We have not yet begun to fight!

Today is the last day in the month of June, and so the last day that you can click on these awesome blogs, and have the proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders. So click once, or twice, or many many times!

The Intersection
On Becoming A Domestic And Laboratory Goddess
The Questionable Authority
Adventures in Ethics and Science
Blog Of The Moderate Left
Seattle Grassroots Examiner
the rugbyologist

And of course, a huge thank you to the many, many blogs who helped spread this around. Sci hopes that this is just the beginning, that we will be able to keep awareness going. It's not just about the money that's been raised, it's about knowing what's going on. Being aware can make a difference.

Sci herself is rather stunned at all the things she has learned. She has learned what massive problem rape is, not just in Liberia, but even in the US. To people you know. Sci has seen incredibly moving prose from people with some pretty awful experiences. She is proud to call these strong, resilient people friends. And she has seen guys step up to the plate like she never expected, defending their wives, sisters, mothers, and daughters, and telling men how to be better, and how to teach other men to be better to both men and women.

So if Silence is the Enemy hasn't changed you, I hope it has taught you something, shown you new perspectives, and made you think. As for Sci and Neurotopia, my co-bloggers are good to me and are letting all proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders. I hope we'll keep doing it. We can all help in more ways than one.

This isn't the end of Silence is the Enemy. It is only the beginning.

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I just want to comment that it is not only women that this happens to. The difference is that for men it is usually kids that are abused, something which makes it even harder to break the silent barrier around what happened.

By Who Cares (not verified) on 30 Jun 2009 #permalink