mr. Science is waiting for me in bed.

By Leigh Williams (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

@Molly #100; Most excellent comment!

Are we voting for the Molly's yet? In any case, I would like to nominate Molly for a Molly ;-)

As another poster pointed out, the percentage of Christians who belong to evolution-denying sects is far tinier than this moron Bonnie thinks.

That may be true for the entire world, but in America the latest polls show that only 14% of the population accepts evolution without invoking Mr. God to guide it. That's not much more than the percent of Americans who are atheists. I personally don't think a person can call himself scientifically literate if he invokes supernatural magic to guide evolution.

About half of America completely rejects evolution, preferring to believe every creature (and the entire universe) was magically created a few thousand years ago.

So yes, you are correct, but if you count only American Christians, Bonnie's ignorance is equal to at least half of the Christian population.

We have proof that he is dead. Mine is not. You have no proof that he doesn't exist. You won't let anyone try to prove it, which I guess answers what you are afraid of. Let the kids discuss it professor. What are you afraid ot? Research is the mother of discovery.

How is creationism supposed to prove that God isn't dead? Seems like kind of a giant leap in logic.

It's already a big enough leap to say that creationism is proof of a God. And then an even bigger leap to say that creationism is proof of Jesus Christ! That's a lot of really big leaps!

By reindeer386sx (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

So, Bonnie was right on every point except for the minor disciplines as :
the scientific method,
debate, truth, honesty, honour,
and reality.
Reading her diatribe, I feel the need to get my apostate checked.

By CodeSculptor (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Part of me hopes that Christians are at least partially correct and that there is indeed an afterlife. Of course, I hope that there are an infinite number of afterlives, one for each worldview. That way, people like Bonnie can sit around for eternity in their afterlife, lets call it heaven, telling each other how right they were, listening to the kind of stories that make you guiltily relieved when an older relative passes, never growing in any way, and probably boring the G-man half to death.

My afterlife would be full of scientists, and I could catch a lecture by Darwin in the Galapagos Islands, stroll around a black hole with Stephen Hawking, or chase pesky electrons with Werner Heisenberg. In this heaven, knowledge would still be something that had to be gained, but sequencing would be free, cloning (the "I need a haplotype from a nuclear locus" kind, not the Dolly the sheep kind) would be unnecessary, and I could go to any point in the evolution of life in order to collect specimens.

Funny how I am trying to do my best to make my life on Earth, the only life I expect to get, as close to my vision of a perfect afterlife as possible, while some extremist Christians, I can only assume YEC folk included, have stated their goal to be making life on Earth bad enough for their god to kill me and prove them right. Nothing says piety like wishing for genocide. Humanity needs to grow up.

You won't let anyone try to prove it, which I guess answers what you are afraid of.

Hey Bonnie, I thought you said that nobody could prove it. You said that nobody could prove evolution or creation. "You can't prove evolution and you can't prove creation. No one can." Your letter is really really confusing. Sorry!

By reindeer386sx (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

That may be true for the entire world, but in America the latest polls show that only 14% of the population accepts evolution without invoking Mr. God to guide it.

It's kind of a blight on popularising science when less than 15% of the population believes what over 99% of scientists do. Where has the scientific establishment gone wrong?

Bonnie, I could just feel your face getting redder and redder. I really enjoy that feeling. Thank you.

I took my son to his visitation day at our local excellent Middle School on Wednesday. Now, I hate doing this, but I have to make sure... I like the science teacher, and apoligetically asked, "You don't go in for that ID crap, do you? I have to ask, even though I think I know the answer."

He gave the right answer. Bonnie, you have access to excellent science teachers, too. Stop pretending Genesis is on par with Darwin's theories and talk to one of these teachers. That's my advice.

Unless you prefer to know that imagining you getting redder and redder is giving me a massive hard-on. Keep goin', babe!

"Apologetically". There, fixed.

She's probably right in saying her god isn't dead. It never existed, so there's nothing to have died; ergo, it isn't dead.

BobC @ 157in America the latest polls show that only 14% of the population accepts evolution without invoking Mr. God to guide it.

Polls are weird especially on a subject as complex as Evolution. It made perfect sense to me first time I heard it, maybe 7 yrs old, totally obvious.

As I got older I learned a bit more. Then I encountered Gould's articles in Nature, and read them whenever a Nature was laying around.

At this point, I became an EXPERT compared to average educated American adults. Then Ben Stein did EXPELLED, and I started reading this blog, where I am a complete idiot on the subject, so it's a question of degree.

It's not hard to confound secular educated Americans on the subject of evolution. You could skew a poll 40% by changing a word or two.

I hate to apolgize for ignorance, but as that old propagandist, Walter Cronkite used to say, "And that's the way it is"

Is Bonnie aware that NOT A SINGLE OF THE COMBO TICKETS WAS SOLD before the letter-writing campaign closed the pairing down?

Hateful, sheltered little bint.

I agree with Bonnie. It should not be your job to try to sanitize the world of religion.

If people want to learn about science that is fine, but people should not be forced into what you want.

There are over 300 million people in the USA alone. It's not all about you.

People can learn science and religion on their own without you trying to sanitize it for them.

This is why we have FREEDOM and not a POLICE STATE.

I love when christians bring up marxism - that jesus fellow was the biggest socialist of the ancient world - jesus=immoral

Do you know what an Apostate is?

Indeed Bonny. It's getting the testiculars out of a theistic vice.

I want all those Christian families to think twice before ever considering sending their kids to University of Minnesota.

Chances are the Christians who believe Bonny's crap probably wouldn't qualify for the sciences there--Creationism 101 just doesn't cut the mustard as a prerequisite methinks.

OTOH, there may be a simple one question test PZ could use for admission of "recovering" creationist students to Biology 101 (which also of course must have great therapeutic/rehabilitative value):

Q: What is common to birds nests and the creationist mind?
A: Both consist of shit and sticks.

By Peter Kemp (Au… (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Oh my. The horrible Vox Day appears to be using "autism" as an insult. Talk about ignorant bigots...

And from Vox Day's comment thread:

"High school girls today are so confused they are having sex with androgynous (or feminized), ear-ring and make-up wearing panzies in Gothic black..."

Earrings and makeup? Sign. Me. Up.

Nothing like eyeliner and piercings for seducing us dirty, nerdy young'uns.

(P.S. I think the guy he's describing sits in front of me in Ancient Civilizations 230, so he's only a little off; it's college, not high school. Still... Yes, please.)

*Snicker* "Delusions of competence." I'm gonna use that in the future.

Anyway, WAS Hitler your mentor? You were suspiciously quiet on this point. I noticed you completely avoided the question. SHOW US THE PAPERWORK!

By OctoberMermaid (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

"Bonnie, yes Darwin is dead. But unlike your Jewish Zombie God, there is evidence he actually existed."

Yeah and 2000 years from now, there will be no evidence to prove the Holocaust really happened either.

So, what exactly is your point?

Bonnie, just do it!!! I want to see it done. I want to see [all sorts of hilarious effects censored because of the slight chance that you would't do it because I wrote it, which I didn't].

As for lemmings, I resent that comment. I have much higher respect for Lemmus lemmus (wiki) than most people. Lemmings are great, and thoroughly misunderstood.

To PZ: You science posts are great, but let's not forget that Bonnie and her ilk is the fuel that runs this blog. Thanks for posting.


Yeah, you're totally right there, KC. There won't be ANY evidence at all. Not one bit. Not even a picture. You're just too clever. You've thought of everything! Your argument is rock solid! Your intellect humbles us all!

By OctoberMermaid (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Surefire way to know someone is not part of the scientific community is when they are under the impression, "Evolution is on its last legs." I have run into these people many times, and they seriously think the scientific community gave up on evolution years ago, but liberal atheists are attempting to hide that, "fact."

One guy I knew at school was a creationist Catholic, and he thought the above. What you need to do for these Catholic Creationists is to ask them to name any Catholic University. Then google their science courses and show them what is taught in their biology courses. It is fun to watch their worlds fall apart...

(And yes, he was a Catholic creationist, and he even tried to argue with a Lutheran I knew that, even though she was not a creationist, he had to be, as all Catholics are Creationists, even if Lutherans were not...I kid you not on this)

Posted by: KC | December 7, 2008

Yeah and 2000 years from now, there will be no evidence to prove the Holocaust really happened either.

Highly speculative there. You are assuming that many thousands if not millions of pieces of primary material will be gone. There are reasons why we know the certain parts of Roman, Greek, Chinese and Indian history happened is because it was recorded by people and there are collaborating evidence.

There is now prove that the Holocaust happened and two thousand years from now, there will be enough prove to proof such an ancient event.

So what is your point? I suggest you check with the Sunshine Band.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

KC@ 173Yeah and 2000 years from now, there will be no evidence to prove the Holocaust really happened either.

Logical fallacy; strawman argument.


I'm eagerly waiting for KC to take what I said sarcastically in my last comment and take it literally, adding a smug "Thank you, I agree."

That will be awesome. It will completely shut me up, that's for sure! I would think it would be safe to call it "complete ownage" on his part. I just wish someone would take his witticisms and put them on a t-shirt! I'd buy one!

By OctoberMermaid (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

"Highly speculative there. You are assuming that many thousands if not millions of pieces of primary material will be gone. There are reasons why we know the certain parts of Roman, Greek, Chinese and Indian history happened is because it was recorded by people and there are collaborating evidence."

Highly speculative? Are you aware of what is going on with this planet?

We have become a lot more destructive and it is unlikely that we will make it 2000 years into the future without either destroying ourselves with our own weapons or getting killed by mother nature in the future (asteroids, global warming, natural disasters).

Books and things will degrade over time or get burnt up.
2000 years ia a long time and a lot of things can degrade as the history channel showed (life without people series).

We only know bits a pieces from the roman times and their library was burnt to the ground and we lost a huge amount of information and knowledge. The same thing is going to happen again as history repeats itself.

I guess you people also doubt that Osiris was killed by his evil brother Set, and cut-up and thrown into the Nile, only to have most of his pieces later found and put back together by the animals of the river and his sister/wife, Isis, who, because of the still missing male genitalia, had to carve a new penis out of wood so she could get pregnant and give birth to Horus their son...

Anyone guess when Horus's birthday was celebrated?

KC said:

"their library"


So we know nothing about the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.

Yes, lots of information was lost over the centuries. But not all.

Once more, what is your point?

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

"Yeah, you're totally right there, KC. There won't be ANY evidence at all. Not one bit. Not even a picture. You're just too clever. You've thought of everything! Your argument is rock solid! Your intellect humbles us all!"

When you can't respond with an intelligent comment, then try to belittle a person.

Let me give you some social advice. Don't try this same technique in person.

Bingo, we got a winner, it has them all :

1. Spelling mistake on surname (Ham, not Hamm)
2. False statistics (78% Christian, not 97%)
3. mentions "Hitler was your mentor"
4. .."you have no RIGHT to ..."
5. .."your hatred of people of faith (or variation thereof)"
6. add "intolerance" to 5.
6. .."Thank God my Children ..."
7. requests freedom to investgate all arguments
8. .."You can't prove evolution"
9. repeat accusations of intolerance
10. add "bigotry" to 9.
11. add "marxism" to 9.
12. .."You're not the only one who can write"
13. .."I'm not a professor, but I'm a marketing exec therefore I'm qualified"
14.add "endoctrination of Children" to 9.
15. repeat accusation of "marxism"
16. .."Evolution is a failed hypothesis"
17. .."Evolution cannot be scientifically tested"
18. .."most Scientists know 16. & 17."
19. mentions the "death throes" of evolution
20. .."Darwin is your God"
21. .."you have no proof that God doesn't exist"
22. gives advice on how to perform research
23. repeat again accusations of "marxism"
24. repeat same false statistics several times
25. .."God Bless You"

4 pts each = 100 / 100

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink


If you really wish to persuade people of any stripe of your position, a few quotes seem peculiarly appropriate:

"For in politics, as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire
and sword." -Alexander Hamilton


"It is a disgraceful and dangerous thing to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these topics and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn... If they find a Christian mistaken in a field which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions, how are they going to believe in the matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life and the kingdom of heaven?" -St. Augustine

Also, note the unbiblical nature of your '97% Christian' argument - the Bible clearly says the vast majority of people will not be believers, that many would say 'Lord, Lord' and not make the cut. 97% hardly seems like a narrow path.

Comments #25 and #37 also seem especially relevant.


Ah, something on Pharyngula I'm technically qualified to comment on. That sword, ladies and gentlemen, is a fifty-dollar-or-less novelty catalog prop favored by the sort of person who shows up at living history events wrapped in a tablecloth, beer stein in hand and expectant of sexual favors, to sneer at reenactors who do real research and wear meticulous period regalia. A perfect parallel for the evolution-creation "debate" if I've ever heard one, and a telling revelation about this Pox Day asshat.

I agree with Bonnie. It should not be your job to try to sanitize the world of religion.

If people want to learn about science that is fine, but people should not be forced into what you want.

There are over 300 million people in the USA alone. It's not all about you.

People can learn science and religion on their own without you trying to sanitize it for them.

This is why we have FREEDOM and not a POLICE STATE.

And contacting a group to express your disapproval of their proposed business decisions threatens their freedom... how exactly?

When exactly did "marxist" become the buzzword insult of choice among the right? Do any of these people actually know what a marxist is? - Pustilio

First time I heard it much (but I'm in Scotland, so this is largely from the web) was in this year's Presidential campaign, where it was one of the epithets thrown at Obama. Maybe the right were getting worried many people weren't reacting negatively, as expected, to "liberal" or even "socialist"? Some of the right certainly know what a Marxist is, as you find not a few ex-Marxists among the neo-cons, and I'd guess the "libertarians".

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

KC said: "Let me give you some social advice. Don't try this same technique in person. "

Trust me, I do not back off from pointing out just how stupid comments are to people in person. I doubt many here stop as well.

The fact is we are so used to people making comments like yours that are so lacking in logic and supporting evidence that, after a while, we tend to just make fun of them because we know everyone else reading knows the flaws of your argument just as much as we do ourselves.


"When you can't respond with an intelligent comment, then try to belittle a person."

Oh, I'm sorry. In that case, feel free to start making intelligent statements and I'll respond in kind.

Because based on your previous comments, it seemed like you were talking out of your ass and having fun, so I thought I'd go ahead and show you the same respect.

Or maybe you just operate on a different kind of social level than the rest of us. If a stranger accosts you on the street and starts asserting that you're a giant purple crocodile, do you patiently and kindly offer up all the evidence that shows you are NOT, in fact, a giant purple crocodile?

Or, if you're being honest (indeed, if you CAN be honest) do you rightfully assume that he's either an idiot, a madman, or just someone pulling your leg and respond appropriately?

By OctoberMermaid (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Posted by: KC | December 7, 2008 4:39 AM

When you can't respond with an intelligent comment, then try to belittle a person.

You are making the assumption that your first comment had any intelligence behind it.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Militant Atheist todo list:

1) Mock people because you have no social skills and can't communicate in a proper fashion.

2) Make fun of religion because it is fun to do and screw people's rights, they are not intelligent enough to handle their rights.

3) Beat on your chest and show how you have the biggest brain on the block!

4) Try to show off evolution because nothing else exists in life besides self.

5) Try to show off that you care about yourself and nobody else.

6) Talk about evolution again and how everyone else is stupid but you and how you are more educated and more intelligent than anyone else.

7) Show off how you can be an asshole to anyone else who might have a different view than you. Well, because nobody else can match your brain size.

8) Masturbate at how big your brain is.

9) Disrespect other people because of a lack of social skills and attack people for being idiots.

10) Talk about how everyone else is stopping your freedom of speech because you are more intelligent than anyone else. Not to mention that your attacking people and being a total douchebag and expect people just to accept you being an asshole.

11) Talk about evolution some more and how your brain and asshole have evolved over billions of years. Must be a reason why both have evolved.

12) Go back to Step one (but before that maturbate again to how big your brain is).


If you want to understand why people are making fun of you, then please explain what you meant by:

KC said: "We only know bits a pieces from the roman times and their library was burnt to the ground"

You may find everyone in here sees about a hundred flaws with the above statement. See how many you can find!


Aussies: Docu on the Dover trial on SBS now !


You really seem into talking about masturbation, huh? So KC, before God, please tell me..have you ever masturbated, and about what?

We "A" people obviously masturbate over our big sexy brains...

With KC's post at 194, I now get the point. KC is not here for a discussion. KC is here to show KC's moral superiority.

And just to point this out but Christians did most of the destruction of historical material. MASTURBATE to that.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Posted by: KC | December 7, 2008
Yeah and 2000 years from now, there will be no evidence to prove the Holocaust really happened either.

Is that a threat?

Take KC's list@194 and...
s/Militant Atheist/religion of your choice/
Are there any other changes to be made or is it an essentially perfect projection?

When you can't respond with an intelligent comment, then try to belittle a person.

He doesn't need to try when the person has already belittled himself...

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

We are the atheists mastutbation soceity. We masturbate to ourselfs daily.

Now, let us all suck dicks.

All the religious people in the world must be bow down to our superior dick sucking abilities!

We atheists are the new militant cock suckers of the world!

We are not just ordinary cocksuckers, we are the most intelligent cocksuckers in the world!

We don't need a degree to show our intelligence, we don't need an IQ test. We just need to show that we can suck a cock and be (umm) fill an asshole!

We don't care about anyone else's rights. Screw the rights of the common man. We are evolved cocksuckers and thus are better than the common man!

KC @194, you probably consider that a witty and intelligent comment; you probably don't think it's hypocritical, either.


By John Morales (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Ohhh brother,

It should not be your job to try to sanitize the world of religion.

these fucking martyr wannabe self inflicted cross nail ups are the worst hypocrites.

They are constantly on the assault against businesses who sponsor television programs they do not approve of, and flood the FCC with form letters over Janet Jackson's boob, or a flash of ass-crack, or Family Guy, you name it.

They lead wave after wave of letter writing campaigns to underwriters, TV stations, especially PBS, they try that shit on our radio station all the time, but ooops, no underwriters no sponsors, sorry Christards.

Gore their little ass-Ham, and suddenly it's NO FAIR!!!

fucking cry-babies

Hmm, I see we have another poor sexually confused theist here.

So, besides being rather on the dim side, KC is also homophobic. Color me shocked.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

sounds like somebody needs a blow job

KC, I am serious...If you want to discuss things, then please explain what you meant by:

KC said: "We only know bits a pieces from the roman times and their library was burnt to the ground"

Let us debate what is right and wrong here. Let us see how much you really know about of which you speak..

@KC 168
"I agree with Bonnie."

So do you think PZ is a marxist? Or that 97% of the population is Christian? Or that "Evolution is a failed hypothesis"? You're not going to have much fun around here.

"It should not be your job to try to sanitize the world of religion."

There is a joke about toilets in there somewhere, but it's to late and I can't think of a good one. Maybe a witty comment about Robert Mapplethorpe.

"There are over 300 million people in the USA alone. It's not all about you."

That's kind of the point. If you, Bonnie, the DI, Ken Ham, Bill Donohoe and the rest of your friends payed any attention, that is exactly what we have been telling you. It's not all about your beliefs. Many people find your beliefs ignorant and offensive. So keep them out of the government, and keep them out of the schools. This isn't all about you.

"This is why we have FREEDOM and not a POLICE STATE."

You're right there, kinda sucks for you and Bonnie. Can't lock up all the blasphemers with that pesky concept of freedom in the way.

"tell me..have you ever masturbated, and about what?

We "A" people obviously masturbate over our big sexy brains..."

yeah, I masturbated about you and your mom.

Anyone guess when Horus's birthday was celebrated?

December 25th?

By Missus Gumby (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

"sounds like somebody needs a blow job"

Pull down your pants, bitch.

Is it just me, or are others also imagining KC as having to stop every few minutes to wipe the spittle (at least) from his screen and keyboard?

"December 25th? "

Good Dooby!!!

looks like KC is losing it...

Advice to KC : click on the red tab with a white X in the upper right corner of your screen, drink a large glass of milk and calm down.

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

"You just wait and see what's going to happen. Do you know what an Apostate is? How about a Heretic?"

Yet another Christian clearly enjoying the prospect of us all burning in hell.

Well, just as she thanks PZ for driving people into homeschooling and the church to escape the scary Marxists, let me just say a big thank-you Bonnie, for being the type of Christian that drove me and many others away from the church.

"It's not all about your beliefs. Many people find your beliefs ignorant and offensive."

A lot of people including myself think your beliefs are ignorant and offensive. So fuck off.

Why can't critical thinking and logic (as well as writing) be a requirement in our schools? - Steve

That would hardly do: people might start questioning the distribution of wealth and power.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

"yeah, I masturbated about you and your mom."

Yea but what we really want to know is do you rub one off while thinking about Bonnie Cox?

"Is it just me, or are others also imagining KC as having to stop every few minutes to wipe the spittle (at least) from his screen and keyboard?"

Hey leave the guy alone. According to him he is busy masturbating over me and my mom...

To quote Emmet Caulfield :

We've got ourselves a life one !!!

Now, let us all suck dicks.

Ahem,I need much more alcohol to contemplate that.But sounds like fun.

I will have to research this persecution complex thing.It amazes me.Almost like a freudian reflex,like Kryptonite against Superman,its the christians passepartout !

Thank Mithras for KC! The luls unending!! HA HA HAHAhahahaha

i love how you automatically assume humanity will wipe itself out in the next 2000 years, when the ones who would likely accomplish such a feat are dictator theocrats. Sans religion, most of the venom is gone from their fangs. People will not cease to be assholes- and oh yes, i do identify with that statement (as a proper atheist and taurus HA HA HAhah- oh, i digress)- but the world will be so much simpler without nearly as many outright hypocrites and moral absolutionists clogging up the works...Whoops, is my nihilistic optimism showing again? ;)

I know we shouldn't be feeding this one, but I'm thinking we can make his head exploded if we keep it up.

Was he really offering oral sex for atheists in @212?

Go to bed KC.

Posted by: KC | December 7, 2008 5:07 AM
"sounds like somebody needs a blow job"

Pull down your pants, bitch.

Wow. Even the basics of a decent retort are beyond KC. Why am I not surprised? ;)

KC, Scooter meant you, not himself...

By John Morales (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Yea but what we really want to know is do you rub one off while thinking about Bonnie Cox?

Well she does have the name COX. While you are at it, why don't you try sucking my dick. You might learn something, you little twat.

it took this loon only three paragraphs to violate Godwin's law.

teh stoopid burns!!!

KC degenerated pretty quickly... He/she has no staying power. And to be fair, Lago, you and your mom are pretty hot.

it took this loon only three paragraphs to violate Godwin's law.

You mean to fulfil Godwin's law?

And yes,KC is a disappointing troll.

"And to be fair, Lago, you and your mom are pretty hot."

No need to tell me, I am currently masturbating over my big scarlet "A" brain as we speak!

Now that KC is officially frothing at the mouth, having surpassed even Bonnie's demonstrably stupid assertions, perhaps it's a good time to attempt to convert the troll to worship C'thulu. One creepy mythos deserves another. =)

leave [ KC ] alone. According to him he is busy masturbating over me and my mom
Well, given the truthfulness and plausibility of KC's other claims, I suspect neither you nor your mom has anything to be concerned about. Other than association with someone who is so truthful and plausible, that is.

hey kc. prove to me right now that god exists. any way you can.

I'll await your evidence patiently.

I guess I won't be sleeping tonight.

KC degenerated pretty quickly... He/she has no staying power. And to be fair, Lago, you and your mom are pretty hot.

Your right, I came! I came for largo and his mom.

The thing that gets me is that these people will count anyone who will self identify as a Christian (and add some for good measure) when they want to talk about how "Christian" the US is...but then they turn around and claim that most of them are not true Christians. What is it with wanting to have their cake and eat it too! Do they think no one notices such obvious shifts -- "today I need you brothers, tomorrow you are no brother of mine!" Sheez glad I don't have friends like that!

Does KC stand for King of Cocksuckers ?

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

"perhaps it's a good time to attempt to convert the troll to worship C'thulu. One creepy mythos deserves another. =)"

Hp Lovecraft's grave is not too far from where I live, though I am not sure I know exactly where it is, because the tombstone is not above his grave, as they placed it in the cemetery but in a different place.

Nice random quote when I refreshed the page :

"The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision.

[Lynn Lavner]"

If a stranger accosts you on the street and starts asserting that you're a giant purple crocodile, do you patiently and kindly offer up all the evidence that shows you are NOT, in fact, a giant purple crocodile?

Certainly not. I might remark that he's the nineteenth person today to have drawn my attention to a fact of which I was, inevitably, already well apprised. Excuse me, I think the antelope I drowned last week will be rotten enough to eat now, so I'll say ta-ta.

By A Giant Purple… (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

it took this loon only three paragraphs to violate Godwin's law.
You mean to fulfil Godwin's law?
And yes,KC is a disappointing troll.

Yes. It's been a long night.

I stand corrected.

However, 3 paragraphs in is truly a "tell" that Bonnie's argument is w.e.a.k.

You mean to fulfil Godwin's law?

oh shit, I mentioned the holocaust too early!
I should have waited a few pages before I called atheists here "The New Nazi party" and gave another analogy.

Well fuck, why didn't you warn me!

Well she does have the name COX. While you are at it, why don't you try sucking my dick

But, KC, I've already flossed today.

"I think the antelope I drowned last week will be rotten enough to eat now, so I'll say ta-ta."

Mmm, rotten stanky antelope!1

OK, back to KC..

KC..ever felt a feeling coming from the sea off in the distance? A feeling of longing of things long past? If so, maybe the Old Ones are for you!

However, 3 paragraphs in is truly a "tell" that Bonnie's argument is w.e.a.k.

No, it's more evidence that you are a cocksucker.

I've just entered this conversation, but it seems to me that KC is "Bonnie".


Whackadoodlism and sockpuppetry.

Now that's a feat!

KC troll,meet killfile.

Watching Dover docu,i wish there would be more people like Judge Jones in your country,a republican christian with knowledge of the constitution and the law,there would probably be some hope to turn this around and prevent to turn the US into a theo/idiocracy.


ummm KC, you do realize the comment about Godwin's Law had nothing to do with you?

How many times can we count the word "sockpuppetry" on all the threads of each blog?

It has to be in the new atheist thesaurus.

And just to point this out but Christians did most of the destruction of historical material. - Janine the Insulating Sinner

Ah - that's how KC really thinks he knows there will be no proof of the holocaust in 2000 years - he assumes his Christofascist crew are going to take over and destroy all records of it.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

However, 3 paragraphs in is truly a "tell" that Bonnie's argument is w.e.a.k.
No, it's more evidence that you are a cocksucker.

Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle® stick!!

Ya suck one cock and you're a cocksucker for life.

KC, you are truly a rare intellect. May I bow in your presence?

On my knees of course. ;^)

he assumes his Christofascist crew are going to take over and destroy all records of it.

No, it will be dickheads like you who are fucked up.

KC- you are a complete waste of space. Don't talk to this thing anymore, let PZ take care of it.

KC troll,meet killfile.

clinteas life is a bitch isn't it?

"No, it will be dickheads like you who are fucked up."

Is that really your best? Reeally?

If so, how are you even able to freakin' type a response with such limited cognitive skills?

KC troll,meet killfile.
Oh, I dunno, it's still amusing. What do you think will happen if we toss it a billygoat? (I don't think a well-rotted antelope will do.)

KC, I'm still waiting for proof that your Christ ever existed. Or your god.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Here's a hint: You're deluded. And stubbornly so.

However, I'll gladly examine your "evidence". As long as your "evidence" isn't gleaned from a piece of shit book that was written in the 16th century by sexually repressed and sadistic authoritarians.

Ah ha! I submit exhibit A as evidence of both evolution and the Old Ones:

Both Bonnie's and KC's gill-slits are showing. I don't know how I initially missed it! Let's see those Innsmouth library cards...

I feel compelled to thank the both of them for the bread and circuses! Though it's gone downhill since KC began to stray off-topic by offering us all sexual favors, and throwing around playful "pet names".

KC,...go to th sea and swim out.

Keep swimming until you feel a tug.

Do not worry, as it is only, "The Old Ones."

Is that really your best? Reeally?

If so, how are you even able to freakin' type a response with such limited cognitive skills?

Here is a little hint. It doesn't require any of my best. Everyone here is fucked beyond belief. They are so fucked in the head that they don't even know they have their head up their ass.

My point is that it does not require any thought to be a fucked up person like these atheists are on here.

You know that list that I posted. It sounds like a joke right? Well, that is actually how people on here really are.

The joke is on you.

Shame, in a post categorised in "kooks", we don't even get a real kook - only a sub-kookish juvenile penis-obsessed troll.

'Tis indeed amusing to see the troll's initial effort at #168, and the subsequent descent into infantile, unimaginative invective at the first challenge.

By John Morales (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

KC sans Sunshine Band:

A lot of people including myself think your beliefs are ignorant and offensive. So fuck off.

I've never understood this attitude of going to someone else's blog and telling other readers to fuck off.

And as for:

"sounds like somebody needs a blow job"
Pull down your pants, bitch.

Someone's going to get lucky tonight because I'm betting KC doesn't have a tooth in his mouth.

By Brachychiton (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

The people on here whine like little bitches

Boo fucking hoo...

Grow some balls bitches

Funny that the evidence for evolution has lasted hundreds of millions of years, and that the evidence will still be there even if all records are destroyed by fanatical zealots.

Delusions on competence and grandeur. Nice. As if this is the first nut that thought that by virtue of being Christian she could command the entire American population to do her bidding.

Just as I thought.

No "evidence".

Now KC, do us all a favor and return to your church and offer an intercessory prayer that we are all struck down by the wrath of The Wizard in the Sky.

We won't worry, but it may prevent you from displaying your ignorance here.

At least in church you will be surrounded by like minded fools that will pat you on the back and tell you that your delusion is reality.

You won't feel better about the beating you've taken here, but you're sure to be in good company holding hands with familiar sweaty palms and munching on stale consecrated hosts and a few shots of MD20/20.

Try a little cheezwhiz on the cracker. It may enhance the whole "body of Christ" concept by adding a tissue like texture to the ritual.

Ohhhhh! The joke is on US! Because I thought we were all poking fun at KC's inane ramblings... Who knew?

Shame, in a post categorised in "kooks", we don't even get a real kook - only a sub-kookish juvenile penis-obsessed troll.

'Tis indeed amusing to see the troll's initial effort at #168, and the subsequent descent into infantile, unimaginative invective at the first challenge.

John, you must not be good in bed. I bet the girlfriend/wife isn't happy.

I don't get this part:

"I don't want them learning the fairy tale of evolution, I want them to be free to investigate ALL available arguments. All of them."

So...she wants her children to learn ALL available arguments, as long as they fit into her world view?

By archgallo (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

You guys are quite bored aren't you? KC is nothing more than an 8 year old brainwashed creationist fucktard with an inflated sense of morality that it seems to have abandoned for the sake of.... Well, being a complete dickhead. *sigh*, it's depressing even talking about what a completely redundant system of fucked-up lies KC continues to refer to as some sort of argument.
You know what, no one can be this stupid without conscious effort. Whether He realizes it or not, KC is a poe.

KC, I'm still waiting for proof that your Christ ever existed. Or your god.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Here's a hint: You're deluded. And stubbornly so.

yeah, I need a big brain and be a douchebag like you.

I'm not sure if I should feel sad or entertained by the fact that KC is having a meltdown here before our eyes.

I'm gonna try for both.

By OctoberMermaid (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink


When you get to Middle School, you're going to be rather disappointed to learn that "suck my dick" stops being a good insult once you reach a certain age.

Next, you'll discover that these "girl" creatures you've been hearing about are real, and someday you may realize the implications of that.

The sad thing about all this is that people like Bonnie and KC exist in real life.
If it was some sort of challenge in a computer game,it would be fun for a little while,but these might be the people sitting on your local school board in the US,or on your city council.
Sad thing for mankind,really.

Posted by: archgallo | December 7, 2008 5:53 AM
I don't get this part:
"I don't want them learning the fairy tale of evolution, I want them to be free to investigate ALL available arguments. All of them."
So...she wants her children to learn ALL available arguments, as long as they fit into her world view?

Does "ALL available arguments" include the Flying Spaghetti Monster's Noodly Appendage?

Wow, it's like KC is some kind of mutant meld between a Wingnut Daily reader and a 4chan regular. It's rare to see a specimen of creationist whose only method of insult is to talk about sucking cocks. Sure, most of them probably spend a lot of time thinking about it, but usually they don't advertise that in public.

Posted by: KC2 | December 7, 2008 5:54 AM
KC, I'm still waiting for proof that your Christ ever existed. Or your god.
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
Here's a hint: You're deluded. And stubbornly so.

yeah, I need a big brain and be a douchebag like you.

Still waiting for this "evidence".

I told you people that I didn't think I was going to get any sleep tonight.


Let's be very clear about something. You are not a player in the advertising and PR world. Your hysterical threat of a campaign against PZ is just as delusional as your superstitious belief in a vengeful sky god. I know you are upset because the wingnut Christian right's fantasy of controlling the US as a Christian empire is over. But please understand, it is over. Ken Ham is an ignorant arrogant fool. God and Jesus will not help you. The Rapture will never occur. So please get over it for your own sake and the sake of any children you might brainwash with your silly and destructive ideology.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

You guys are quite bored aren't you? KC is nothing more than an 8 year old brainwashed creationist fucktard with an inflated sense of morality that it seems to have abandoned for the sake of....

oh you hurt my feelings. All I want it to be as smart as you. That is all I ever wanted.

If I could only be as big as an asshole as you are I would be all set.

Posted by: Carlie | December 7, 2008 5:57 AM
Wow, it's like KC is some kind of mutant meld between a Wingnut Daily reader and a 4chan regular. It's rare to see a specimen of creationist whose only method of insult is to talk about sucking cocks. Sure, most of them probably spend a lot of time thinking about it, but usually they don't advertise that in public.

Personally, I think that KC/Bonnie is really Ken Ham in cyber-drag.

Hey KC, did you remember to duct-tape your genitals properly?

OK, last post as I actually need to get up and go to church in the morning (no shit,..I mean I really do).

KC, You knew all along what you were going to do. Come in, state your crap, ..wait for the response..and then claim you are being attacked by the weakling atheists instead of actually backing up your claims. Then you could get all macho on their asses and get out your frustration that you do not have the intellectual capacity to defend your position.

We have offered you many a chance to defend your case, and you knew from the beginning that we would make fun of you if you threw out BS and did not back it up. You are simply a drunken chimp to us at this point...

Still waiting for this "evidence".

I told you people that I didn't think I was going to get any sleep tonight.

What evidence do you need that you an asshole?

I prefer to dip my defenseless crackers. It provides a wonderful sort of spiritual au jus deliciousness. But they're just as tasty as a Triscuit with enough Easy Cheez.

Blasphemy can become a wonderful cornucopia of delights when one doesn't live in fear of eternal divine torture by the imaginary gods of others.

Come to think of it, C'thulu might be rather tasty with some cocktail sauce on a defenseless Christ-cracker. Then again, that might be in poor taste. After all, C'thulu is warm and cuddly when compared with the Abrahamic god's "eternal love".

What evidence do you need that you an asshole?

Got syntax, genius?

What evidence do you need that you an asshole?


KY, stop licking Lago.

Bored now...

(For all my BTVS nerds; Holla!)


Do you happen to be the Joeyess from Moonbat Chat?
If so, "WildK" says hi.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Hey, I am actually becoming educated!

This is not a threat, but an observation (I am actually using a step out of the scientific method).

Do you realize that if every single person in this thread died all at once the world would be a much better place?

Imagine there are no assholes. You can do it if you try.

I mean just think how the world would improve for everyone else. I mean all of the people on here could be eliminated and nobody would give a shit because automatically their lives would improve.

I am one in the same. Hello back atchya!!

Imagine there are no assholes. You can do it if you try.

Sounds lovely. Gulp some drain cleaner and start it, will ya? We'll catch up. Really, honest.

PS: KY, I'm a little surprised to hear that you're inclined to imagine a world with no assholes, but then again, I'm guessing that when you get over your self-loathing and come out, it'll be as a bottom.

Seriously, there's no reason to be ashamed of who you are. Just accept it and find a nice muscular leatherman to spend your days pleasing instead of crawling around here mewling and begging to be spanked. We'll all be happier.

KC, that's such an awesome idea. It makes me almost wish I could be around to watch you and your ilk try to make fire after exterminating all the world's critical thinkers.

To paraphrase Douglas Adams: "10 out of 10 points for style, but minus several million for good thinking."

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Hey, I am actually becoming educated!
This is not a threat, but an observation (I am actually using a step out of the scientific method).
Do you realize that if every single person in this thread died all at once the world would be a much better place?
Imagine there are no assholes. You can do it if you try.
I mean just think how the world would improve for everyone else. I mean all of the people on here could be eliminated and nobody would give a shit because automatically their lives would improve.

It never takes long for wingnuts to deploy their eliminationist rhetoric, does it?

You people are a danger to reason and liberty.

Just pray. No one is listening, but it's the only thing you're practiced at.

You seem to fuck up everything else you attempt.

Try the beatitudes. You know, the rules that your saviour set down? We atheists do these things naturally, because we actually give a shit about this life and don't believe in the next.

My mother has a saying: Some people are so heavenly bound, they're no earthly good.

You and people of your ilk are the personification of that particular bit of wisdom.

"What are you afraid of? "

Reminds me of Scientology phrases...

#278 and #287 - are you trying badly to sockpuppet yourself, or are you now so incoherent that you can't even remember your own handle?

"oh you hurt my feelings. All I want it to be as smart as you. That is all I ever wanted."

-impossible without a frontal lobe.

"If I could only be as big as an asshole as you are I would be all set."

Yep, all your gay friends will appreciate it. Seriously, the only functional word in its vocabulary: "asshole" along with the phrase "suck my dick." This isn't a coincidence. Repression leads to bad things, but in your case, i hope you are so far in the fucking closet that you find yourself in Narnia. Maybe you would be too busy fucking Mr., Tumnus to give a shit about the minds and genitals of normal citizenry.

The troll has descended into homicidal lunacy,dont feed it.

Sigh. When PZ wakes up and takes a look at the thread, hopefully KC will get tossed in the dungeon. Sockpuppetry, death threats, and most damning of all, repetitious and boring as hell without ever making a point of any kind.

"Do you realize that if every single person in this thread died all at once the world would be a much better place?"

Seig Hail!!

Seriously, lead by example.

I mean just think how the world would improve for everyone else. I mean all of the people on here could be eliminated and nobody would give a shit because automatically their lives would improve. - KC4

Genocidal fantasies as well. That's one sick individual. Let's hope KC4 doesn't work in a high-security disease or biotechnology lab.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Oh ho ho ho..........

That ship has done sailed.


Either KC is mutating before our very eyes, or there are now some decent Poe's (KX, KC2, KC4, ...), or it's keyboard is so covered in spittle (and whatelse I won't speculate on) it can't see the keytops clearly...

Presuming those are all the real KC, it's moved from a remarkably poor initial comment, to funny (to everyone but KC, I presume) insults, and is now flailing around hoping its great sky fairy will bring selective death and destruction on everyone who has commented in this thread. (I wonder if KC realises that includes itself? And don't forget the well-rotted antelope, just to be sure no-one's missed.)

Shall we start a poll on what it will do next? Choices include:
* Go home and cry to mommy.
* Silence.
* More inept insults, then one of the above.
I suppose it could try answering some of the questions asked of it, but there's no observational reason to think that.

Oh, the low-hanging fruit is so delicious at first, but the aftertaste... Hopefully nothing a bit of single-malt mouthwash can't cure.

Now that KX/KC/KC2 has gotten off from the attention, is it dungeon time yet?

Making only disparaging comments about a group; while some of this is understandable, if your only contribution is consistently "X is bad", even in threads that aren't about X, then you're simply slagging, not discussing.

Some people will just stun you with the outrageous foolishness of their comments; those who seem to say nothing but stupid things get the axe.

Making comments intended only to disrupt a thread and incite flames and confusion.

like i said, must be Poe, even if it is the real KC. Certainly Poe's Law still holds for those that are so stupid as to be self-satirical?

KC-the Mobius strip of fuck-headed-ness.
Fractal fucktard,

When did the 4chaners show up?

TL;DR, you're doing it wrong, etc.

PZ is sort of an irl/ol troll. lol

As much as I hate the thought of giving this Bonnie woman the oxygen of publicity, I think a counterattack should be launched. That is, everyone on this blog should email this illogical insulting diatribe to sympathetic friends etc who in turn email it to all their contacts. Let as many people see what ostriches people like her are.
It's said that ignorance is bliss so Bonnie must be very blissful as well as arrogant.

Can we stop feeding the troll? I'm happy to see actual arguments they make on here get ripped to shreds, but let's not indulge the fellatio-based insults KC has brought home from the playground.

By Marc Abian (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Getting back to the original post, I find it amusing that Bonnie puts "Professor P.T. Myers" and then "Dr. PZ Myers" at the top of her address, then writes "Dear Mr. Myers". Could she simply not decide what to call him? And was PT a genuine error or a clever insinuation of Barnumness? (Barnuminity?)

Certainly Poe's Law still holds for those that are so stupid as to be self-satirical?

Please read up on Poe's law and come back when youve understood it.

Don't you just hate it when these deluded creationists talk about proof. Haven't they yet learned the fundamental theorem of sciences - proof is possible only in mathematics.

The troll has descended into homicidal lunacy,dont feed it.

Visual aid.

Posted by: joeyess | December 7, 2008 6:09 AM
I am one in the same. Hello back atchya!!

Good to see you here!

By mayhempix (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

seems like this new thing could be a follower of A. Davidson: he noted being on this specific thread rather recently. Seems suspicious.

Interesting to note, you took what i said seriously about Poe's Law, how ironic clinteas.

Interesting to note, you took what i said seriously about Poe's Law, how ironic

Sorry about that,I wont take what you say seriously anymore from here on in then.

John M@312, yep. It is highly annoying, isn't it? Along with all the dribble about it's not a law or is only a theory or worshipping the person it's named after or  fill in the blank . But perhaps the most annoying (leaving aside lunacy, illogic, quote-mining, and so on) is the gibberish that if some detail has changed, then the whole has been disproven or cannot "be true".

With evolution specifically, the garbage that it doesn't explain the origins of the earth, or of life on earth, I find highly obnoxious. (I just giggle at the claim that evolution doesn't explain the "meaning of life"; I'm not at all sure why I find that not-relevant claim funny and the other cited examples obnoxious?)

Where the hell is truth machine when you need him?

Its not only that the creotards are poisoning the thread,the potentially reasonable commenters also dont get the most basic concepts...*dispairs*

Oh ffs:

"Evolution is a failed hypothesis. It cannot even be scientifically tested. You know it, and most of your radical scientists know it. And this kind of attack from you is just evident of the death throes of the false theory of evolution. Much like the snake trying to get one last bite as you cut off it's head, it knows it's dying . . . it knows it's not going to win, but it's going to try like hell to do as much damage as it can before it dies. Real scientific, doc. Darwin is your god. We have proof that he is dead. Mine is not. You have no proof that he doesn't exist. You won't let anyone try to prove it, which I guess answers what you are afraid of. Let the kids discuss it professor. What are you afraid ot? Research is the mother of discovery."

1) We regularly test evolution scientifically. He knows it just as all the scientists know it.
2) Since when is criticising something a sign that your argument is weak? Even if that were true, wouldn't that same logic apply to this letter too?
3) "Darwin is your God." Um... Not really... No.
4) No one has any proof whether God exists or not - true. That's the problem. Myers won't even let anyone prove it? Not true. I actually remember Myers regularly claiming that he'd like to see some evidence or arguments. I can only presume this guy think that "intelligent design theory" is an opportunity to prove God's existence. Even ID-theorist have been happy to note that their theory no more proves God's existence than the existence of aliens. An 'intelligent creator' does not necessarily mean a God.
5) "Research is the mother of discovery." Indeed. Let's respect the research then and not allow pseudoscience to get in the way of it.

When exactly did "marxist" become the buzzword insult of choice among the right? Do any of these people actually know what a marxist is? - Pustilio

Paranoid wingnuts think that marxism and atheism are inseparable. They first played that card to gain traction against the Dems who had a lock on government after Hoover's debacle and FDR was elected. Senator Robert Taft, an Eastern establishment conservative, gave "the marxists/commies/atheists are coming to eat your children alive" McCarthyites tacit approval when he felt he was demonized unfairly by the left and had nowhere else to turn. The owners of major companies used it as means to discredit unions (thus began the unholy alliance between big biz and Christianists.) After McCarthy's witchhunt was completely repudiated, wingnuts like the John Birchers and fundie Christian leaders kept the myth alive amongst the true believers. The advent of rightwing talk radio, Fox News, the internet and 9/11 refueled the movement adding the term "liberal" to the mix. The marxist=liberal=socialist=commie=terrorist=islamist=atheist meme was trotted out to the public as a last resort by the McCain campaign to pin on Obama as voiced by Sarah Palin and other surrogates.

Obviously this is an abbreviated synopsis and there is much more including going after "effete atheist intellectuals" which was code for secular Jews who the wingnuts felt dominated science... physics and biology in particular.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Hey! You're in good company! Amazing how many good folks are suddenly called "Marxist." Obviously she got that Republican blast fax.

I'm sure it's been said, but I can't be expected to read through 319 comments first... what does marxism have to do with any of that idiot's claims??? That's out of the blue.

Grow some balls bitches...If I could only be as big as an asshole as you are I would be all set...While you are at it, why don't you try sucking my dick. You might learn something, you little twat.

Do you praise Jesus with that mouth, young man?

By Wolfhound (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

And she misused the apostrophe.
With people like her, is it any wonder China's economy is poised to overtake that of the USA? Oh, but that will never happen, because America is god's Most Favoured Nation(TM), and he won't let it.

I Despair for the USA. I just finished watching a TV program on the Westborough Baptist Church and then find this letter from Bonnie Braindead. It sometimes makes me think we should put you all under quarantine. But then I figure that hey most of you voted for Obama and there's Pharyngula so maybe there is hope after all. ;-)

hey, at least that e-mail wacko apparently used spell check...

I don't want them learning the fairy tale of evolution,

Do Creationists have any idea how funny it is when they label evolution a fairy tale? Because, of course, evolution is all about talking serpents and talking shrubbery and seas that magically part and... Oops. That's not evolution, that's the Bible. Must stop getting those confused.

I want them to be free to investigate ALL available arguments. All of them.

All of them? That should make for an interesting biology class. Alongside evolution, students can learn that humans came from (check all that apply): the dust of the ground; the vomit of a god; driftwood; the blood of Kingu; rocks; etc.

Ninety-seven percent are Christian in this country, professor, think about that. It's a well known statistic.

Not accurate, but well known. Sort of like the Bible.

By Voice 0'Reason (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

@Pirate AM #326

Well, Christ on a cracker, we're only about nine million votes in arrears.

Should the motto "In God We Trust" be removed from U.S. currency? * 9092120 responses
Yes. It's a violation of the principle of separation of church and state.
No. The motto has historical and patriotic significance and does nothing to establish a state religion.

Luckily this is not actually up for a vote. The addition of god to currency is unconstitutional. Shall we vote to decide whether or not the Constitution is constitutional?

If this was a democracy rather than a republic (it's actually an oligarchy), mob rule would have us stoning people to death in the streets and praying for our computers to fix themselves.

I'm interested to hear what The Sunshine Band have made of KC's antics.

By WhenDanSaysJump (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Darwin has about as much evidence proving natural selection as you have in proving there is no God.

It always... interests me that an argument would be presented like this.

Personally, I don't have *any* evidence proving there is no God. At the same time, I don't have any evidence proving there *is* one (or many--funny how many Christians leave all that out) either.

That aside, that Darwin (and the others) arrived at the conclusion *without* the overwhelming evidence *we& have, I've thought, is pretty cool. Imagine what they would have thought about molecular biology...

This drives me nuts.

There are a lot of Christians in this country, but quite a few of them are A-OK with science. I'm one of the many Cincinnati Christians who is embarrassed to have the Creation "Museum" in my backyard, and who will do a little happy dance when it finally goes bankrupt. Of course, she might say that, as a person who thinks evolution is a fascinating and beautiful process, I'm not a 'real Christian.' But if she's only counting people as Christians who believe in young-earth Creationism... there's a lot fewer than 97% of that kind of Christian in this country.

By FisherQueen (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Thank God my children will have somewhere else to go. I don't want them learning the fairy tale of evolution, I want them to be free to investigate ALL available arguments. All of them.

ALL of them? You mean BOTH the creation stories in Genesis?

You are quite free to believe what you want to believe, but unless Hitler was your mentor, you should know that you have NO RIGHT to interfere with other organizations or businesses that want to colaborate just because you disagree with their arguement.

Where's the Hitler Zombie when you need him?


It drives you nuts perhaps because you are drawing logical conclusions from physical evidence whereas a majority of US citizens are drawing conclusions based on the conclusions of some people 2000 years ago?

I empathize with your mental pain.

I liked this one:
"Darwin has about as much evidence proving natural selection as you have in proving there is no God."

By Stephanurus (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

If any group seems to promote Hitler or Nazism, it is the Christians. It is their intolerance that reminds me of Hitler's intolerance of people who did not fit the blonde hair blue eyes mold. Ghandi said it best.."I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians, they are nothing like your Christ".

And Bonnie, Darwin is not our "god" as you say. He is a man we greatly admire and has formulated an amazing theory that has been re-formulated once we understood the basis of inheritance. Read a text book and maybe you would know that. Stop being so close minded, it really isn't flattering. Also, maybe you should stop taking medicine. It isn't like bacteria are constantly evolving into new drug resistant forms, thus requiring new treatments to be searched out (please note the sarcasm here).

Bonnie, you need to study the use of logic.

For instance, just because you fervently believe something to be true, doesn't make it true. And just because something is written in an old book doesn't make it true either.

You also have a problem with factual knowledge, such as the percentage of people who believe in a specific superstition, Xianity, in the USA. This is probably due to quite normal psychological processes, handicapped by false logic, such as wishful thinking.

I would suggest that you read Darwin's 'On the Origin of Species...' or 'The Descent of Man'. If you do so with an open mind, then you should find it liberating.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

I am suddenly motivated to hit every one of my news sources and let them know how marxist you are.

Hello, delusions of grandeur.

And hello to all of your "news sources" putting you in their spam list as soon as they start getting whacked-out creationist e-mail from you.

Woa, I've just read the letter, Mr Cox has a bad dose of religious fever. You poor American atheists, how do you survive among so many crazy people?

"I may not be a professor,-"

You're right, Bonnie. You aren't.

By R.W. Thomas (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

@Claire, #337:

"If any group seems to promote Hitler or Nazism, it is the Christians. "

You are absolutely right there. Not only had the antisemitism deep roots in christian theology, but according to a census of the german protestant church, in the middle of 1939, after 6 years of pogroms, murder and nazi dictatorship, 98.5 % of germans and about 100% of Nazis were either christians (95% of all germans) or other believers in a god.

The 1.5% rest of freethinkers and atheists either left the country of were murdered by the faithful scum.

By and large Xianism is utterly evil, stupid dreck.

You know? There's not a single word of truth ANYWHERE in Bonnie's letter. Zilch. Respectfully.

Evidently, the poor thing is trapped in her hermetically-sealed mind, and the lack of permeability just won't let in any information from the outside into it. Rather tragic.

By Arnosium Upinarum (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

And just because something is written in an old book doesn't make it true either.

A close relative of mine once tried a variation of that one on me, "if it isn't true, then why has it survived thousands of years of attempts to ban it?" (or words to that effect). My reply, "The pyramids of Egypt with their hieroglyphics have also survived thousands of years of vandalism and attack. We did lose the knowledge of how to read the hieroglyphics for a long time. But the knowledge did not stay lost. The pyramids are older than the babble. So the pyramids must have priority. They are older survivors! Hence, it must be the case we should worship many gods, including the giant dung beetle that looks after the Sun."

If my memory is correct, the reply (when it eventually came) was on some other topic entirely. There are perhaps better answers/rebuttals, and I probably made some factual errors (minor ones, I hope!), but I fecking wasn't going to spend too much time rebutting the silliness. Even silliness from a close relative.

We really should turn these emails in to some sort of drinking game. Every time they use the word intolerance, mention Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc, and every time they declare the iminent death of evolutionary theory take a shot P.Z. It will make reading this tripe much more entertaining. Hell, you might start looking forward to it.

By stevogvsu (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Yawn,no more trolls...

SC,you missed all the fun !!!

Off to bed......

@stevogvsu #346:

I don't drink but I want to play too! Can I use grape juice?

By Plex Flexico (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

@ PZ, 118

You're not the only one PZ, for more than 3 years now, I've been hiding that same terrible secret from my wife :D

btw, now that we're on the subject of family anyway. Something I've been really curious about for quite a while now... Does Skatje's name refer to/come from the Dutch word "Schatje", which means darling, of sweetie?

OOOhhhhh!!! A threat. Not very original, PZ probably gets thousands of threats a year. Plus a bunch of lies. Xians are not 97% of the population, it is 78%.

One thing I got out of reading PT and Pharyngula.

Hatred, Lies, Violence, and Murder are never far below the surface of religious fanatics like the xian Death Cultists.

If xian becomes synonomous with hater, liar, killer, and moron, who would want to be one? There is definitely a backlash against these clowns and the fundies are definitely slowly losing their members, mostly the best and brightest of course.

My favorite part is the "Respectfully". See? She says all kinds of threats and bull but she still respects you!

Re this drinking game... It's a shot only if the troll mentions the nonsense first, right? That is, being thirsty and leading the troll by the nose with suggestions or ancient quotes or whatnot into making the desired statement doesn't count, does it?

And grape juice is fine. So is, for that matter, chocolate.

Looks like KC's mom came out of her drug induced stupor and made him go to bed. Hope she made him clean the semen off the monitor and keyboard first. But why have so few of the regulars remembered how to use blockquotes and preview on this thread? It gets confusing trying to figure out what is a quote and what is a new comment.

bonnie the crazy homicidal maniac:

This is nothing. You just wait and see what's going to happen. Do you know what an Apostate is? How about a Heretic? How about a Hypocrite?

Of course we know what heretics and apostates are. Those are the people burnt at the stake or stoned to death centuries ago. Give it up, wacko. These days we no longer allow homicidal religious fanatics to run around loose killing and torturing anyone they want. At least in the west. You can always move to Iraq, Afganistan, or Somalia where religious fanatics have a freer hand and kill frequently for reasons we normal people find horrifying.

Superficially, Ms. Bonnie comes across with a bad case of Dark Ages envy. But really this is just some nutcase.

She says all kinds of threats and bull but she still respects you!

No she doesnt.She thinks we are the antichrist.Literally.It is a worry.

The pyramids of Egypt with their hieroglyphics...

Actually, that is a a common misconception. None of the Pyramids at the Giza complex contain any hieroglyphics at all whatsoever. What makes this so fascinating is that the Egyptians covered every other (surviving) structure they built with hieroglyphics. Why this is I don't have the faintest idea, but it bugs the crap out of me that we will probably never know. (And no, I don't believe the pyramids were built by aliens, hehe.)

"How someone so intolerant and closed minded could possibly be considered educated is beyond my comprehension."

She should have re-read that part to herself a handful of times before hitting send.

"You can post this on your blog, you can laugh or throw it away, delete it . . . I don't care. "

If she doesn't care, why bother sending the message in the first place?

BTW If these emails WERE turned into a drinking game, we would all quickly end up dead with gooey livers.

That poor woman's mind has been enslaved.

None of the Pyramids at the Giza complex

Ahem, by this I mean the three main pyramids, not the smaller satellite structures of course.

I've noticed in Reddit as well how many of the anti-liberal/science/freethought persuasion use homoerotic genital imagery; as a gay man I find this disturbing. Are they afraid of female genitalia? KY is sacred to some of us you know.

"Darwin has about as much evidence proving natural selection as you have in proving there is no God."

So... the evidence for God is... where, exactly?

They love to harp on evidence, evidence, evidence and yet, how easily they forget that there is absolutely zero evidence for their beloved mega-authority figure, MR. GOD.

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

None of the [three main] Pyramids at the Giza complex contain any hieroglyphics at all whatsoever. What makes this so fascinating is that the Egyptians covered every other (surviving) structure they built with hieroglyphics.

Interesting! You're right, I don't think I ever knew that. However, weren't all three looted? Is it possible that whilst the structures themselves lack any hieroglyphics, some of the (looted) contents may not? (I am aware hieroglyphics were rarely written on wood or papyrus, so I'm thinking here more of stone, pottery, and perhaps metals.)

the fundies are definitely slowly losing their members, mostly the best and brightest of course. - raven

...thus reducing the average quality both of fundies, and of non-fundies.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Am I the only person who spotted this?

I may not be a professor, but I know how to write a press release and I know how to advertise. That's my business.

Oh noes! A trained perfessional! Oh, wait.

... an email blitz from Christians (which I will point out to you sir, comprises of approximately 97% of the population of the United States)...

I have stopped using the word "comprise" because it is never used correctly. Usually it is misused this way: "X is comprised of..." But I give bonus points for people who discover a new way to abuse the poor word. Bonnie has succeeded -- I have never seen "comprises of" before.

For anyone who cares, the word is used this way:

-verb (used with object), -prised, -pris⋅ing.
1. to include or contain: "The Soviet Union comprised several socialist republics."
2. to consist of; be composed of: "The advisory board comprises six members."
3. to form or constitute: "Seminars and lectures comprised the day's activities."

Trained perfessional? False alarm.


By Noni Mausa (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

If freedom to bully others is an ammedment I haven't heard of yet, then I guess we both share that right as well.

I find it interesting that someone who supposedly writes press releases and advertisements for a living cannot spell "amendment," or be troubled to find out the correct spelling before launching her tirade.

To many of the writers above. I am an orthodox atheist and agree that people like Bonnie Cox and other creationists have the IQ of a frog (and I hope that I haven't disrespected any frogs)but it really is unnecessary to fill your comments with profanity. Calling her a fuck face or twat or whatever doesn't help make your point. Of course rational arguments don't work either. These people have been brainwashed since childhood and will go to their deathbed believing that god has a special place for them and sadly they will never know they are wrong. Please let's all keep our comments rational and avoid ad hominem arguments.

Ron Gove

Actually, that is a a common misconception. None of the Pyramids at the Giza complex contain any hieroglyphics at all whatsoever.

1. The pyramids of Giza aren't the only pyramids. See the "Pyramid Texts", the oldest of which date back to c. 2400 BCE.

2. Inscriptions were left behind as part of the construction process. To quote the Egyptologist Mark Lehner,

[Y]ou come to a block of stone in the relieving chambers above the Great Pyramid. And first of all you see this cartouche of a King and then some scrawls all in red paint after it. That's the gang name. And in the Old Kingdom in the time of the Pyramids of Giza, the gangs were named after kings. So for example, we have a name, compounded with the name of Menkaure, and it seems to translate 'the drunks or the drunkards of Menkaure.' There's one that's well attested, actually in the relieving chambers above the Great Pyramid, the Friends of Khufu gang, the Drunks of Menkaura gang, and then you have the green phyles [phyle = subdivision of a work crew] and then the powerful ones. None of this sounds like slavery, does it?

I missed all of KC's cocksucking comments because I was busy sucking someone's cock. Is my sex life by being influenced by Pharyngula's trolls? Because the results so far are awesome.

I am a bit sleepy though, darnit.

KC said in #194:

"2) Make fun of religion because it is fun to do and screw people's rights, they are not intelligent enough to handle their rights."

Uhm.... please explain how mocking someone interferes with their rights in any fashion? Is it because they are so insecure with their beliefs they might reconsider, and become atheists themselves?

Or is it because they might get thew feewings huht?

You are right, though. It is fun to do. And with Christians, it's very easy, as they are generally so mockworthy.

Poor deluded woman. I will prey on her.

By bill ringo (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Please let's all keep our comments rational

Why? You said yourself it doesn't matter. May as well vent our frustration. You even tossed out an insult yourself.

and avoid ad hominem arguments.

Name calling != ad hominem.

"Because marxists are not the only ones afforded freedom of speech and freedom to inquire in this country."

It's nice to see Bonnie exercising her right to free speech but in the freedom to inquire department she could use some pointers.

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Crank, baby, crank.

"Evolution is a failed hypothesis. It cannot even be scientifically tested."

This coming from an expert in the science of... what exactly? Advertisement? Public relations? Communication?

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

...thus reducing the average quality both of fundies, and of non-fundies.

The average quality of each group would reduce, but the average quality of both together would stay the same. That's assuming the move from fundie to non fundie would not be associated wth any quality improvement.
Otherwise fundie quality would definitely reduce and non fundie could possibly increase, the total population increasing in average quality.

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Please unban KC! Don't let it end.

Thanks PZ. That saves a few brain cells.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Am I the only who thinks Bonnie Cox is absolutely right? Screw you, PZ Myers!

Lovely Penises

By zaardvark (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

The Chemist #370

I realize this hypothesis may not be accepted too readily, but I get a strong nagging feeling this letter is a Poe.

I believe it's real, mainly because it's fairly representative of its type. If anything, it's mild, contains no profanity or death threats, and doesn't tell PZ (and the rest of us) we're going to Hell.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

"Darwin is your god. We have proof that he is dead. Mine is not. You have no proof that he doesn't exist. You won't let anyone try to prove it, which I guess answers what you are afraid of. Let the kids discuss it professor. What are you afraid ot? Research is the mother of discovery."

Something tells me she hasn't seen the Hundreds of Proofs of God's Existence page.


She would like this one:

(1) You can't prove God doesn't exist!
(2) Therefore, God exists.

She would probably like this one, too:

(1) Atheists say that God doesn't exist.
(2) But they only say that because they want to look cool and intellectual in front of their peers.
(3) They don't fool me!
(4) Therefore, God exists.

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

"Am I the only who thinks Bonnie Cox is absolutely right?"

Not at all. There is no shortage of idiots. So you can take some solace in that, I suppose.

Or not.

By bernard quatermass (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Ooo, I hate coming in late for the kook threads. The trolls are all used up by the time I get to them. Ah, well. I brought a bottle. Where d'ya want it?

Bonnie must be a Bill O'Reilly fan. He does that same "with all due respect, shove it" shtick.

I wonder when they're going to figure out that the constitutional right that allows them to blather on about their beliefs also gives us the right to mock their stupidities? No time soon, I'm guessing. I dream of waking up in a world where people don't scream "oppression" when all that's happening is that they're not being treated like Special Pretty Princesses.


Ah, but Christophe, biology is special. Because it is such an easy discipline then even someone who has not taken a single class in the subject or opened a single book is fully qualified to declare 'scientists' utterly wrong in the field to which they have dedicated a lifetime of meticulous study. It's not like TV repair or something, where expertise matters.

Just because Bonnie hasn't the faintest inkling of what she is talking about doesn't make her point less valid than that of a so-called 'professor' in the field. What are you, a marxist?

(Hands up. I have no science qualifications either, I just think science is cool.)

(In response to His Tentacularness @ #378)

Miss him? My dear sir, I was looking forward to the months of target practice to reduce that nasty leftward drift on my chu no ku. Now I shall have to content myself with ordinary haybales, which is nowhere near as fun as they don't dodge and squeal.

Ah, well. Now that he's well and properly banned he can go cry about how the mean ol' atheists won't let him insult them and spew homophobia anymore. He was a boring little d'Orc anyway, rather like that Baba kid a while back. Not worth the XP.

Eh bien.

The MadPanda, FCD

This is me being an English teacher, but what I found most disturbing about the letter was this bit:

"I may not be a professor, but I know how to write a press release and I know how to advertise. That's my business."

The spelling and grammar were bad, but the mechanics set my teeth on edge. I was so twitchy about the basic errors that I didn't even bother getting annoyed about the made-up stats, the falsehoods, the threats or hypocrisy.

A reread only makes it worse. I find I glossed over some of them because I was fogged by her bullshit.

That this woman makes a living writing press releases, and presumably ad copy, indicates that the US economy is either worse than we thought, or in much better shape than we feared.

As already point out, ad hominem ≠ name calling.

In my opinion, referring to someone as having the "brains of a frog" (or, as recently happened on one of Orac's threads, "less intelligent than an uncooked walnut") is less bothersome than calling the person a "twat" or the like. Which is not to say "twat" isn't an appropriate name at times. It's all a matter of style and elegance.

Whilst I certainly don't succeed in this all the time myself, I do prefer the elegant stylist witty concise put-down. "Twat" is rarely any of those. "Frog-brained" can be.

#388 and #392... sigh. You couldn't be bothered to read the other two sentences? :P

By zaardvark (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Ah, it seems blf might be a fan of the Shakespearean Insult Generator ("For when common four letter words just aren't enough"). I must concur--while straightforwardness is often a virtue, perhaps we ought to try for the most melodious, flowing, and amusingly obscure insults.

We could perhaps aim to greviously insult a Troll or D'Orc in so flowery a fashion as to leave them uncertain of their status. Or better yet, thanking us for high praise! This might be more fun than a drinking game, and better for our livers.

Sometimes, though, they do deserve a good 'fuck off, you slimy little bastard' with no embellishments.

The MadPanda, FCD

Well, Bonnie is not very "bonny" in this letter. PZ is right not to glorify her silliness with any answers...

By TetrahedralPete (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

I like how she misspells Cincinnati when blasting you for interfering in Cincinnati.

And 97% Christian?

So.... she thinks that the alternative universities and all that homeschooling is a GOOD thing.

I don't believe a real person wrote that. I think it was generated by a sophisticated script fed all the characteristic of the classic hyperindoctrinated, primitive, and infantile chowderhead. We've come a long way since ELIZA!

You are quite free to believe what you want to believe, but unless Hitler was your mentor, you should know that you have NO RIGHT to interfere with other organizations or businesses that want to colaborate just because you disagree with their arguement.

In other words, "You are quite free to believe what you want to believe, but I don't really believe that, and even if you dd have that freedom, you need to keep views I don't like to yourself." And in the same passage, Bonnie likens PZ to a totalitarian figure. This would all be a knee-slapper if there weren't so many Americans with 'tard factors rivaling and even exceeding Bonnie's, all of whom are happy to tell you to shut the fuck up in the name of a psychotic bearded skyprick who somehow blends omnipotence with an inability to defend himself.

Honesty is simply not a component of these people's world view. Bonnie's not lying here; she's plainly incapable of dealing in reality and one of its chief elements--honest discourse.

"I hope you don't miss him too much, because KC has been banned."


By Arnosium Upinarum (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Back to the main topic, is there anything in Bonnie Cox's screed that is correct?

Of course: ...he [Darwin] is dead.

The fount of all knowledge, wikipedia, informs us that this happened on 19 April 1882.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

MadPanda@398, how embarassing! I'd totally forgotten about the Shakespearean Insult Generator.  ;-(
Perhaps because I try (and often fail) to think up suitable insults and put-downs all by meself.

And I agree, at times a "yer a fecking troll with less marbles than a rotten mushroom" is quite satisfying.

She says "...you have NO RIGHT to interfere with other organizations or businesses that want to colaborate(sic) just because you disagree with their arguement(sic)."

Yet she is now interfering with University of Minnesota? How stupid. She is doing exactly what she says people have "no right to do."

Also, this woman says her job is to write press releases? I would feel sick if she was handling my company's PR. She can't even spell or use correct grammar.

These people don't get it. No one was trying to harm the creation museum. People were just trying to protect the zoo's credibility. No one is protesting the creation museum. If people want to have a for-profit museum for idiots, it's a free country.

Replace indocrinate with irrigate, irritate or urinate or any "ate" word and it makes the same sense- none. That guy is an idiot.

-Bonnie Cox-
aka, "Bonnie "The Brain" Cox

By Anonymous (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Holy hell, this is truly insane. I posted my last comment without bothering to navigate the entire lake of verbal excrement. Bonnie claims to be in the ad business and says she can write press releases, yet is about as literate as a moderately gifted fifth-grader. I mean, "ammedment"?

I'm sure she never stood a chance and had parents as bankrupt of education as she herself is, just as her own kids are probably well beyond help already. Still, when she says she's glad she has alternatives for her kids to the marxist and hatemongering public schools run by the Pee Zees of the worlds, I can't help but be blackly grateful, because wen I picture the offspring of people like Bonnie I imagine syndactylous grunting cretins with eyes on stalks and an untold number of extra or missing chromosomes.

I don't want them learning the fairy tale of evolution, I want them to be free to investigate ALL available arguments. All of them.

All of the ones that lead to God and don't mention evolution, that is. Do people like Bonnie think they're fooling people or are they really too stupid to understand the massive self-contradictions in what they say?

As a result of your hatred and intolerance toward anyone that says "bless you"

PZ must be just like me. The other day I was riding the bus and sneezed. When the old lady next to me said "Bless you," I hauled off and punched her square in the fucking face.

Posted by: Naked Bunny with a Whip | December 7, 2008 10:33 AM
"I missed all of KC's cocksucking comments because I was busy sucking someone's cock."

Someone has a lucky cock.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

'This coming from an expert in the science of... what exactly? Advertisement? Public relations? Communication?'

Whatever...methinks her projects must be few and far between because if this is an example of her..."I know how to write a press release and I know how to advertise. That's my business." acumen and professional skill...they must be rarer then 'transitional fossils'...by her reckoning...

As for KC...with or without his band...methinks he has pleasured himself in to paradise...hopefully the rapture will dump him there for an eternity of dirty tissues...that's if he bothers to actually use them...

By strangest brew (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink


Read it thinking it's satirical and it makes much more sense.

Of course: ...he [Darwin] is dead.

The fount of all knowledge, wikipedia, informs us that this happened on 19 April 1882.

But he arose on the third day and ascended into heaven on a beagle! I reserve the right to burn at the stake anyone who denies it!

By Voice 0'Reason (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

It never fails to amaze me at how much love a good christian woman like this Bonnie Cox woman can spread with one misinformed, self-righteous letter. Bonnie, I assume you won't have the stomach to read these comments, but your god doesn't exist, never did, never will. Darwin, I know for a fact, did live, and he was by far a better christian than you will ever be.

By Black Jack Shellac (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

blf (#404)

You're very welcome! I keep a copy hanging in my cubicle at work, but rarely have an opportunity to consult it in a timely fashion. The online version is doubtlessly superior.

I need one by the home computer as well. :)

The MadPanda, FCD

We always said there was only one thing that could take down evolution--facile bonnies in the Precambrian.

1. "...marxist...": Because the hard-wrong wing really misses the old black and white days between 1917 and 1990. R.I.P.

2. "...roman times and their library...": Well, besides the fact that we do in fact have a plenty of Greco-Roman literature, we also have a tremendous amount of literature from the non-European world, such as North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Central and South Africa also has literature but it tended to stay oral vs written. Sadly, the white guys killed off (in the name of jesus and greed, no less) the Native American civilizations before they could adequately defend themselves. You do remember that the world consists of more than just Europe and North America, don't you?

3. Christians: To go with point 2, it is demonstrable that during the heyday of Christian rule in Europe (that is, when Christian clerics called the shots on secular life) the Islamic world and Asia were more advanced. It is not until the ossification of thought in those areas of the world with the parallel Enlightenment in Europe (that is, the uncoupling of the church from secular life) that Europe becomes more technologically advanced. The Enlightenment, by the way, allowed the scientific method to supplant religious dogma which ultimately developed the technology which allows you spew your ignorance wherever you choose. Robert Merton lives on.

4. Christian fundamentalist prat: That would be you. As an example, whilst I am an atheist, I can appreciate the science of people like Gregor Mendel, a priest, later abbot, who is considered the father of genetics. Charles Darwin, a theology student who was so revered because of his work that he was buried in the holiest of Anglican holies, Westminster Abbey. Isaac Newton, an intensely religious scientist who happens to lie next to Darwin in the Abbey. I'm delighted those three weren't raised by you, imagine the tragic loss to humanity.

5. Off topic: This is really causing a case of cognitive dissonance in me, but even Little Green gooFballs thinks that Ken Ham's museum is a crock and the zoo/museum link wrong. LGF is about as wingnutty as it gets, but even they won't disgrace themselves that much.

6. Hitler: Godwin's La...

Dear Bonnie,
You could have saved us all a lot of time by expressing yourself more succinctly:
"Dear Mr. Myers,
I'm clearly an ignorant moron.
Respectfully yours, etc"
Though even here you would have gotten the first and last lines wrong.

Thank God my children will have somewhere else to go.

Interesting. Would this be an accredited school?

By Chiroptera (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Bonnie Cox:
"We rehash the same dead, unproven, broken theory when there are so many other questions out there to be asked, researched and experimented with? That sir, is intolerance. That is bigotry. That is ignorance. "

I'm pretty sure the irony is lost on her.

By Bubba Sixpack (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Would this be an accredited school?

Probably IgnoranceRUsTM bible school.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Let x = the satisfaction of anonymously posting insults to Bonnie Cox, and advertising your superior knowledge of science and history.

Let y = the satisfaction of trying to influence your local museum to celebrate the Darwin Bicentennial year, and trying to influence your local zoo to employ signs showing cladograms, and the % DNA an exhibited species shares with other species both living and extinct

Then, x > y

By Neil Schipper (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

This letter is glorious. I really hope she can rally her whopping (and imaginary) 97% of the population for some good ol fashioned hate-yellin'.
I wish I didn't live in Oklahoma, where idiots like her abound and multiply with no restraints.


The obsessive KC reminds me of Kenny/PlanetKiller, especially in his certainty that the world was going to destroy itself, his martyr complex, and his (almost certainly closeted and self-loathing) homophobia/obsession with homosexuality. While the continued vulgarities and angry crudeness are highly unusual for K/PK, I have an hypothesis: When posting earlier, he was taking his medications (or the medications that he was taking were working, or even unnecessary). His neurochemistry has now changed sufficiently that his brain spiraled out of control.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

PZ, did Vox Day comment? I must have missed it. Guess I'll get around to looking for it after I watch paint dry. Or moss grow. Whichever comes last.

By Bubba Sixpack (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

"We only know bits a pieces from the roman times and their library was burnt to the ground and we lost a huge amount of information and knowledge. The same thing is going to happen again as history repeats itself."

Judging by all of the epic fails in the first sentence, it's already happened. In our educational system, anyway.

By Bubba Sixpack (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

I just wasted an hour and a half of primo procrastination time reading all these comments. Thanks to the person (Noni? Nomi? can't be bothered to find it) who pointed out the one detail of Ms. Cox's diatribe that bothered me most: the creative misuse of "comprise."
As for the lamentedly banninated KC(x):

Try to show off evolution because nothing else exists in life besides self.

LOL Wut?

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

KC, whyever would I want to suck your ugly little cock, when I have daily access to a larger, handsomer one? (See? I can do it too, and what does it "prove"?)

PZ, I take it you have a no-ban policy?

Bonnie lass @ #6 thinks PZ is an apostate. Teh fail, it nevah ends.
Rev @ #138 lmao
Ohh, and who wants to bet that poor Bonnie has confused Marxism with Stalinism?

older -

See comment #378.

The disturbing thing about people like Bonnie is that they are intentionally ignorant, and quite proud of it. That was certainly an image put forth by Sarah Palin to appeal to the GOP base.

Bonnie lass @ #6 thinks PZ is an apostate.

Well, technically speaking, he is.

But so am I.

And so are a lot of people.

Every "deconversion" story is, from the point of view of the adherents of the religion deconverted from, a confession of apostasy.

(But then, the same goes for conversion stories — if a Mormon becomes Catholic, frex, they are an apostatizing from Mormonism)

Theology, it's just full of lulz.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

The obsessive KC reminds me of Kenny/PlanetKiller

I don't think so: no NDE references. I think it's one particular troll who uses different nicks to drop a similar pantload on here every time Beale/Day is mentioned, and occasionally otherwise. I think he's probably been previously banned as "Ostiarius" and highly likely to be one of the cabal of slobbering sycophants who spend their time rimming Beale.

I think Bonnie (and KC) seem to be looking at this slightly askew. It's not as if PZ & others emailed the Cincinnati zoo and somehow forced them recant the ticket offer. What the crew here did was to point out to the zoo that they had made a move which seemed to go against their charter. With this in mind, the zoo made the decision *themselves* to recant the ticket offer.

It seems to me all those upset at the outcome should complain to the zoo, not PZ. After all, the zoo had the final say.

I hope you don't miss him too much, because KC has been banned.

I'm shocked.

I was starting to wonder whether he was attempting to hit every offense listed in the rules (I counted insipidity, morphing, slagging, possibly sockpuppetry, stupidity, tolling and wanking).

Also, maybe you should consider adding "failure to pass a Turing test"* to your list, which KCx seemed to be working on pretty diligently.

*ie repeatedly replying to comments with non-sequitur insults to such an extent as to not require any non-machine intervention.

By Brain Hertz (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

What we need is a time machine to transport all these fundies back to the dark ages where they belong. It is obvious that that they have been born in the wrong time. Let them go back to when their mythical beliefs were accepted as truisms because the people of the time were totally ignorant to science and all they had was the biblical myths.

By bluescat48 (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

"...You know it, and most of your radical scientists know it."

You get radical scientists? *I* want radical scientists, dang it!

@ KC #180

I'm wondering what your point is. If my ancestors 2000 years from now were to have zero evidence of the Holocaust (for whatever reason), and someone came along and suggested this event happened based on some stories passed down through Jewish tradition, I would *expect* my ancestors to be skeptical and to demand evidence. If the evidence is totally lost, oh well.

By the same token, if the divinity of Christ was a reality 2000 years ago, but I now lack evidence of this, no one can blame me for being skeptical. Unlike lost evidence of the Holocaust, God can supply me with the evidence now without a problem. I'll gladly consider it if/when it comes along.

Wow. What a nutbag. Such desperate intellectual dishonesty in pursuit of a retreating goal.

What's REALLY a failed theory here--and she knows it--is the world of gods and demons and sprites and goblins and faeries as an explanation for anything in the world.

So go ahead and rally your armies. Smoke out all that massed ignorance into the light of day so that the sun of an evidence-based view of the world can begin to dry up the mold of mysticism and fairy tales.

Hitler! Marx! Giraffe! Dishwasher! Lamp post!

Oh wait... I thought we were just listing things that have *nothing to do with each other*.

ok - sorry! I guess you are right and I was wrong.

'ok - sorry! I guess you are right and I was wrong.'

that's okay Bonny C we all make mistakes..now fuck off back to dumbville there is a good clone...your projects are piling up...

By strangest brew (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

The theory of evolution may be true - but it cannot be proven. You can only prove things in mathematics, not in biology. I cannot prove GOd's existence - but I can believe in it!!

It always makes me laugh when asshat creationist boobs use tools that are a result of scientific research (computers, internet, etc.) to spread their anti-scientific batshit crazy ideas and complain that science is wrong.

Wow. What a nutbag. Such desperate intellectual dishonesty in pursuit of a retreating goal.

What's REALLY a failed theory here--and she knows it--is the world of gods and demons and sprites and goblins and faeries as an explanation for anything in the world.

So go ahead and rally your armies. Smoke out all that massed ignorance into the light of day so that the sun of an evidence-based view of the world can begin to dry up the mold of mysticism and fairy tales.

Bonnie, there is scientific proof versus mathematical proof. And evolution has a huge pile of evidence backing it up. Probably over 100,000+ scientific papers. And no unrefuted papers for any other theory. And not even any other theory in the scientific literature. Science can only be refuted with science. Science cannot refute religion, and religion cannot refute science. But religion does look silly when its claims are not backed by science.

If you choose to believe in something without proof, do so, but nobody else has to follow you. Personally, until there is positive physical proof for god, god doesn't exist. Occam's razor. Besides, which of the 1000+ gods do you believe in? All the rest, your are an atheist on. We just believe in one less god than you.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

The theory of evolution may be true - but it cannot be proven.

The same goes for every scientific theory out there — including the theory of gravity and germ theory.

Oh, and the theories of electricity and communications that enable you to connect to the internet on a computer.

Science looks for evidence, and attempts to falsify theories. Non-falsification of theories provides further evidence.

I cannot prove GOd's existence - but I can believe in it!!

Do you have falsifiable hypotheses about God's existence?

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

i read bonnie's letter, then enjoyed the extensive number of posts in this thread.

truly amazing how hypocritical bonnie shows herself to be in her missive. sadly, i am certain she doesn't recognise herself as such. i would like to recommend to her the use of an online spellchecker. they come in handy for writing professional correspondence and disguising a lack of education.

KC# shall be missed. i would have liked to have fed him some road kill i came across earlier this morning whilst driving the backcountry.

thank you, PZ, for today's distraction from the vagaries of the world.

There's a Bonnie Cox who is a member of a United Methodist church in a Cincinnati suburb. I don't they are the same person though, because the Methodists just aren't that "oogedy- boogedy". (Borrowed from Kathleen Parker -- noted conservative columnist)

@Nerd of Redhead: Why are you so aggressive? I feel very relaxed (maybe you should pray to GOd).

"If you choose to believe in something without proof, do so,...": That is precisely what I am going to do. And I recommend you to relax a little (and pray)

You fucking idiotic godbot.

Evolution has MOUNTAINS of evidence - have you ever read a scientific article? There are thousands of scientific papers backing us up.

You have no proof for your imaginary friend, so your belief that you have an imaginary friend is ridiculous. You might as well believe in a teapot on the other side of the sun or an invisible pink unicorn.

Fuck off, you un-American, unscientific shitbag, and take the rest of your cult with you.

@Owlmirror: You ask "Do you have falsifiable hypotheses about God's existence?"

My answer: No, I dont.

In 1935, penicillin became widely available to the public. Immediately it was predicted that many of the bacteria it kills would no longer be affected by it. Who predicted this? Not the ministers, priests, and rabbis, not the Bible, not theological seminary professors. It was the evolutionary biologists. They confidently predicted it because the Theory of Evolution rendered it inevitable. Charles Darwin himself made a prediction (one of many similar ones) that a moth with an 11" proboscis would one day be discovered on a particular island in the Galapagos. 40 years later, one was discovered. How did Darwin know this? Because he had discovered a flower that could only have EVOLVED in conjunction with a moth that had a proboscis long enough to reach down to the stamens and pollinate it. Darwin's theory has been proven beyond any doubt time and again. No educated scientist in the world (unless you consider Michael Behe "educated") doubts evolution. Scientists have proven empirically the truth of the Theory of Evolution. I have yet to see, hear, smell, taste, or touch any thing such as a god. The writer of the email should read "Evolution 101," by Randy Moore and Janice Moore. Ir explains evolution so clearly, concisely, and forcefully that even this ignorant writer could understand it. But of course, she won't, because people like her cling tenaciously to the myths and fairy stories they learned on their parents' knees; and because they are so fearful of death that evidence that life eventually ends is too horrible for them to contemplate.

By Dale Headley (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Bonnie claims to be in the ad business and says she can write press releases, yet is about as literate as a moderately gifted fifth-grader. I mean, "ammedment"?

Speaking as a former gifted fifth grader, I resent that comparison.

@Katharine: "Evolution has MOUNTAINS of evidence"

Evidence is not the same like a proof you imbecile cretin

Bonnie, back to the concern mode. We've seen a lot of it lately.

How was I aggressive? Denying the existence of imaginary beings is aggressive? Point out the difference be scientific proof and mathematical proof aggressive? Or is your insult meter set too low?

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

...you are not the only one who runs a blog,and you are not the only one who can write.

True, but Dr. Myers can write intelligently, and well, on any number of topics. Ms. Cox is hard-pressed to write a sentence that
a) contains accurate information on the subject of evolution, and
b) employs standard punctuation, spelling, capitalization and syntax.

I think we should all pray together now:

Dear God, please take care of my daddy,
mommy, sister, brother, my doggy and me. Oh, please take care of
yourself, God. If anything happens to you, we're gonna be in a big mess.

Bonnie is clueless.

The theory of evolution may be true - but it cannot be proven. You can only prove things in mathematics, not in biology.

You can empirically prove it by gathering an overwhelming amount of evidence that supports it and which could potentially falsify it.

Looking at our genome and seeing how close we are to chimps - falsifiable evidence that supports evolution. Fused chimpanzee chromosome - falsifiable evidence. The fossil record of intermediate forms between our ancestors and us - falsifiable evidence that supports evolution. Observed mutation, adaptation through natural selection, and speciation - falsifiable evidence that supports evolution.

It's a false dichotomy to say it's either able to be mathematically proved or it's a belief like the belief in God. Especially because a mathematical proof can be wrong if it doesn't support the evidence. The empirical evidence is the most important thing in science, and the empirical evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Bonnie, Your imaginary god doesn't exist, so he won't answer. Prayer is mental masturbation. It should be done in private.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

"Evidence is not the same like a proof you imbecile cretin"

I'm sorry. I know that you are hopelessly outnumbered here, and that some commenters are less than gracious in their approach.

But, are you serious?

By Timothy Wood (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Posted by: KC | December 7, 2008 4:10 AM

"Bonnie, yes Darwin is dead. But unlike your Jewish Zombie God, there is evidence he actually existed."

Yeah and 2000 years from now, there will be no evidence to prove the Holocaust really happened either.

So, what exactly is your point?

Barring an apocalyptic event, that destroys the human race there almost certainly will be. Just as there is evidence of ancient Egypt 1000's of years older than your Jesus myth.

Which is one of the kickers. There is lots of evidence for a lot semi-mythical people and/or events. But, except for the circular reasoning of "the bible proves it" there is no for Jesus Zombie.

Dear God, please take care of my daddy,
mommy, sister, brother, my doggy and me. Oh, please take care of
yourself, God. If anything happens to you, we're gonna be in a big mess.

Awww, haven't you heard the the madman?

Gott ist todt! Gott bleibt todt! Und wir haben ihn getödtet!
(God is dead! God remains dead! And we have killed him! )

"Was sind denn diese Kirchen noch, wenn sie nicht die Grüfte und Grabmäler Gottes sind?"
("What are these churches now, if they are not the tombs and monuments of God?" )

← prev | next →
Our lager
Which art in barrels
Hallowed be thy drink
Thy will be drunk, (I will be drunk)
At home as it is in the tavern
Give us this day our foamy head
And forgive us our spillage
As we forgive those who spill against us
And lead us not into incarceration
But deliver us from hangovers
For thine is the beer, the bitter, and the lager

Gott ist tot! Gott bleibt tot! Und wir haben ihn getötet! Wie trösten wir uns, die Mörder aller Mörder?

You have NO evidence, you anencephalic, credulous fuck. Evidence is REQUIRED for proof, and we in fact have proof.

You haven't even demonstrated that you can think logically - you're exhorting your illogic-ridden claims of your supposed scientificness but you FAIL, you utterly FAIL.

Go back to your little cult and stay there and keep your crackers to yourself.

You can't even deliver an argument, you've just been making brainless mocking. Shove your fucking bible where the sun doesn't shine.

You fuckheads are going to drive the world into the dark ages - in the meantime, stop using our medicine, because you apparently are so benighted as to deny how we arrived at it.

DIAF, you uneducated, moronic pile of shit.

dear jebus - a sacriligious agnostics prayer

dear jebus

please give me the strength to get through this day without fucking off someone on the way to or from work

please give me the strength to answer my phone "good day" instead of "what the fuck do you want"

please offer me the ability to maintain a conscious cool when i'm hungry and haven't been able to go to lunch yet

please give me the strength not to strangle the person walking 2 mph in front of me when i'm trying to get food

please provide me with the power to restrain myself from reaching over the counter and jabbing a soda cup down the throat of the overweight fast food server who's waddling around and not giving me my grilled chicken burger

please give me the strength to deal with ignorance on a daily basis

but most of all jebus... PLEASE give me the strength to get through one more boring pain in the ass motherfucking goddamned piece of shit ass pussy smelling day without taking my own life

Sherry #453: I don't they are the same person though, because the Methodists just aren't that "oogedy- boogedy".

I grew up in the UMC; you can be almost anywhere on the theological spectrum and still fit in with the Methodists. Most of the members of the church I grew up in are just on this side of closet agnostics, but many members of congregations in less liberal areas are indistinguishable from Baptists or what-have-you. Methodism is kind of like tofu, it takes on the flavors of whatever's next to it.

By chancelikely (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Posted by: KC | December 7, 2008 4:39 AM

"Yeah, you're totally right there, KC. There won't be ANY evidence at all. Not one bit. Not even a picture. You're just too clever. You've thought of everything! Your argument is rock solid! Your intellect humbles us all!"

When you can't respond with an intelligent comment, then try to belittle a person.

Let me give you some social advice. Don't try this same technique in person.

You thin-skinned twit, you were mocked because your argument is stupid. We know lots of things about large historic events from four and five thousand years ago.

And, with the dissemination of knowledge through the world, it would take an extinction-event to erase the Holocaust from history.

Has KC come back as Bonnie?

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

It is times like this I wish we had some lions. Metaphorical ones, but lions all the same.

I was under the impression that is what's in PZ dungeon.

Dear FSM,

Protect me from the Christians and don't let them make me any angrier than they've already made me with their stupidity.

I have a fairly good day until they start spewing bullshit.



Oh my fucking god - it is soo great fun to pretend to be Bonnie. You guys dont realize _anything_ MUHUHAHAHAHA

@Katharine: "Evolution has MOUNTAINS of evidence"

Evidence is not the same like a proof you imbecile cretin

Would you advocate releasing everyone who's ever been convicted of a crime? Because those convictions were made on the basis of "evidence," not "proof."

The theory of evolution may be true - but it cannot be proven. You can only prove things in mathematics, not in biology. I cannot prove GOd's existence - but I can believe in it!!

Sure you can, sure you can. *shrug* Please do.

But while you're at it, please realize that your belief in the GOd whose existence you cannot prove is in no way comparable to my "belief" that evolution is the explanation for life's demonstrable diversity and unity.

You choose to believe in a GOd (unusual spelling, by the way, but I'm following your lead as a token of my respect for your beliefs) for which you can produce no meaningful evidence at all. You believe because of "faith," plus (if you're among the extremely lucky few that claim to have attracted GOd's direct interest) "personal revelation."

My "belief" in biological evolution is quite different. It is based on learning as much as I can about biological systems--both by book learnin' and by actually performing scientific studies to answer my own questions--and about current ideas about how evolution works/could work/might work, and then thinking hard about whether there is any mismatch between what I know--these are empirical observations supplemented by sophisticated statistical analyses--and what would be predicted from my current knowledge of evolutionary processes.

There is never, ever, the slightest mismatch. Oh, occasionally I'll read something and my BS-meter tingles and I'll mutter "wtf? how could that have evolved?" but it always turns out either that the original information was wrong, garbled, or misinterpreted OR that I learn something new about evolution.

Can you spot the difference? Your belief is a priori and dogmatically unwavering; anything that contradicts your belief or threatens the Truth of your belief or might even just slightly undermine your belief is deemed wrong (or, in a real weasel-move, "possibly true but not provable!!!) without further thought. My "belief" is tested every...single...day and so far so good.

That's one major difference. Another, of course, is that I know what I'm talking about.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

...somehow I don't think that's the real bonnie.

By Timothy Wood (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

"bonnie" is clearly KC, and accurately capturing the fundies' stupidity comes naturally to him. Time for more bannage.

I feed very bored and would like to do something blasphemic. Any ideas?

Bonnie, Bonnie Bonnie...It's Connie here, your writing coach. Your letter is good, lots of passion, but way way way too long and repetitive. Look, I've taken your text and edited it down for coherence--I haven't changed any words or altered the order, I've just cut out all the dross. What do you think? Much better, isn't it sweetie? You really shouldn't write when your dander is up. Love from your sister in Christ--Connie xoxox

I am your personal vendetta Mr. Hamm. I don't know what your ultimate agenda is but your ignorance is apparent. How someone so intolerant and closed minded could possibly be considered educated is beyond my comprehension. What scares me is that people like you indoctrinate with propaganda. You are quite free to believe what you want to believe, but unless Hitler was your mentor, you should know that Christian Colleges can't prove creation. No one can. So why rehash the same dead, unproven, intolerance? That is bigotry. That is ignorance. I don't think the Cincinatti Zoo will be thanking you.
I know how to blitz Christians. I am suddenly motivated to hit every parent in this country to let them know exactly what dangers their kids face, risking having you indoctrinate all those Christian families. I'll make sure you get plenty of credit for your failed hypothesis. It cannot even be scientifically tested. You know your god is dead. I just wanted to let you know how to bully others.
I hope this does offend you God. You are the one who needs it.


Bonnie Cox

By Connie Box (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Ah, I see. What a waste of time.

p.s. "blasphemic"? Maybe this person does comprise from the original Bonnie...

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Do we call Poe? The "sacriligious (sic) agnostics (sic) prayer" is way too much. The beer prayer and the dog prayer were on the funny side, but the last was just too lame even for a theistard. So far there haven't been homoerotic imagery, so I doubt it is KC come back, but I also doubt this individual is the same as the one who wrote the email (I think the attempt to sound like a fifth grader - apologies to most 5th graders - is a bit much as well).

Of course, I could be wrong - the evidence can go either way in this case.

two girls one cup

By Connie Box (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

we are a bunch of drunk teenagers in Denmark (11pm local time) making fun out of you americans. Thank you and good night!

@Owlmirror: You ask "Do you have falsifiable hypotheses about God's existence?"

My answer: No, I dont.

Then perhaps you can understand why I am an atheist; why so many of us here are atheists:

Does a God who provides no evidence of his existence make any sense at all?

I used to wonder if perhaps there was something vast and incomprehensible and utterly silent out there. I still do so wonder sometimes.

But the God of the bible is not so completely ineffable. The God of the bible wants certain things to happen or not happen. The God of the bible is claimed to have created humans in his own image; a God who understood the frailties of human knowledge would not remain silent in the face of our utter ignorance of what God actually wants.

The God of the bible is claimed to have done certain things a few thousand years ago. We now have genuine testable, falsifiable methods to date when things happened, with an understandable degree of uncertainty that becomes greater the further back in time we look.

We now know what to look for, and we know that what we find when looking at the earth and the universe around us does not match what is in the bible.

Creationists do not doubt carbon dating when it is used to date a fishing boat dug up on the shore of the Galilee to around the time of Jesus, or similar dating methods of other artifacts from the Middle Eastern areas the bible stories come from when the archeology confirms places and people mentioned in the bible.

Yet similar radio-element dating of geological strata is rejected by creationists, despite the fact that it works on the exact same quantum mechanical principles as the carbon-dating they accept when it's something they like.

And we have other, multiple methods to date things in the universe. They work. They are based on falsifiable physical principles that are known, and work for other areas of science and technology that those same creationists use every single day.

Everything we can tell about the bible and the universe, from archeology and the more physical sciences, is that the bible is a book of stories, made up by human beings who did not know how to find evidence of how the universe formed, and how the earth itself formed and changed over the time of its existence.

And the Creation Museum says that all these dating methods and scientific findings are wrong, and that the bible is literally true. This is deeply hypocritical. This is anti-science and pseudo-science being given precedence over real science.

And that is why people complained to the Cincinnati Zoo about associating with the Creation Museum. As Sastra points out elsewhere, the Creation Museum has the right to claim and promote what it does, but it is deeply inappropriate for the Zoo to co-operate with the Creation Museum.

No-one forced the zoo to drop the offer. The zoo officials made the decision on their own once the complaints were made.

One final thought: Despite the Museum having the right to say what it does, "freedom of speech" is the weakest of arguments to rely on.

Science has stronger standards than just free speech.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

For the record--the edited letter from Connie Box was mine...I arrived late to the party and didn't want to miss all the fun. I don't know who the other Connie is, or the other person stealing my Connie Box persona. This blog needs assigned avatars to prove ownership of all humorous and off-color posts. The real 'Connie Box' will not post again. Trust no one...

By HappyKiwi (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Hell hath no fury like the vast robot army of a woman scorned.

Then perhaps you can understand why I am an atheist; why so many of us here are atheists:

Does a God who provides no evidence of his existence make any sense at all?

I used to wonder if perhaps there was something vast and incomprehensible and utterly silent out there. I still do so wonder sometimes.

But the God of the bible is not so completely ineffable. The God of the bible wants certain things to happen or not happen. The God of the bible is claimed to have created humans in his own image; a God who understood the frailties of human knowledge would not remain silent in the face of our utter ignorance of what God actually wants.

The God of the bible is claimed to have done certain things a few thousand years ago. We now have genuine testable, falsifiable methods to date when things happened, with an understandable degree of uncertainty that becomes greater the further back in time we look.

We now know what to look for, and we know that what we find when looking at the earth and the universe around us does not match what is in the bible.

Creationists do not doubt carbon dating when it is used to date a fishing boat dug up on the shore of the Galilee to around the time of Jesus, or similar dating methods of other artifacts from the Middle Eastern areas the bible stories come from when the archeology confirms places and people mentioned in the bible.

Yet similar radio-element dating of geological strata is rejected by creationists, despite the fact that it works on the exact same quantum mechanical principles as the carbon-dating they accept when it's something they like.

And we have other, multiple methods to date things in the universe. They work. They are based on falsifiable physical principles that are known, and work for other areas of science and technology that those same creationists use every single day.

Everything we can tell about the bible and the universe, from archeology and the more physical sciences, is that the bible is a book of stories, made up by human beings who did not know how to find evidence of how the universe formed, and how the earth itself formed and changed over the time of its existence.

And the Creation Museum says that all these dating methods and scientific findings are wrong, and that the bible is literally true. This is deeply hypocritical. This is anti-science and pseudo-science being given precedence over real science.

And that is why people complained to the Cincinnati Zoo about associating with the Creation Museum. As Sastra points out elsewhere, the Creation Museum has the right to claim and promote what it does, but it is deeply inappropriate for the Zoo to co-operate with the Creation Museum.

No-one forced the zoo to drop the offer. The zoo officials made the decision on their own once the complaints were made.

One final thought: Despite the Museum having the right to say what it does, "freedom of speech" is the weakest of arguments to rely on.

Science has stronger standards than just free speech.

Posted by: HappyKiwi | December 7, 2008 5:15 PM

For the record--the edited letter from Connie Box was mine...I arrived late to the party and didn't want to miss all the fun. I don't know who the other Connie is, or the other person stealing my Connie Box persona. This blog needs assigned avatars to prove ownership of all humorous and off-color posts. The real 'Connie Box' will not post again. Trust no one...

Another beautiful hypothesis slain by some ugly facts. Oh, well.

Didn't we argue, a while back, about having md5sums/sha1sums of e-mail addresses (or something similar) appended to posts?

Maybe I should be signing with a public key...

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

-"Evolution is a failed hypothesis. It cannot even be scientifically tested."

Whoever told you this was lying to you, and you are either wittingly, or unwittingly spreading the lie.

Remember what your 'Good Book' says about liars.

"Beware then of useless murmuring, and keep your tongue from slander; because...a lying mouth destroys the soul."
"Truthful lips endure for ever, but...Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD"

Speaking of liars: Why weren't Bill Buckingham and Alan Bonsell, who lied in their sworn statements, and to the judge during the Dover trial, brought up on perjury charges?

By DingoDave (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Trust no one...

Alice? Is that you? I mean, really you?

Alice? Is that you? I mean, really you?

Why, yes, Bob, of course it is me, Alice.

How could you doubt me?

The encouraging thing about the Cincinnati zoo pulling its inappropriate partnership with the Creationism Museum was that two people wrote really nice letters supporting the zoo sticking to science. And then someone wrote a letter saying they were disappointed. Virtually all the following comments were pro-science, along the lines of "The zoo is a place where science prevails not religion."